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lanawinst 22nd Feb 2010 7:13 PM

World development work thread
This thread is going to be used to talk about the map creation.

1.? via ruberio (Run down home 1 ) - empty – $40,472/$28,672
2.? via ruberio (Run down home 2 ) - Mendez? Ricci? - $
3.? via ruberio (Run down home 3 ) - Mendez? Ricci? - $44,303/$28,678
4.The Lost Plaza? - small park
5.residential – middle income
6.residential – middle income
7.residential – high income
8.residential – high income
9.residential – ? income
10.residential (shop) - ? income
11.? - Science building
12.? - Bookstore
13.? - Elementary school
14.? - Church
15.? via campo fiore (boulevard loft2) - $21,789/$29,626
16.? via campo fiore (Talulah & Anita's Studio) - $28,754/$40,871
17.residential – ? income
18.Buon Inizio – empty starter - $16,456/$10,208
19.residential – ? income
20.residential – ? income
21.? (Boulevard loft n.3) – Mancini? - $28,027/$40,903
22.residential – ? income
23.residential – ? income
24.? - Windmill
25.Main plaza – grocery
26.? - Hospital
27.Galleria Bellissima – museum
28.residential – ? income
29.Castillo house – ?$
30.residential – ? income
31.residential – ? income
32.? - Police station
33.? - City Hall
34.? - Residential (tatoo parlour) - ?
36. residential – ? income
37.15 Via Guilia – Miramar - $19,843/$30,912
38.Porto Corrado library
39.17 Via Guilia – Revello - $46,281/$65,318
42.19 Via Guilia – Vargas -
43.? – movie theater
44.? (Gypsy camp) - ? income

1.residential – ? income
2.? – gym
3.? - stadium
4.? - Lilith death spot
5.? - Criminal hideout
6.? - park/pool
7.? (Antonio Ortega's Fishing Shack ) – $10,962/$20,825 OR Vita Semplice – empty starter - $13,344/$16,485
8.residential – low income
9.residential – low income
10.residential – ? income
11.residential - ? income
12.residential - ? income
13.? - Bell tower
14.residential - ? income
15. ? (Port Rose No.3) – $41,386/$67,191
16. ? (Port Rose No.2) – $54,356/$38,664
17. ? (Port Rose No.1) – ? income
18.? - SPA

We still need:
City Seaside:
- Business center: 25x20
Beach Outskirts:
- Creek with the swordfish: 40x30
-Residential x1: 10x20 (20 facing 10 siding)
- beach front
Mountain Outskirts:
- Nectary : 20x20
- Pizzeria : 30x30
-Military Base
-Oldcastle (castelvecchio)

And enough room for Ambition expansion.

lanawinst 24th Feb 2010 1:18 AM

Here is a picture who might inspire the CAW artists:

The town is going to be smaller and surrounded by mountains but I really like the port area of this picture.

Since you asked about the roads, Beaver, something close to that would be great:

Beaversyeah 24th Feb 2010 2:42 AM

Oh, that would look nice! Maybe that for the normal roads, and there can be dirt roads leading to that witch hut and maybe into some forests!

lanawinst 24th Feb 2010 2:56 AM

That would be perfect! Just one thing, the picture is just a guidance, we can't reproduce it since it's lemoncandy's work.

Beaversyeah 24th Feb 2010 2:56 AM

Im pretty sure CAW has a similar texture available. If not, we could always ask permission.
I also have a house Ive been working on, Ill upload some screenshots on the building thread.

Beaversyeah 24th Feb 2010 3:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Got roads! WOOO!

CharmingFirewaller 24th Feb 2010 3:56 AM

Woo! I'm glad you started working on the World. I can't wait to see the rest of it. I like the idea of using dirty roads for the forest, leading up to the witch hut.

lanawinst 24th Feb 2010 4:29 AM

Great work beav! (I hope you don't mind me calling you that)

Can I see a more close-up picture of the roads? Have you actually started to build our world or is it roads on a generic world?

Beaversyeah 24th Feb 2010 4:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Roads on a generic world, but when I morph the terrain I will take your pictures into account! But now I am goin to bed. Kinda Beat.

lanawinst 24th Feb 2010 1:31 PM

Thanks for the close-up! We're gonna need to rework these roads to erase those ugly lines but that's a good start

I thought a lot about it and I do think that the most important thing to do right now would be to draw a plan of our town, not on CAW, just a plan with the disposition of the lots etc to give us a precise idea of the overall look of the town and what goes where and the sizes of the lots. I'll help you know what should be where and with the sizes of course. Could you try your hand at this? I know I gave you changes to make for your building but this is kind of a priority since it's going to helps us all.

