Still not active
Date Posted: 12th Oct 2012 at 3:17 PM
Well, I'm still in not active mode (yay everybody). Just this is my new "journal"
My silent soul is lost, my heart has been broken and the buddha in me is learning new lessons. You can accept the futility analysis of your life when you think of the perfection and beauty of the Universe. A big Wow to Hubble!
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Not active
Date Posted: 5th Feb 2011 at 8:27 AM
Too many things in RL! Well, sims can wait ... so I can say I'm not active anymore.
My few projects are going on very slowly and only my friends at The Sorceress and Co. can deal with my lazyness.
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Be back in a couple of months
Date Posted: 22nd Apr 2010 at 10:09 PM
Well, it's time to admit with myself that I've no time for simming, at least until the end of June. RL is eating me alive, I wish I could only sleep until then and wake up with everything magically done.
The only thing I can do is checking sim sites and writing down ideas for the future free time.
Work in office and other things I can't delay anymore are my priority now, however I'll be back.
Kiss and ciao from Black Lava Planet.
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2nd Anniversary at The Sorceress & Co.
Date Posted: 30th Oct 2009 at 3:11 PM
Well, time always run when you enjoy the crew and I'm a bit surprized we have already reached the second year together.
A very nice place where to be and lovely people to share sims passion.
I'd like you will visit the site and find the tons of things we prepared for this celebration, surely you'll find something good for your game, have a look here
Once more, thank you Sorcie, Bonnie and Rike. :lovestruc
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Autumn, old lamamma, new site
Date Posted: 13th Oct 2009 at 3:50 PM
Well, autumn is finally here with its gorgeous colors, food for my soul.
I had very hard time in the last months because of the closing of ESB, sudden and unexpected, very sad thing. I had to remove all my things from there before the final shut down and say goodbye to some good guys, it couldn't have been more devastating. Sometime shit happens, isn't what someone always say?
Anyway, there's nothing in this universe that can beat me, everytime at the end I always find myself stronger and I can look myself in the mirror without looking down in shame, even when I'm not the winner.
There's no doubt I had to reconsider some things I believed, I felt everything was wrong, so I destroyed the old lamamma, and now: new avatar, new era.
Found the time for building a site
it's still in working but I'm pretty satisfied of the result until now, I'll work on it again during the week end.
Found also the time for reading some good books, loved particularly "Beat the reaper" by Josh Bazell.
Peace & Love
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Date Posted: 15th Jun 2009 at 10:25 AM
Ok finally my Lighthouses are ready for the sims universe ![Smilie](//
The Stormy Bay Lighthouse residential is here at MTS, slideshow available here
The community Stormy Bay Lighthouse, really lovely and old fashioned venue, is available here at Sorceress&Co
I'm now going to finish the Purple Outpost and Tish Sci-Fi Dorm, some shots are available here. I still have 3 more TS2 lots to finish and test, it's taking more time then usual because I also play TS3 in the free time (and lurking / reading a lot).
PS: Valentino Rossi is god!
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March 21st, springtime!
Date Posted: 21st Mar 2009 at 8:44 AM
OK, finally Spring is here!
I'm working on two lighthouses and while building I had the idea for some painting recolors.
Find them here at Simart and here at the Sorceress&Co., where you can also check the stuff by Rike, Sorceress and Bluetexasbonnie
By the way at the Sorceress&Co. we also celebrated 100,000 visits, check the gifts here.
Too many ideas to work on .... well, I'll finish my projects sooner or later, the only thing is worring me is that ideas are faster then my ability to realize them
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S. Valentine Day
Date Posted: 13th Feb 2009 at 3:08 PM
Ok, time for kisses, romance and passion ![:p](// Well, have to remind that to my boy friend
Find some painting recolors themed on Tango, a dance for moments rich of passion here at SIMART and a S. Valentine update here at The Sorceress & Co.
I'm late with all my projects ![Sad](// and this makes me feel nervous, but I'm working on them so .... sooner or later something will be ready. The fact is that I've started reading Relic by Preston & Child one more time, and since I read it tons of years ago, it's like reading a new book and I'm now in that phase when I take the book with me everywhere, and I mean "everywhere". ![:P](// If I were able to work well with bodyshop I'd like to create my version of Pendergast.
