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TudorMan23 24th Sep 2013 5:35 AM

Fergie, I actually been trying to upload my townhouse but its rejected twice already! just need to work n the interior!

Johnny, thanks I actually did the stairs first and then built the tower around it!

Ferguson Avenue 24th Sep 2013 4:00 PM

Then allow me to recommend the Creator Feedback Forum. Getting advice there will help avoid going through the uploads process unnecesarily.

TudorMan23 26th Sep 2013 4:51 AM

Yea I forgot about the Creator Feedback forums! Thanks for the reminder!

Johnny_Bravo 26th Sep 2013 8:05 PM

Is the new layout still confusing anyone of you? It's still a labyrinth for me

TudorMan23 27th Sep 2013 5:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Is the new layout still confusing anyone of you? It's still a labyrinth for me

At first it was cause it changed all of a sudden. But now I am getting use to it. Little by little tho.

Ferguson Avenue 28th Sep 2013 1:40 PM

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I find some areas are easier to navigate than others. For the more difficult ones I go back to the older version so I can find them. But other than that, I'm pretty much used to the new design.
I've also done some more work on my litlle white Gothic Revival; Summertime Sadness. I've set it in the kind of landscape in which it appeared in my dreams.

TudorMan23 1st Oct 2013 5:39 AM

I really like your Gothic Revival house, Fergie! Its turning into quite a home!

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Oct 2013 2:26 PM

Looks really nice, I love the location!

Ahh don't you guys hate it when you build a nice house, and the realize it looks better on a hill but you can't raise the terrain because you've used CFE and already placed all the windows, doors stairs and added the roof? Because it happened to me -.-

Ferguson Avenue 7th Oct 2013 12:04 AM

11 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Ahh don't you guys hate it when you build a nice house, and the realize it looks better on a hill but you can't raise the terrain because you've used CFE and already placed all the windows, doors stairs and added the roof? Because it happened to me -.-

'tis one of the banes of creating beauty in the game.

I've done some more work on my latest beach house; I've done some landscaping and added a garden to the side. However this has made it a lot more cheerful than I originally intended it to be. I've then been working some more on my Queenslander, both inside and out. I have so many lots I want to finish and upload, but so little time to do them. On most of them I've finished the exteriors and haven't done anything to the interiors. I should probably make the effort to finish the interiors before building more exteriors and landscaping around them.

Johnny_Bravo 9th Oct 2013 2:32 PM

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Ohh Fergus I know what it feels like to have so many unfinished lots, but my problem is that I don't have any inspiration.

I've started another 60's house inspired by Mafia II:

TudorMan23 13th Oct 2013 5:32 AM

This one looks really good! The roof looks good and the colors are great!

Ferguson Avenue 13th Oct 2013 9:49 PM

Yay for the 60's!

Johnny_Bravo 13th Oct 2013 10:41 PM

Oh Fergus' Mind. That's a nice name Yeah 60's modern architecture is quiet awesome!

Ferguson Avenue 13th Oct 2013 11:54 PM

Thanks. The 60's wasn't as good a time for architecture in England as it was elsewhere. Tasteful 1960's architecture is very hard to find in England.

Johnny_Bravo 14th Oct 2013 12:57 PM

So the 60's were good in the USA, I assume. Because in Germany, at the coastal regions, the 60's brought tiny, identical looking houses. Lot's of 'em. I can show you guys a picture as I live next to a street full of these.

Ferguson Avenue 14th Oct 2013 3:46 PM

Same. We get the joys of fugly blocks of flats too:

TudorMan23 15th Oct 2013 4:10 AM

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Yikes! Fergus now that is blaw! haha

Any how I started a new house which I a barn I converted into a Home! ANd I have been wanted to do this for awhile now! I got inspiration from pinterest of course!

Ferguson Avenue 15th Oct 2013 5:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
Yikes! Fergus now that is blaw! haha

Any how I started a new house which I a barn I converted into a Home! ANd I have been wanted to do this for awhile now! I got inspiration from pinterest of course!

