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simmer22 19th Jun 2021 6:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
@PANDAQUEEN Isn't there a can collecty thing at the supermarket near you? Where you get some money back for returning the cans? Or maybe a bin in your neighbourhood for collecting metal?

We have a can and bottle return system. There's usually a machine in medium/large grocery shops, and you get a few coins back per item (thought that was common in various around the world by now? No?).

In case you don't know, if you use these machines, you're not supposed to crush the cans or tear off the label of the bottles (or otherwise damage them), because then the machines can't read the label and can't sort them properly (QI had a reminder about cans in their "Rubbish" episode not long ago, along with a bunch of other more or less interesting things about rubbish, trash and recycling).

There's (finally) a glass and metal return system in my area. We had a return system for those, but not one that picked up a bin (or some places did, I don't know?), so it was a bit "eh, don't care". We also have plastic return now, although that one is a bit iffy because you're supposed to clean out everything and take off labels, and *sigh* - I guess if it's easy and clean already it goes in there, and if not it goes in the "everything else" bin. There's also a lot of trash recycling going on apart from bins that get emptied, but people are varying degrees of interested, from all-in to "meh" (My family is somewhere in the middle, I guess - not stressing too much to get it perfect, but sorting when relatively easy and possible). But for the love of sanity could people use bins and not throw stuff on the streets - come on, it's not that hard! We've got bins all around, but people keep "missing" them .

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Jun 2021 3:54 AM

The power went out, I have less than 30% power on my battery and I will be grudgingly waiting for the power to restore.

PANDAQUEEN 24th Jun 2021 9:35 PM

Definitely not sleeping soundly.

Definitely need help.

Noa1500 25th Jun 2021 1:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm still working on my stupid thesis and I'm still as done with the topic as I was when I wrote the proposal six months ago. Honestly who even thought writing one was a good idea? Like I get researchers and all as they are academics or scholars or whatever. Generic Individual for Generic Job does not want to be subjected to this. Let me ouuttt!

^Same energy

PANDAQUEEN 26th Jun 2021 1:31 AM

Probably the fact I'm going through a serious withdrawal of lithium, metformin and spirolactone.

Nausea, shaking, racing thoughts, "wrekt" sleep schedule...

I don't see the psych pill doctor until Early July, the Friday after Independence Day. It's going to be a long fortnight before I get in touch with her again. Dr. KW is constantly booked because her office is constantly understaffed.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Jul 2021 4:39 AM

My father's been down.

Today, June 30, marks the 7th anniversary of my grandmother's passing and because it was his mother and he was spoiled rotten by her, he took it pretty hard that he went on and off drinking binges up to a certain point.

Seeing as I am close to him, it's heartbreaking and not to mention, he has knee surgery in about 6 weeks. Another thing to bum him out.

simmer22 1st Jul 2021 2:48 PM

3 spiders, at least 3 isopods, a moth, 3+ flies, a bumblebee, a wasp/fly/whateveritwasbutitwashuge, and some icky creepy crawlie I don't know the name of in the span of 1-2 days.

I hate this time of year. Can't even have the windows open, because the creepy crawlies and winged annoyances think they own the house... A few of them did survive, though (the ones near enough a window to either on their own or with a little bit of guidance find their way back out. The rest... not so lucky. There's absolutely no mercy if I find them near or in my bedroom, because that's NOT a hangout spot for creepy crawlies, even though some of them seem to think it is ).

PANDAQUEEN 5th Jul 2021 5:57 AM

Who's the damned idiot who thought celebrating with noisy explosives well into the night was a good idea?

It's 3 minutes to midnight and I have to go shopping for supplies, groceries and then to the bank tomorrow and my circadian rhythm is wrekt!

Noa1500 6th Jul 2021 9:44 PM

Bought a really nice shirt today but I need to return it now that I've tried it on again at home. The stitching on the inside is really rough so wearing it on its own is uncomfortable which I hadn't noticed at the shop cos I had longsleeves on. Anyway, I checked the label and found out where it was made, and that turned out to be unacceptable. It's definitely not socially responsible so it really has to go back. Its not about "oh let's be socially responsible, csr is so amazing." Its about knowing that certain industries in certain countries are pretty much human rights violations. That's not ok.

Bigsimsfan12 6th Jul 2021 10:16 PM

A posted a photo of my cute 20 week bump on facebook and someone commented "Wow so big, maybe you'll find out it's twins"

...What is a nice way of saying "I've had 4 f****** scans, it ain't twins!"

