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PANDAQUEEN 7th Dec 2021 10:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
Redd from Animal Crossing is being a PITA. I need art to get Brewster. The only way to get art that I'm aware of is through Redd who keeps trying to sell me counterfeit crap.

This is not a first world problem, but it is annoying regardless. I just want a cafe even though I don't touch coffee with a 10-foot pole in real life.

Not much of a coffee drinker myself, but thanks for the tip for Animal Crossing, I have some amiibo to use.

Bigsimsfan12 8th Dec 2021 11:27 AM

I recently got Brewster's cafe on my island. I had given Blathers about 3 paintings, then Blathers gave me a painting of Brewster and I had to go to different islands to find him.

I'm not good with art, so I used the painting guide

PANDAQUEEN 8th Dec 2021 10:12 PM

There's a phone in the cafe that can summon amiibo characters.

That was the reason.

PANDAQUEEN 9th Dec 2021 12:38 PM

I received an unwanted package.

It was LOST in the mail.
It was LATE by a month or 2.
Because it was a cash box that required a key, it was LOCKED.

I would have to go to the UPS store to send it back to the pits of hell whence it came. It was an unexpected package.

Bigsimsfan12 12th Dec 2021 11:57 PM

My 14 year old sister told me she hates my baby. This was her first time meeting him and all I said was "would you like to hold him?". Dunno why it just really upset and irritated me.

Bigsimsfan12 13th Dec 2021 10:19 PM

Ever since that one lab in uni where I got to touch a human brain, I can't stand crème caramels. They just remind me too much of brains, I want to gag whenever I think of them. Guess what yogurts Ivy picked out this week and is force feeding me?

PANDAQUEEN 14th Dec 2021 3:51 AM

The doll I received as a gift? It had a broken shoe. The heel on one of the sneaker heels was missing. I will have to wait for my mother to exchange it.

Also, the most annoying thing about this time of year: mother puts a cheap tablecloth that slides all over the table and it just irritated me after 1 day.

Noa1500 19th Dec 2021 4:58 PM

Lockdown^n started today which is fun. Ish. It's kind of whatever since not much is changing for me- still stuck indoors most of the time from various obligaitons. But it was nice to finally eat in a restaurant again. But health is obviously more important and thats how it goes sometimes. Though 1st world me still has to whinge about the fact I now can't return the thing I wanted to return because by the time lockdown "ends" it'll be past the return date. And I because I live where I live I'm pretty sure the hsop I got the thing from would be like haha no, no extended return dates for anyone

Aspersim 19th Dec 2021 5:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
It's Monday. Another day of listening to people flap their gums about how they know best. Meanwhile the world continues to lurch from one boiling kettle of chaos to the next.

Knows best = Chaos, mountains of debt, no resolutions for anything, ect...

Got it. It is all clear as f-in' mud.

an entire forum that thinks buy lottery tickets is the best thing to do ever when all they are is paper, and 99.9% of the people who buy them end up losing and getting disappointed, thread escalated into a massive argument when I stated that homeless people need the money so why do people waste theirs on lottery when all they get is a 25USD piece of paper and lose.

all they did was cuss me out, and the thread was locked by the administrators

topp 19th Dec 2021 11:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Aspersim
thread escalated into a massive argument when I stated (...)
It's obvious why, though. People generally don't like being told what (not) to spend their money on. Your statement was weak to begin with too, as you've advised a person whose goal was to make money - to give their money away permanently to a homeless person. In the long run, the effect is the same - they did lose the money they had - but that marginal percentage chance of winning a huge sum is literally what the entire lottery industry is based on. And you wouldn't call a lottery business an unsuccessful one. World's a dirty place.

Bigsimsfan12 20th Dec 2021 4:51 AM

I have yet to have more than one consecutive hour of sleep tonight

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Dec 2021 11:50 PM

The holidays are here. Christmas Eve is tomorrow and yet I feel rather sedated about the whole Christmas Day. I know relatives dropped off some gifts and because I have a "vampire rule" about my room (you may not be let in without my verbal consent), my mother picked out the dolls I had my eyes on, we have a charcuterie board and crudite tray and fruit bowl awaiting Christmas Eve as we have a no-cook Christmas Eve.

I guess I am concerned about the box for me wrapped in shiny teal paper with Santas all over it. I worry it's a jigsaw puzzle. It's not my favorite thing for a gift (I have a cat that walks all over projects). My aunt Lucinda left it last time she visited which was mentioned in the "How was your day" thread.