Barns really are quite fascinating. I love how whimsical and quaint they can be.
I find old/historic barns quite interesting. Our farm back home used to have quite a lot of good looking ones. But my dad has since demolished them and replaced them with rather fugly modern looking ones.
In England our old barns look more like these:

There's a barn conversion for sale back in my home village, as seen here. Admitedly, I've always been fond of the main house which can be seen in the background of one of the listing pics and the adjoining carriage house. I've never been too fond of barn conversions. I want my houses to look like houses and my barns/churches to look like barns/churches. But I do see the occassional conversion I do like.
But I really like the look of your barn conversion. I look forward to seeing how you do the interior.

Johnny_Bravo 16th Oct 2013 12:58 AM

Fergus, if these barns aren't good enough to forget about the awful Brit architecture in the 60's, then IDK.

I actually live in a converted barn, but, it's nothing special, our barns are all the same.

Riptide651 16th Oct 2013 6:36 AM




(Apologies ahead of time for the caps)

Johnny_Bravo 16th Oct 2013 1:59 PM

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I can make some pictures but it's actually nothing interesting, really.

It was converted in the 60's. In comparison to the little houses made then this was a villa


Ferguson Avenue 16th Oct 2013 6:38 PM

That's quite nice actually, especially if you grew some of that ivy on it. It reminds me of a few new build houses in my area. It does looks quite nice though, it's probably a lot more sturdy than the new builds. I like the brickwork on parts of it, which gives an older more inviting vibe. Are those windows up on the rear side original?

Johnny_Bravo 16th Oct 2013 7:45 PM

Yes, those are the original barn windows.

Ferguson Avenue 16th Oct 2013 7:58 PM

That's quite fancy then. Barns don't have proper windows over here, atleast old barns don't. They normally just have shutters or holes in the walls.

Johnny_Bravo 16th Oct 2013 9:16 PM

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But therefor they aren't just brick rectangles
I think windows in the barn was about status. There are plenty of barns which have "modern" windows (added in 19xx)
We have one driveway but there are four buildings which made up a farm. 2 (converted) barns, a (converted & extended) windmill and a house, so I guess the farmer was pretty rich. Hence the windows in the barns.

Having a problem again:
I can't get the friggin stairs to be placed here. Tried removing walls, windows and columns which might be "crossing" the stairs but now it says "ceiling to low"

But that fuckface works in the other direction.

Riptide651 16th Oct 2013 11:45 PM

Nice - its quite lovely.

Do you own the entire complex or do you share the land with people who live in the other barns?

Johnny_Bravo 17th Oct 2013 3:06 PM

The land is shared but we have the the 2nd biggest garden and our own detached double garage.

TudorMan23 19th Oct 2013 5:27 AM

WOW! The complex and land is quite beautiful, Johnny!

Ferguson Avenue 23rd Oct 2013 12:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Having a problem again:
I can't get the friggin stairs to be placed here. Tried removing walls, windows and columns which might be "crossing" the stairs but now it says "ceiling to low"
But that fuckface works in the other direction.

Have you tried placing them while CFE is still on?

Johnny_Bravo 24th Oct 2013 3:02 PM

No. Why didn't I think of that myself. Damn I'm still learning how to use CFE after one year!

Ferguson Avenue 24th Oct 2013 10:22 PM

Yay! My Norwegian Dragon Style house is just about finished and ready for upload!

Johnny_Bravo 25th Oct 2013 8:35 PM

Looks great!

TudorMan23 25th Oct 2013 10:52 PM

Yea I agree! Looks awesome! More pics please, Fergus?

Ferguson Avenue 26th Oct 2013 2:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
More pics please, Fergus?

You can see more pics here, in its listing at CFF. You can see how it's evolved and how the interior looks too.
But here's a picture of one of the sides

TudorMan23 31st Oct 2013 3:34 AM

WOW, Fergus! Very impressive!

Ferguson Avenue 1st Nov 2013 12:54 PM

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Happy (belated) Halloween!