Beaversyeah 24th Feb 2010 3:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Im not sure how to erase the lines, if i do, the rocks appear all distorted.

EDIT: I figured it out! No more fugly yellow lines! :P

CharmingFirewaller 24th Feb 2010 4:32 PM

I remember seeing dirt and cobblestone road replacements made by Regina from MATY. Perhaps we could use those? Or maybe ask her how she got rid of the white lines.

lanawinst 24th Feb 2010 5:08 PM

That's awesome! Can I see the result now?

PS: Have you tried working on the plan? Do you need help?

Edit: Sorry I haven't seen you posted the result. Can you erase the white lines too?

CharmingFirewaller 24th Feb 2010 5:11 PM

Yay, no more yellow lines!

Beaversyeah 24th Feb 2010 6:05 PM

Yeah, Sure. Ive got the world terrain up! Still a work in progress, though. im gonna finish the roads.

lanawinst 24th Feb 2010 6:25 PM

Wonderful! Can't wait to see that

Beaversyeah 25th Feb 2010 2:11 AM

Uggh, I cant seem to get the worlds roads the way I want. This may take a while.

lanawinst 25th Feb 2010 4:25 AM

Sorry about that I wish I could help.

lanawinst 25th Feb 2010 9:04 PM

Two new pictures that could help doing the world landscaping:

Beaversyeah 25th Feb 2010 11:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Alright! Beta's Up! It needs decorating and lots, but I think this is a good start.
On a personal note, I think its too small.

lanawinst 25th Feb 2010 11:30 PM

Yeah! Nice work

It may be too small yes, since we want lots of mountains. Could you also make it look more like the first pic I just posted? With highest hills and and a more close crescent form, rocky on the edges look.

litt0_lia 25th Feb 2010 11:35 PM

I have to agree with beaver, maybe a more roads. But overall it looks great (=
In another thread we were talking about an area for a plaza. Maybe something of a cliff would be cool, a community lot could go up there. Maybe make the island, overall, bigger. So then that little isle thing we could actually use for lots. Then it would be connected with a bridge? Anyways, thats my two cents.

CharmingFirewaller 25th Feb 2010 11:37 PM

Wow, that looks great, Beaver.

Beaversyeah 25th Feb 2010 11:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Alright, Ive got a bigger world, Large map w/ max hight 300. It should house all of the buildings we need. Plus it has a volcano! F-U-N!
Now our sims can experience warmer climate!

lanawinst 26th Feb 2010 12:09 AM

Awesome! Can we have a waterfall too? Oh, and what about having even more different heights, the sea level, the hill level and then the mountains? And a cliff at one of the side?

Beaversyeah 26th Feb 2010 12:28 AM

Yeah! All possible, and very good ideas! Ill be sure to implement them the best I can!

sleepyrose 26th Feb 2010 12:32 AM

Beavers, that looks great!

lanawinst 26th Feb 2010 12:41 AM

Nice! I can't wait to see that

Edit: I've added a to-do list on the 1st thread. Tell me if something was forgotten and be sure to check it out!

Deluxe Designs 27th Feb 2010 10:02 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Beaversyeah please read
Ok i have created a map for our town, i combined ideas from some inspiration from France which lana suggested and then tried to keep with a small Italian town sort of theme

pink - community lot (x16)
yellow - residential lot (x24)
blue - water
black line - road
orange line - cobbled path
orange block - cobbled open market
brown - bridge
dark green - trees

EDIT: Map with lot sizes added; all lot sizes are done in the same format, they are 'horizontal x vertical' or 'width x height'

Deluxe Designs 27th Feb 2010 10:09 AM

Beaversyeah please read
Also if you noticed, it should fit in with the new map that beaver made, i labeled the area where the sea is, this is where the sea is on beaver's map so the town fits into the flat area that is available I would also like to quickly point out, that we can add more little cobbled roads leading out of the town (like the one to the right) and have a some small parks or the ruins or something similar at the end of them, maybe even one or two concealed homes In terms of doing those central plaza structures, the ones that revolve around the orange squares, it would be sensible if one person did a whole plaza, and someone else did the other whole plaza, that way the style in the centre of the town won't be muddled up If you notice in france, all the houses are VERY similar in style which makes it looks really nice, so we need to make sure we use similar bricks, colours, etc.