Why do people think it's appropriate to say stuff like that I now feel terrible about my bump. I know I carry big, but I've only gained 2lb in the past 10 weeks. I struggle so much with my weight, I never lost my baby weight from the first pregnancy - with breastfeeding and PCOS it felt impossible. I felt so good in my new maternity dress and now I feel like a whale. I know I'm being over emotional right now... but damn it I'm allowed to be!

grammapat 6th Jul 2021 11:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Seems no good deed goes unpunished. Sad to hear you lose a bunch of animals. I'm an equal opportunity animal admirer.

Doing the right thing sucks, but it keeps you out of prison and off the streets.

In spades to that. There was a group of feral cats for years, I have a bird sanctuary yard and would chase them off. Then found out about "trap and release"; with the help of that group I trapped those 5 cats, had them fixed (for free) and returned them. Was told that would keep other strays from moving in. NOT. And for the last 2 years they have killed every lizard, many birds, and TRIED to catch the squirrels. I like cats, but not THOSE cats!

simsample 7th Jul 2021 1:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
I felt so good in my new maternity dress and now I feel like a whale. I know I'm being over emotional right now... but damn it I'm allowed to be!

Take no notice of what people comment, I spent so much energy in my younger days worrying about what other people thought of me, or if I was 'normal' or 'attractive'. Now I don't give a shit what other people think, and it's much less stressful, totally liberating and less exhausting. Enjoy your pregnancy and your new dress and let the jealous person who commented stew in their own bitterness. Your baby bump is exactly the right size for you and your baby, that's what matters!

Bigsimsfan12 7th Jul 2021 2:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Take no notice of what people comment, I spent so much energy in my younger days worrying about what other people thought of me, or if I was 'normal' or 'attractive'. Now I don't give a shit what other people think, and it's much less stressful, totally liberating and less exhausting. Enjoy your pregnancy and your new dress and let the jealous person who commented stew in their own bitterness. Your baby bump is exactly the right size for you and your baby, that's what matters!

Thank you. I usually don't care that much about other peoples opinions, it just hits differently when it's about my pregnancy. I'm not the crop-top wearing 21 year old I was 5 years ago.

Didn't really "ruin my day" (I actually thought it was hilarious) but today someone posted a meme on Facebook saying "Taking weekly covid tests when not showing symptoms is like going to the cemetery to check if you're dead", I tagged my sister in the post and commented "Saw this meme while taking my twice weekly covid test lol", and the woman who posted it screenshot my profile pic (which doesn't even show half of my face) and sent it to me with the caption "Ugly". She then proceeded to tell me she hopes I die from the vaccine (I'm actually not vaccinated against covid), hopes my child dies, that I'm a loser and scum of the earth. Erm... sorry I take 2 mandatory covid tests per week so I can continue showing up to my job?? Lmao. She quickly deleted all her messages when I sent a laughing emoji followed by "I'm screen shotting this. Its 11pm babes wtf you doing" I'm really disappointed i didn't manage to screenshot all her messages before she deleted them

PANDAQUEEN 8th Jul 2021 8:24 AM

Day...I give up.

I have been quietly protesting to my father about fixing the showerhead because of how short I am. He told me he'll look into finding a pipe to extend the showerhead closer to my height. Also on the Do-For list: hang up my blacklight and investigate how much it will cost to fix my fried hair.

simmer22 9th Jul 2021 5:04 AM

First the old internet box gives up (or one of the components, anyway - the box still worked, but apparently it was "outdated"), so it was replaced. Then mom's ancient laptop can't handle the new wifi network, so we had to get one of those USB wifi thingies to plug into it. Then one TV box fails and refuses to show any channels, and a couple days later the other box decides, "oh what the *%# I'll join the team of outdated junk that needs upgrading just to get it out of the way".

At least the new boxes "included everything needed" - even batteries for the remote controls and every single cable mentioned in the handbook (I was absolutely sure we'd have to buy at least one of them)

Had some issues with the internet setup (why does one cable NOT work, but the other cable work, even though it's in principle the exact same cable and the old one worked for the old box? I have no idea... But new cable worked).

And now we needs to be veeeewy veeeevy careful to not upset the oldest TV, because the remote control disappeared a long time ago in an apartment far, far away (unless it's in a moving box somewhere), and I spent probably ten minutes messing with the side buttons (which is 99% guesswork) to find the one single blasted channel button that would show the correct signal from the box. Also, the screen keeps flickering, but that could be just the age of the TV or some such - maybe it doesn't like the new box...

Dizzy-noodles 12th Jul 2021 1:04 AM

I hate my stupid country sometimes, today is one of those days.

Someone I love just died.

So people acting like pathetic babies because some overpaid athletes lost a stupid football game is really pissing me off.