I'm mostly sober now, so it's all good

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Nov 2013 6:32 PM

You guys want a sneak peek of a cottage I want to sumbit around Christmas?

Ferguson Avenue 3rd Nov 2013 7:09 PM

Yes please!

Johnny_Bravo 4th Nov 2013 8:02 AM

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Without snow, though.

Ferguson Avenue 5th Nov 2013 1:44 PM

It's nice! I like the quaint interior and also how you've CFE'd the chimney stack.

Johnny_Bravo 5th Nov 2013 6:27 PM

Thanks it was inspired by some painting I've seen somewhere. The chimneys were surprisingly easy, even though it's a lot of tweaking to get it on the same angle as the roof

Ferguson Avenue 5th Nov 2013 8:25 PM

I'm working on another large project replicating a house which I have attempted multiple times already. But this time I shall get it just right.
I shan't tell you which house it is. But I'll leave you with a hint in the form of a quote from its TV/Movie appearance:
"You can have your cake and eat it in this life"
"No you can't, mother darling"

Johnny_Bravo 6th Nov 2013 7:34 PM

Euhhhh.. What's the series about?

Ferguson Avenue 6th Nov 2013 10:42 PM

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Oh chick, it's Grey Gardens; home of the original eccentric old ladies with many, many cats:
Documentary Trailer
Movie Trailer
Before and After and After

As you'll see, I have a lot of work to do... But I will get it right this time.

Johnny_Bravo 8th Nov 2013 7:40 PM

That's a big house. Looks good so far

TudorMan23 8th Nov 2013 11:42 PM

Yes It is a big house! So far so good!

TudorMan23 9th Nov 2013 4:38 AM

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I have worked on my converted barn some more! What do you think?

Johnny_Bravo 9th Nov 2013 5:32 PM

I like the kitchen, even though it's really big

gogolinopz 10th Nov 2013 2:08 AM

I like the way you play with colors, Cory! But I think that you can cut some of the sunflowers.

By the way, guys, after 5 day this thread will be 4 years old! That makes me very happy and I want to thank you for keeping up the thread going with such interesting posts of your designs and also all of your advices!

Ferguson Avenue 10th Nov 2013 1:33 PM

4 years old!? It only seems like a few months ago that I first signed up to MTS. When actually that was 2009. Oh my, where did all the years go...

Johnny_Bravo 10th Nov 2013 10:15 PM

Wha-.. 4 years? When did I start posting here? 3 months ago? 4?

TudorMan23 10th Nov 2013 11:48 PM

Hey thanks Johnny and George! The kitchen is supposed to be like a Kitchen/ Family room combo!

And 4 years??? No way!!! I didn't even realize that! WOW!

Ferguson Avenue 11th Nov 2013 11:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TudorMan23
The kitchen is supposed to be like a Kitchen/ Family room combo!

I'd suggest adding a sofa and tv in there or something to use up a bit more space.

TudorMan23 12th Nov 2013 4:20 AM

I just did yesterday and added a desk and a bookshelf as well

Ferguson Avenue 12th Nov 2013 8:37 PM

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Sounds good to me.
I've almost finished the exterior composition/layout of Grey Gardens. Although I'm going to need a bigger lot to fit in the famous walled garden. As you can see it's not even half the size it needs to be. I'm also unsure whether to go with a Martha Stewart colour scheme(light blue) or something more true to the way it would have been during the 30's(white, like the film set)? I still have the interior to do as well, although I have pretty much finalised the internal layout. I've also fixed the chimneys outside to be the correct thickness and height.

Johnny_Bravo 13th Nov 2013 5:27 PM

To me, white looks better I think that turquis-ish/light blue doesn't match with they grey.

Ferguson Avenue 13th Nov 2013 11:11 PM

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Hmm... Yeah, I think you're right. It looks much better now.
I've also done some more work to one of my other Mid-Centruy Modern homes. A much smaller home, similar in style to the other English I posted about a while back. This time with dark green felt shingles instead of brown.

TudorMan23 14th Nov 2013 5:02 AM

Yes, the white trim looks so much better! The house is really looking good! And your Mid-Century Modern house is looking good as well!