EDIT: Beaversyeah, i'll probably need to provide you with all the sizes on each of those lots so that you can actually build it, it won't be worth all the effort of making it to realise that the lot are far too small or far too big, i have done that a lot of times XD

EDIT EDIT: Ok lot sizes are added to make it easier, you will notice that sometimes the lot sizes are not proportionate to the map, so build the lots out before you put the roads in, so the roads fit to the lots, that way it should look like the map However please be careful to leave space for both main roads and cobbled paths, you may need to measure their width out beforehand to know how much to leave

lanawinst 27th Feb 2010 6:26 PM

Thanks a lot for the map! It must have take a while to do and helps a lot I would only see some little modifications to make it fit:
- The library and the city hall are made to have their x20 facing a plaza and their x25 on the side of another building or road to look good, so we could, change the 2 25x25 and make them into 20x25.
- We could add a little kind of park circling the center area kind of the one in riverview (first pink square). This way, the residential and communities would give directly to a park, no need for roads in the center, you know what I mean? Like a huge pedestrian center area.
- I would see more of a mix of little residential and communities and some huge lots (more than x25) would be best cut in a lot of tiny high long lots. The example we have as for now of town center lots is [25x12] and it's to my opinion the right kind of size. It would look better with a lot of tiny houses stuck one on each other like row houses. That's the main difference between France as built on the sims and the kind of intricate town we want.

Edit: Oh! and between the beach lot and the swordfish, a port would be great. Made in CAW would be better but I'm not sure of what we can do with
that tool.

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 10:40 AM

I like the suggestions, in terms of not having roads in the centre, the black lines are the only roads, and there is just one going through the centre, we could get rid of that but not the one going around the centre in a square. Also the orange lines are cobbled paths, like pedestrian areas, so we would want to keep those, plus you cannot have two houses directly next to each other on a map, so have a cobbled path/street in between would make it look good and be practical

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 4:30 PM

I didn't knew you had to have roads so I was picturing the houses getting directly to parks area. Maybe have only cobbled paths in the center of the town and roads for the outskirts? It's just an idea to reinforce the pedestrian, old feeling of the center area .

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 5:42 PM

You should edit the map that i used with your changes, you could also do some changing of lit sizes as well to make your town hall and library fit, and also make the market squares a bit bigger It would be good to have more than one person edit the map, it will give a new perspective and usually improves it :D

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 6:11 PM

Alright, I'll give it a try and see if everything fits .

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 6:11 PM

The Swordfish Bar & Grill is on a 40x30 lot, by the way.

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 6:40 PM

Ah ok thank you, i was wondering what size it was CharmingFirewaller Ok lana, i have tried to show you what i mean with the town centres on the buildings thread

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 6:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Deluxe Designs
Ah ok thank you, i was wondering what size it was CharmingFirewaller Ok lana, i have tried to show you what i mean with the town centres on the buildings thread

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention earlier that the lot isn't right next to to the road. Would it be too late to change that now?

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 7:02 PM

Don't worry, I know how you made your lot so I'll take that into account for the map edit.

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 7:00 PM

Thanks, I was worried it was too late to make changes.

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 7:06 PM

I think it is nice that the beach lot is on a path, it feels more realistic, and also very sort of communal, i think having a bar that is tucked away is like something only the locals would know about

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 7:17 PM

It would be even better indeed. A real fisherman bar without the annoying tourists I was thinking of some kind of recessed little creek would fit better with you bar, isn't it?

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 7:28 PM

Oh yeah, that might be good too. Would you like me to upload the Swordfish so you can see if it would look good in the World?

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 7:44 PM

Why not It may help. You should be able to post it in the finished buildings thread soon too.

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 7:45 PM

Well we don't have a world at the moment so i wouldn't worry about uploading it, but if/when you are finished then just upload it to the uploading thread

EDIT: lol lana, we both said the opposite thing at the same time XD

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 7:49 PM

Yeah I noticed it too I was just thinking that looking myself on how he did his landscaping thing could inspire me with the location but that's really not a need too and I can do without it. You already did enough pictures of it so that I have a pretty good idea on this

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 7:52 PM

Lol, when do you think you will be able to produce a the new map, version 2!! i get excited everytime you post here in case you uploaded it lol

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 7:53 PM

Should I upload the Swordfish in the Completed Buildings thread or would it be better to wait for the custom world? It's fine either way.