Bigsimsfan12 24th Dec 2021 7:54 AM

Adam ended up ill all day, so I had to do everything. I woke him up at 10pm because then I felt ill. I'm not sure if its after effects of the vaccine or if I'm ill with whatever he had. He's feeling better and went to work this morning but now I'm feeling dreadful and I'll be alone all day with the's almost 7am. 12 hours of mental torture here we go...

PANDAQUEEN 31st Dec 2021 1:36 AM

Realizing how stiff my body is.

I was evaluated at physical therapy today and it turns out my spine, hips, and knees are extremely stiff. Like, if I budge to a certain angle, it leads to shooting pain.

I was given a hot compress that covered my back, but left me captive to another therapist's story of how her daughter and her friend had to send a dead dog to a special hospital for animals and the sad part of trying not to tell the dog died while the other friend was on vacation. It was a surreal overheard conversation. I couldn't really escape while being treated.

Overall, I have Mondays and Wednesdays in the morning and early afternoon to get my major work.

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Jan 2022 9:24 PM

My grandfather, my Gramma Barb, my uncle Chip, aunt Jeanne and 2 of my cousins ended up with COVID during the "Twilight Zone" (The period between Christmas and New Years)

Bigsimsfan12 7th Jan 2022 3:32 PM

I am finally trying to tackle the mountain of clothes in the kids room.

Originally, it was a few loads of laundry from Elden's first week of life. Adam had sorted them into 2 piles on Ivys bed and would "put them away later". Then Ivy went to play in her room and threw them in a pile on the floor. They have been there ever since. He's 5 weeks old tomorrow.

Every time I get Elden to sleep, I go upstairs and try to sort them. It's 2:30pm and the most I've done is separate Ivys and Eldens clothes. And I havent even finished doing that. I get into the same cycle of getting Elden to sleep, and then either Ivy wakes him up instantly (which she has just done for the 4th time in an hour. This time she was shouting, but most times she's been trying to hug and kiss at him while he sleeps), if I can get Elden to sleep and in the bassinet, I start putting away the clothes, but then Ivy will do something (terrorising the dog, pulling all the books off the bookshelf, turning all the taps on in the bathroom etc) so then I have to sort that out, and by the time I've done that Elden has woken up.

TL;DR: Adam doesn't do a <10 min task, it becomes an all day task for Cassie.

Edit: are you freaking kidding me?!
Last night I was rinsing Elden's nappy out in the bathroom sink because he had a bit of a blowout (we cloth diaper, I'm not a weird). Then he starts crying so I ask Adam if he can put the nappy in the pail when he comes down while I go to Elden. Fast forward to today, I've already washed all the nappies. I'm in the bathroom and I notice there's something in the bath tub. IT'S THE NAPPY. His excuse was "I needed to use the sink so I put it in the bath tub and thought I'd bring it down later".
So now, as well as having to either wash it enough to throw it in with other non-nappy laundry or filling up the pail with water again and soaking it until the next wash - I also have to clean and sterilise the bathtub. Awesome.

PANDAQUEEN 10th Jan 2022 10:39 PM

Looking into the ceiling to floor mirrors in physical therapy and noticed my arms were fatter at the forearms. All that ran through my mind was "Am I really that fat?". I know those mirrors are for concentration, but I was more distracted by my arms.

I'm currently working on getting my weight down, but I went ballistic and fell off the diet wagon, dragged it to the forest, torched it and used the insurance money for junk food.

simmer22 12th Jan 2022 11:04 PM

Chasing a runaway for nearly an hour without a clue where they went. I swear, can't take your eyes off some people for even 10 minutes... But at least it had a good ending.

PANDAQUEEN 17th Jan 2022 8:46 AM

The weather is terrible out here in Asshole, USA.

I rather stay in bed.

Dizzy-noodles 18th Jan 2022 8:45 PM

Slightly concerned I might have a horrible reaction and die at the hospital later this week, because the woman who rang me to "ask some questions" was clearly phoning it in....