Ferguson Avenue 15th Nov 2013 1:15 AM

Yay! This thread is officially 4 years old! As of 15 minutes ago here in England.

TudorMan23 16th Nov 2013 4:48 AM

And it Turned 4 years old 13 hours ago here in Pennsylvania, USA

Ferguson Avenue 19th Nov 2013 11:02 PM

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So I found myself recreating the abandoned cottage used in the music video for 'Safe and Sound' by Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars for the first Hunger Games film. I found out that the real house is located near the town of Waterford, TN.
Music Video:

My Version:

I don't normally build smaller houses, so I'm quite proud of it. Although I still managed to get 4 bedrooms into it somehow...

Johnny_Bravo 21st Nov 2013 5:11 PM

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Would be really awesome if Sims wasn't so limited. Then you could make some awesome creepy houses! Looks good though
I've finally finished a house (after a very long time without inspiration) which is also going to be my 50th upload (if approved)!

Ferguson Avenue 21st Nov 2013 8:19 PM

It looks wonderful. A terrific 50th upload! I look forward to seeing more of it.

Johnny_Bravo 21st Nov 2013 9:39 PM

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I'll post 2 more pictures tomorrow. The front view and an interior pic. I wish I could do it now but I'm on my phone in bed


Front & bonus room, which I'm somehow pretty proud of

TudorMan23 23rd Nov 2013 4:41 AM

Yes, the house looks great!

Ferguson Avenue 23rd Nov 2013 2:04 PM

It looks awesome! Thank god the sims have a pretty warped sense of ceiling heights, that bonus room looks great too!

Johnny_Bravo 24th Nov 2013 4:20 PM

Wow, changes are required. Forgot about the LP CC being included, which means I got 1 star for CC
But in all the other requirements I've got 5 stars! (except for 1 part with 3 stars)

Got 171 out of 180 points!

TudorMan23 1st Dec 2013 10:51 PM

I really like how they changed the download requirements you something! Its so much easier to understand and its in a way you can read as well! The old way was confusing to me!

Ferguson Avenue 3rd Dec 2013 3:05 PM

Damn! It's December already. Hopefully I will be able to complete a few more Sims related projects I have in mind.

Johnny_Bravo 9th Dec 2013 6:46 PM

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Hopefully I can take pictures of the christmas cabin in snow

Something I've started yesterday:

I'm really proud of the (praerie) garden!

Ferguson Avenue 11th Dec 2013 7:44 PM

It's adorable! It reminds me of Arizona, it just has that kind of feel to it. Anyway it's an adorable little house on the Praerie, nonetheless!

TudorMan23 13th Dec 2013 2:24 AM

Yes I agree! It makes me want to live there myself were a SIM

Ferguson Avenue 20th Dec 2013 9:19 PM

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Inspired by Johnny Bravo's cabin in the Arizona desert, I've decided to try and recreate and cottage from a desert in England; Prospect Cottage, Dungeness, Kent:

I like Dungeness because when you think of England, you don't think of deserts, but surprisingly, it does have a desert; Dungeness, on the coast of Kent. Prospect Cottage is very popular with artists, which is very understandable when you see its setting and its garden. it's also one of the few cottages there that wasn't originally an old railway carraige. After recreating the cottage from 'Safe and Sound' I found I enjoy creating smaller homes, so apart from my recreation of Grey Gardens, all my other larger designs are taking a backseat. I do intend to create a few slightly larger homes inspired my recently rediscovered love for country music. But I'll save that till later. I've got to finish the landscaping and the interior of Prospect Cottage as of yet, but considering the unusual nature of the garden, I'm looking forward to it.

Johnny_Bravo 23rd Dec 2013 7:13 PM

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This is why I shouldn't furnish houses when I'm sick :faceslap

I also forgot to take screenshots of my Christmas Cabin in the snow..FUCK! Gues it's going to be a New Year's cabin instead
Does Silvester Cabin sounds nice? Because in Germany, New Year's Eve is called Silvester

The UK has a desert? Guess I'll move there some day!