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 8:03 PM

As soon as you'll reach a decision for the roof, you can post it, yes. If you have minor changes, you can always edit your post anyway.

Sorry DD, probably not before tomorrow. I'm only discovering open office paint :P

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 8:04 PM

You should try using a program called which is what i use, i find that it is the best free graphics editing program out there

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 8:44 PM

Okay, Lana, I'll upload the Swordfish once we agree on a roof. I also thought, after visiting the Inhabitants Thread, that it might be a good idea to create a list of homes for the characters. Could you add that somewhere?

lanawinst 28th Feb 2010 9:24 PM

You should look at the 1st thread of the building thread. There's a list of every building we have to do/are doing, who does, what size, and same for the residential that I update when new characters are done. All relevant information are usually on the 1st threads

CharmingFirewaller 28th Feb 2010 9:29 PM

lol...sorry, I didn't notice. I'll go check it out right now.

Deluxe Designs 28th Feb 2010 11:56 PM

Is that now updated with the sims HP has created?

lanawinst 1st Mar 2010 12:23 AM

Nope, sorry I was waiting for her to finish the post and then after I got busy. I'll do it now

lanawinst 1st Mar 2010 6:44 PM

Here is my version of the map. Poor map has gone through a lot so it's pretty bad quality, sorry I began by the center so I haven't changed the outskirts as for now. I still have to type all the sizes but I thought I could already post what I've got to give you an idea:

I'm such a bad map creator I hope some of it still gonna be useful but feel free to tell me if it sucks :P

Deluxe Designs 1st Mar 2010 7:51 PM

That works, i like it! very pedestrianised! the outskirts do need changing quite a lot actually, it goes from very dense housing to undense in like a second

Just one point, in the middle large orange area, one path is 85x06, and the other is 10x50. Surely it should be made either 85x10 or 06x50 so we got an even path all the way around :P

lanawinst 1st Mar 2010 8:11 PM

I know, I just can't make up my mind about it so I wrote both sizes

To continue with the outskirts, I will have to count how many community and residential lots we'll need to have to make everything fit (except the ones out of town). For now the center has 8 community and 36 residential lots. I'll probably make a beach boardwalk with some community too.

Deluxe Designs 1st Mar 2010 8:17 PM

Ok, well once we have the map finished and then the world complete, i will crack on with all my buildings, i just want everything to be finalised before i build anything to save the hastle

lanawinst 2nd Mar 2010 12:12 AM

Perfectly understandable. I should have finished tomorrow, so we'll just need the map then.

Beaver, it's been some time we haven't heard from you. Are you doing ok with the map?

Deluxe Designs 2nd Mar 2010 12:27 AM

Just wanted to say, don't adapt the map to make my antique centre fit in with it's current proportions, i plan to completely rebuild it from scratch on a smaller lot, if it was placed in the centre of town i would prefer it, on a smaller lot

lanawinst 3rd Mar 2010 12:06 AM

This is the "a little bit more completed" map but without measures. Sorry I had no time to process it. It would be so easier to have a map to do that. Anyway i thought it would be already something so here it is, up to debate:

I hope you're gonna see my posts because I really have issues right now. I don't see new posts until I try to answer etc... Let's hope this'll get better :D

Deluxe Designs 3rd Mar 2010 8:40 AM

Ok well Kiwi_tea is on board now so hopefully he will make the map for us i'lm going to contact him again later about this

lanawinst 3rd Mar 2010 6:58 PM

That would be great if he could start working on the map. I have restricted free time now so I could focus on building. We still need a lot of buildings. And having a map would make everything just easier

Deluxe Designs 3rd Mar 2010 7:03 PM

Yeh i agree, i have sent him another email with a lot of information and links so hopefully he'll be happy to take on the role of making our map It will be so much easier when the map is complete!