PANDAQUEEN 12th Jul 2021 3:38 AM

Bipolar and my struggle with it is the very definition of insanity. I dive headlong into giant projects and then peter out or I buy numerous items that I only need one of and not only is it insanity for me, but my mother suffers through it (I inherited this issue from my father so she suffers from an outside perspective)

Not to mention the way my father and I see ourselves is like looking into 3 mirrors, each displaying the polar opposites and the baseline.

The ups and downs lately are just driving me crazy!

My bedroom is extremely cold for least the mollies and screws for my black light have been bought. Now all I need to do is dig out the blacklight.

PANDAQUEEN 16th Jul 2021 6:50 AM


I've been deprived of sleep for 48 hours!




(this sums up having to wear a heavy sweat jacket and my dreaded black stretch yoga pants from Old Navy when I was a teenager. They still fit is the bigger mystery in my rage and anxiety to go to sleep but my father cranked the AC extremely high that I will have to sleep on the couch while my cat peels out like a bat out of hell.)

Bigsimsfan12 16th Jul 2021 2:32 PM

Company I work for sends out letter saying everyone has to have the covid vaccine by Autumn or lose job. My midwife suggested that it benefits the baby most in the third trimester so that's when I was gonna get the vaccine.

Ask my manager about it because I dunno what "vaccinated by autumn" really means and whether I can keep with my original plan. She has no idea about it. Sends me to someone else.

That someone else tells me the vaccine is safe in pregnancy (I know, thats why I want to get it. In my third trimester) and sends me to someone else if I have more questions.

Someone else #3 sends me on to someone else #4.

I have a stress headache! At least person #4 had the answer!

PANDAQUEEN 21st Jul 2021 7:58 PM

Well, I saw the gastroenterologist and she said my endocrinologist, Dr. VB is leaving the health center so that meant choosing a new one. I chose a woman, Dr. M-LaM and I have an appointment with her near my 34th birthday.

Not one of my brightest days.

Dizzy-noodles 27th Jul 2021 10:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you, that's very kind.

Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on here as much lately due to grieving. But I'm trying to get back to normal life as much as I can, so I'm going to get back to simming soon, I do miss it.

PANDAQUEEN 27th Jul 2021 3:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dizzy-noodles
Thank you, that's very kind.

Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on here as much lately due to grieving. But I'm trying to get back to normal life as much as I can, so I'm going to get back to simming soon, I do miss it.

Take your time in grieving. I try to stay strong, but I eventually break down and have a good cry.

Then I feel better.

Came back from my pre-op clearance and they need me to see a cardiologist. I only have one day left before the operation of reconstructive oral surgery and if I get in, they may on the likelihood cancel my operation.

Oh well, another doctor for another part of the anatomy. Fuck My Life as abbreviation isn't enough for the egregious issue of new doctors.

Dizzy-noodles 3rd Aug 2021 1:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Take your time in grieving. I try to stay strong, but I eventually break down and have a good cry.

Then I feel better.

Came back from my pre-op clearance and they need me to see a cardiologist. I only have one day left before the operation of reconstructive oral surgery and if I get in, they may on the likelihood cancel my operation.

Oh well, another doctor for another part of the anatomy. Fuck My Life as abbreviation isn't enough for the egregious issue of new doctors.

Thanks, that's really kind, and good advice, need to let it out sometimes.

I always thought this song was sad, but now I'm crying along with a bacardi Oh well.

Good luck for your operation, I hope you get to have it (after all the build up, it's a relief to get it out fo the way). Fingers crossed everything goes well x

PANDAQUEEN 7th Aug 2021 6:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dizzy-noodles
Thanks, that's really kind, and good advice, need to let it out sometimes.

I always thought this song was sad, but now I'm crying along with a bacardi Oh well.

Good luck for your operation, I hope you get to have it (after all the build up, it's a relief to get it out fo the way). Fingers crossed everything goes well x

The operation happened and I had a herpes simplex 1 cold sore and a fat lip for a week.

At least a WalMart run will be ok. I need to pick up some bread, butter and a gift for my going through with the operation (I was supposed to have it at the end of May, but I had that emergency hospital visit from Hell: screaming IV monitor, annoying drama queen roommate and a 36 hour medicine withdrawal. Made enough of a fuss to leave after 48 hours.)

PANDAQUEEN 10th Aug 2021 2:24 AM

Today was a shocker.

Turned out my aunt Fran has a set of dentures for the top of her mouth. I screamed out of shock.

My mother told me she has bad teeth as well.

Well, does anyone know how to earn $60,000 for implants? Because I find dentures too much maintenance, even if I brush with extreme prejudice.

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