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Née whiterider
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1 Old 1st Mar 2025 at 4:00 AM
Congratulations to the following creators, who uploaded thier very first uploads to MTS last month!

AvatarCreatorFirst UploadGame
SimtasticgalleryThe Sims 1 & 2 Uberhood Save File for The Sims 4 by Simtasticgallery - (ENG/ESP) (Neighborhoods & CAS Screens)
TotallyNotKatjaGay Men's Pride Flag (Decorative)
SadaDokiAkadia River - Custom Neighborhood Map - Empty (Neighborhoods & CAS Screens)
NullsukeElectric Chair (Object Mods)
bryonym90Business Tycoon Career (Careers)
groovyspiritCarpeted Stairs (Stairs)
Sim_Glitch101Fire Be Gone (Overrides)
iofnrruGrim's Hood for Normal Sims (Both Genders)
RevertiveDeathNo Forced Carpool (Script & Core Mods)
YurcoSolarPunk 2br 2bath Modern House (Residential)
mistersteakSpongeBob Wiggle Tattoo (Tattoos)
DouglasDavilaQuality Assurance (QA) Career (Careers)
MahTeddyMarsha P. Johnson (Decorative)
leyxcxSims 4 Long Lifespan in Sims 2 (Global Mods)
riperiperiRod Humble Trips on the Sidewalk and Dies (Global Mods)
frozzenmangoCastor Body Hair Updated (+ More Swatches) (Swimwear)
havenrose7Shizam Villa (Residential)
sonqgmiMOTEL S1M - A 6 Unit Apartment! (Apartments)
aliliumCopperIIsulfate's Starlet Eyes in Heterochromia (Swimwear)
merxdoThe Sims 4 Mod Translator TR (Programs and Utilities)
NocturnalPerplexityModern Muse Library (Community)
CrystalMysticalCreate-a-Sim Dark Gradient Background (Overrides)
MohnbrötchenEuropean row houses - Collection of 20 community lots (Community)
MotieSims 4 Fresh Icons! (Miscellaneous)

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