Well, wish you a nice (and romantic) week end folks, I'm going to watch the soccer match Inter - Milan and we're already thrilled and anxious while waiting sunday evening ... Forza Inter forever!
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Unexpected absence
Date Posted: 21st Jan 2009 at 6:12 PM
Hey, I'm sorry for my absence and silence, this week is like hell here, I'm attending courses and meetings and I'm one of the trainers so I can't sleep during the lectures, as I'd wish.
Can't even touch my computer, too late when I'm finally at home and now I'm writing while waiting that groups finish their excercises (simulation of a clinical project going bad in order to test their reactions, really amuzing!) ... I'll be back on friday!
Jason, you're such a sweet friend! Surely I also imagined that in this super modern era it'd be easier to get a duplicate while internet seems doesn't help when it's a matter of identity documents. If someone will ever propose me a micro-chip implantion under my skin I'll accept immediately, can't wait when we can be identified through eye scanning like Philip K. Dick imagined ages ago ....
Tish, my cyber-goth friend! ![Smilie](// I love Parsimonius, I wonder why I don't use more often their sci-fi objects since I like them all ... I guess that I'm simply totally addicted to Olemantiker's space center set (thanks Oliver, thanks forever).
Lee, my captain and master, I know you'd beat those thieves for me, I felt so stupid for not being able to react properly in those two seconds, my hands still burn and wish to give them a good lesson ...
and thank you for the link ... food for my ego
Thanks for your comments about Black Colony and karma, Black Colony rocks, doesn't it? I love it more and more, each time I enter the lot.
About karma, I have to admit that I don't like thinking that I should expect some drawback for each wrong action / word, which is too obvious and too simple as explanation; on the other hand karma doesn't follow easy rules ... I guess that it's trying to give me a message rather then punish me for being bad ... and this message is still crypted to me.
Just hope to learn the lesson soon or I'll be knocked out before understanding what karma wants from me hehehe ![ROFL](// the good thing is that I'm a good fighter, never give up, never, even when the lesson is hard.
Thanks again friends for being so sweet and cool. :lovestruc :lovestruc
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Snow, thieves and projects.
Date Posted: 17th Jan 2009 at 11:04 AM
We had a lot of snow in north of Italy, I stayed blocked at home for days last week. Not sure if I like snow. I like the cold weather but not the snow, it should be a prerogative of mountain locations only; is there someone who is working on this? nobody up there is studying a mod or hack for solving this problem?
After all, it'd be a good idea stay at home anyway since as soon as I was able to move the car and went out, thieves robbed my purse in 2 seconds.
Then I stayed at queues for days in different offices to get new documents.
Police men were kind and helpful, but they couldn't save me to do queues.
After a couple of days, a gentle women phoned me telling she found my purse along a road, in the snow, in a trash bag in Milan.
Obvioulsy no trace of money, credit card (which I blocked) or cell phone, but
I found the driving licence; however it's so ruined that i guess I have to ask for a new one anyway.
That's how 2009 started here on the Black Lava Planet ![Rolleyes](//
I wonder if this bad karma is due to something I did or said ...
Black Colony is finally up at ESB and I'll upload here tomorrow.
I also made some painting recolors for Sorceress&Co
As soon as I can I'll upload the third house of Sapphire Trio at SapphireSims2, also working on a new sci-fi project together with a dear friend, a set of modern painting recolors and on a witchy house (this is in the final steps).
There are other projects already started I'm not mentioning but they eventually will come up even before those I suppose to finish in the next weeks. Who knows, sometime it happens that an old project suddenly get my attention and become a priority.
I'm still enjoying CCs a lot, and I'm also discovering old CCs I downloaded ages ago and then didn't use only because I didn't have the right house. However, I'm also cleaning my download folders, I want there only the CCs that creators allow to include in lots and share; I can't manage any of the CCs which need a link for the mesh, too complicated for my way of playing, building, sharing.
So this will be the rule for me, only CCs I can include in my lots, with all the credits they deserve obvioulsy.
Have fun folks, life is too short for making war (even if I'd like to meet those damned thieves for a little, just a little fighting hehe)
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