kiwi_tea 4th Mar 2010 7:02 PM

Plan looks good guys, but too inorganic, don't you think? Let's get some overhead maps of small italian towns. We should definitely have a structured town square. We can work off the map we have above a little, but I towns tend to grow and shape themselves to the landscape. Especially in older days. I think, seeing as I'm coming on board, that's my first contribution: I'd like a map to work from like the one above, but it needs to be something I feel I can make look beautiful, realistic and convincing. I'm not quite certain I can do that with a town that is so geometric and, ultimately, a big rectangle. Let's get out some maps and keep brainstorming. Lanawinst, can you continue the map-making as we go and consult some images? I can make time for the building of the landscape, but it'll be difficult for me to find time to help a lot with planning the layout as well.

lanawinst 4th Mar 2010 7:14 PM

I find it a bit too squarish too, my skills with paint being awfully limited that was the easiest way to figure out the sizes and locations of the lots. Beautiful, realistic and convincing would be indeed awesome. I'll try to see if I can make a layout closer to those of an European village with the help of some maps, but you may have to extrapolate sometimes what I'll draw on what I wanted to draw.

Glad to have you with us

Deluxe Designs 4th Mar 2010 8:33 PM

Now that you point it out kiwi, you are totally right, it is a big rectangle, that would be my fault Lana, if you're ever struggling to make something then just give me a buzz and i'll try and help you make the map

kiwi_tea 4th Mar 2010 10:21 PM

That's sweet as lana, the nature of CAW means no matter how well we plan, I'll have to work in some changes to ensure the whole thing flows. Just get me the general plan, and I'll get to work on it. You're lucky my hubby lived in Italy as a kid, makes this a little easier. I have someone to consult (he's not being that helpful). :P

lanawinst 4th Mar 2010 10:51 PM

Thanks DD, I might need it at some point

I traveled to Italy twice so I've got already some ideas that could help if I was able to express them clearly but still surely not as much as your +1 could . Sorry for being so slow to understand but when you say general plan what exactly do you expect? The whole map and: all the roads and the lots? the sizes of the lots too?

kiwi_tea 4th Mar 2010 11:06 PM

Oh, no. Nothing too in depth. Something like the map you have above, with the roads and the lots and some hints of lot sizes at least. That will be fine to work from.

lanawinst 4th Mar 2010 11:13 PM

Alright. I'll do that ASAP.

Deluxe Designs 4th Mar 2010 11:20 PM

Oooh i'm getting all excited now that is neat your hubby lived in Italy, i love it there! Oh wow, suddenly, now i'm thinking about it, i really want to go to Italy, lol :P

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 5:05 PM

I got inspired by these shots took in Italia, near the Lago di garda:

So I realized the buildings are really adapted to the landscape that surrounds them and along the beach more like that (it's just a draft):

If you all agree on the new form, I'll complete it.

Edit: I can make it look less wide, longer, less parallel and more irregular, of course.

Deluxe Designs 5th Mar 2010 6:25 PM

More irregular would be good However i do really like the new shape we should have some roads winding up the mountains to put houses in like in those pictures, that would be awesome! :D

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 6:34 PM

I'll try to match more the third picture. I waited to see if it was ok to base myself more on it

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 7:08 PM

Like that (still have to put the lots):

That's so ugly! sorry for your eyes

Edit: Alright, with lots it gives something like that:

Is that the kind of plan you wanted? DD, if you think you can make something less ugly, that would be great Otherwise I could go on and then add information and some sizes.

Deluxe Designs 5th Mar 2010 11:23 PM

I'm not sure i understand what you've made let me see if i can express my view more clearly lol

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 11:23 PM

XD a little explanation: the middle thing is not a flag black = road, yellow = residential lot, pink = community, red = city terrain. Better? :D

And the red is going to be filled with lots obviously... I know it's still ugly but it should be at least understandable now

Deluxe Designs 5th Mar 2010 11:30 PM

So are there going to be houses up on that mountainous region? the green bit where the black road runs through it?

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 11:29 PM

Yes, the mountains are... green (I know^^) and there's going to be lots strewed on the road. There's supposed to be different level oh height too but I just don't know how to do it so...

Deluxe Designs 5th Mar 2010 11:33 PM

Oh right i think i get it now, ok that looks good to me, the main red centre needs to be more packed with lots

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 11:32 PM

I know, it was an unfinished version to see if that would be ok before finishing it, so that I wouldn't have to do it all if it wasn't ok. Other remarks ? Things that should be done differently?