Her: "Are you on any medication?"
me: "Oh tons, yeah, can you not get it off the computer? I listed it all to the consultant last time, he recorded it all?"
Her: "No, can't do that"
me: "Ok. Sits down with bag of pills, gets comfy, takes big breath..."Pill 1 for this, pill 2 for this, pill 3 for this, pill 4 for this..."
Her: "Great who's your emergency contact?"
me: "? sister... Anyway pill 5 for this, pill 6 for this, pill 7 for this, pill 8 for this..."
Her (not asking for my sister's phone number): "Great have you got any allergies?"
me: "?...yes... But let me finish telling you about my pills first... Pill 9 for this, pill 10 for this, injection for this"
Her: "What cream was that?"
me: "I didn't mention cream, but seeing as you asked, I do have cream 1 on prescription for this....Anyway I'm allergic to medicine 1 and medicine 2"
Her: "What?"
me: "Medicine 2"
Her (not asking what it's for or how to spell it): "Yeah anyway so have you got Covid?"
me: "No"
Her: "Great, So after the procedure someone'll need to pick you up after, bye"
me: "What? Why? Is it not local anaesthetic?"
Her: "I dunno it'll be cold or something, bye"

On the plus side I now feel like the most professional person in the world, compared to her!

simmer22 19th Jan 2022 5:37 PM

Work in general. Too much to do, and too little time.
Got yelled at for no reason, but that situation is unfortunately a thing that has to be dealt with (nothing serious, almost everybody at work gets yelled at in that situation, it's nothing personal).
Missed my bus because the stupid exit door decided to stop working and went into some kind of lock mode it refused to go out of no matter what I did, so I helplessly watched the bus go past. Tried to reach the other exit door and bus stop, but didn't have a chance, and was completely out of breath halfway there (I blame my meds, they take every bit of stamina I have).
If that's not enough, it's awful weather here. Decided to spend the half hour I had to wait for the next bus in the nearest grocery store. Went in, asphalt was black. Came out 10-15 minutes later, everything was white, and the snow was blowing sideways.
My hands are dry like sandpaper, and cracking up (been washing/antibac-ing MORE than enough times today, and yesterday as well...)
Wearing a mask everywhere is not helping, because today it's only been adding to my headache and general tiredness (I'm home, I CAN FINALLY BREATHE!!!)

Awful day...

Good thing I have a few days off now.

And a pet-peeve that's been bugging me for a while now, but why do people keep wearing single-use masks the wrong way out (colored side in), especially when everyone around them is wearing the mask the right side out? I mean... at some point they've got to realize something's off, but then I sometimes see them the next day with the mask the wrong way around again. And sometimes upside-down, too. Sometimes even the combination. One would think after one and a half years of restrictions people had at least gotten that under control. There's a difference between the sides, and the more plastic-y outside with the protection layer meant to stop stuff from coming in/out is not going to make it easier to breathe inside the mask (quite the opposite), while the inside meant to keep the moisture from your breath (and whatever else) in is doing nothing of that on the outside (maybe even picking up some extra gunk...). I guess it still does the job of a mask, but it must be uncomfortable breathing into that plastic-y layer.

Speaking of masks, bought two sets - identical size/shape and both were blue. Looked pretty much identical. However, one feels big, like it's made for someone with a ginormous chin. It also fogs up my glasses. The other would've been the perfect size (and causes less fog since the fit is better), except it squeezes my nose to the point where it just becomes extremely uncomfortable within the first half hour. The only thing that can possibly be different is the shape when they're stretched out, and/or the earloops, because otherwise I don't know. It's like wearing two completely different masks.

Bigsimsfan12 20th Jan 2022 2:52 PM

Someone at Ivy's school has covid. So I guess we're gonna have to test her for the next few days and it might be best to pull her out of school for a little bit just to be sure. Adam's been picking up extra shifts while I'm on maternity just to make ends meet so if he gets it we're screwed.

PANDAQUEEN 20th Jan 2022 8:51 PM

More snow! AUUUUGGGH!

I think I had my fill of cold weather.

Yesterday, an entire first response team, replete with fire engines, ambulances and squad cars showed up at my health center building before my physical therapy. Apparently, that was a cancellation I couldn't control. Then, the convenience store soda fountains were slammed with a power outage, so I had to buy a bottled soda.

Today was less than ideal. I had to fast until noon, I got jabbed with a needle with a thicker gauge for my blood draw, I had to eat lunch in the car with my father due to understaffing on account of weather. I'm still a little lightheaded because they took four vials of blood.

I just hope tomorrow is better.

Bigsimsfan12 25th Jan 2022 1:13 AM

Ivy brought another cold back from school. I thought she had finally done being constantly ill with a cold but no. I woke up in the night with Elden and I can feel I have a horrible headache and that feeling in your nose/throat like you inhaled water. Ugh. Poor Elden is 7 weeks and has only not had a cold for about a week total.

PANDAQUEEN 25th Jan 2022 12:12 PM

I found out what caused the incident last week: fire alarm system went nutty and took out the power to numerous businesses along the highway where my physical therapy office was.

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