Deluxe Designs 5th Mar 2010 11:37 PM

No i really like it, i see how it has a similar concept to the RL picture, all i would say is that, the circle of lots in the main town seems strange to me, maybe just do blocks of houses

lanawinst 5th Mar 2010 11:35 PM

All right! I'll get back to it.

Deluxe Designs 5th Mar 2010 11:52 PM

Ok good luck, i cannot wait to see the finished plan and then to see it made up on a map!

Beaversyeah 6th Mar 2010 2:51 PM

Sorry I haven't contacted you guys in awhile, (school), but Ive been working on the world and produced a first one, but I'm not that satisfied with it so im working on a second. Creating a world is kinda hard, lol.

Deluxe Designs 6th Mar 2010 4:40 PM

Beavers, kiwi_tea has decided to come on board and has said he will make the world for us so you don't need to worry about it any more, i know it's hard, i've tried it too, but kiwi_tea is like expert at this :D

lanawinst 6th Mar 2010 6:13 PM

Hi! So here it is with the names etc. I apologize because the sizes are not really respected so you may need to adapt it:

pink: community
yellow: residential
black : roads
p: parks/plazas
sizes of the buildings already made:
residential: 25x12 (12 facing 25 siding)
Library & city hall: 20x25 (20 facing, 25 siding)
School: 25x20 (25 facing, 20 siding)
Creek with the swordfish: 40x30
I have no idea of the size of the fishing shack and the museum so I'll tell you later. I hope this is ok. I still can make changes if required.

Edit: Included the manor. I also agree on the idea of having it gradually going up in the mountains like in the rl pictures.

Edit 2: Sorry, I almost forgot. There should be little isles around and one will need to be accessible because it'll contain Lilith death spot.

Deluxe Designs 6th Mar 2010 6:22 PM

You need to include the main fishing manor that i need to make it should be in the mountains! also that looks really good, kiwi do you think you can work with this and really make it something special in ts3? It would be great if the city was not all one level, but slowly getting higher as it went backwards :P

lanawinst 6th Mar 2010 10:49 PM

Kiwi-tea, is that going to be ok or would you need it to be different?

kiwi_tea 6th Mar 2010 11:12 PM

I can definitely work with that. Perfect timing, I've just finished a mini-world for upload here so I can work solely on this now. Give me two weeks to get a base down and iron out the inevitable issues, my schedule is suddenly thick, but I'll keep everyone updated with pics, etc.

CharmingFirewaller 6th Mar 2010 11:14 PM

I really like the map, Lana. I can't wait to see screenshots of it in CAW. And I will start working on the business center soon.

lanawinst 6th Mar 2010 11:17 PM

That would be perfect, thanks I'll keep the post with the map updated with the sizes of the buildings we're already building. Also, would it be too much to ask if as soon as you'll get a precise idea of the final size of any lot, you could tell it here so that I could relate the info to the builder team?

Edit: Actually I've put all the relevant map info on the first post and it's gonna be updated there. It should be easier to follow like that.

Deluxe Designs 7th Mar 2010 10:34 AM

Oook i cannot wait to see some updates kiwi Lana, in terms of lot sizes and such, i need to email you later when i come back from work with regards to that

sleepyrose 7th Mar 2010 5:04 PM

Lana, the map is wonderful! It's looking so much more realistic now.
Kiwi Tea, I can't wait to see how you're going to make it look.

lanawinst 7th Mar 2010 6:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Deluxe Designs
Oook i cannot wait to see some updates kiwi Lana, in terms of lot sizes and such, i need to email you later when i come back from work with regards to that

Alright. I'm so looking forward to the updates too

Deluxe Designs 7th Mar 2010 7:52 PM

Aww i completely forgot what i was gunna ask you :/ i should have sent it before i went to work XD if i remember what it is then i'll send you a pm

lanawinst 7th Mar 2010 10:37 PM


Kiwi-tea, would you need me to look for more rl picture for inspiration?

kiwi_tea 7th Mar 2010 11:04 PM

I think I'm good, I might have a first version without textures up within ten hours or so. I have course reading to do by Wednesday, which is only a day away here, so feel free to provide plenty of inspiring pics that I can refer to if you want. I'll still be in that basic organising stage for probably the next half a week. Making these world bases properly can take quite a bit of time and reworking and then refixing (I started building Niua Simoa experimentally, with little CAW knowledge under my belt, all the way back in November last year).

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