Ferguson Avenue 26th Dec 2013 10:23 PM

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Christmas Cabin? Sounds interesting. "Silvester Cabin" sounds good, although when I hear "Silvester" I automatically think of Sylvester the cat from Looney Tunes.
I like how you've created the island in the kitchen, I'd never have thought of doing it that way.
My latest design was going to be another small home, but it kind of evovled into a southern belle. I think I've been influenced by a house in the small town of Ball Ground, GA.

Street View

Rear View

J. H. Kilby House, Ball Ground, GA

Johnny_Bravo 30th Dec 2013 2:21 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Looks cute
Well, since I'm a professional procastinator, I didn't take pictures of my cabin in the snow. Maybe I'll upload it someday.
For now, I've got this:

I've never managed to fit new glittery stuffz from EP's so fast into a house. In this case, items from ITF and IP.
I also need a name for it. I was thinking of 'Cubicle', even though it clearly isn't, but fuck it, difference.

Ferguson Avenue 30th Dec 2013 5:32 PM

"Professional Procrastinator"? I procrastinate procrastinating, which is probably why I don't play the Sims very much anymore. The sims used to be a form of procrastinating for me, but now I proscrastinate even doing that. This house does look awesome though. as for the name, "Cubicle" sounds good given it's links with cube, and the fact that your house is very cube-like I don't see why you can't call it "Cubicle". I hope that logic all makes sense; I'm ill and so should probably go back to bed; hence why this didn't all sound as good as it did in my head.

Johnny_Bravo 30th Dec 2013 6:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'll name it Cubicle then:

Get well soon. Sucks to be sick when tomorrow is New Year's eve. I'll drink for ya!
Edit: Shumbidted! Нажмите здесь(Nazhmite zdes' ; Click here)

Ferguson Avenue 2nd Jan 2014 10:23 AM

Thanks. I just have a cold now.
The Cubicle is such an awesome looking place. I really love how you've designed and furnished it. I look forward to your next inspiring design.

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Jan 2014 2:04 AM

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Well I just started to build something:

Started this an hour ago. A fairly simple structure. I usually don't like 2 stories on a modern build, but it fits this one really well
Going to bed now, I think I'm getting sick. I might have catched it from you, Fergus

Ferguson Avenue 4th Jan 2014 10:47 PM

It seems my plan to infect everyone is working according to plan. Time to initiate the next phase...
Tha house looks awesome. Modern may not be my thing, but from the rear view that house looks to be a dream house if ever there was one. :lovestruc

Johnny_Bravo 5th Jan 2014 2:17 AM

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Well your plan doesn't work on me. I'm not getting sick
Thanks. I like the rear better in-game than on the picture, but whatever
Now I'm working on this:

I'm not a 100% sure about the color.
It has about 7 bedrooms I think. Can't remember, didn't count, just closed the game

Ferguson Avenue 5th Jan 2014 12:59 PM

Wow, now that is a grand ol' Second Empire home. It shall be interesting to see the internal layout and what you do with it. I'm not so sure about your mixing of the boarding and brick. I'd just go with brick. I like the ornamentation you've put on the exterior, especially with the wall coverings on the compressed floor, I think this puts it towards the later part of the Second Empire style's era of fashionability. If you're looking to create a historical interior I could certainly link you to some appropriate houses that you could use for inspiration.

Johnny_Bravo 5th Jan 2014 2:10 PM

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Yeah I want something historical this time
I've changed the clapboard to brick, except the dormers. Which looks better?

Ferguson Avenue 5th Jan 2014 2:17 PM

That looks better. I can't tell the difference between the two pictures. What am I looking for? I'll assemble a group of appropriate houses you could use for reference after lunch, right now I'm very hungry. *stomach rumbles*

Johnny_Bravo 5th Jan 2014 4:02 PM

The dummy floor between the ground and 1st floor. Forgot to point it out.

Ferguson Avenue 5th Jan 2014 5:25 PM

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I'm not sure. It seems to stand out a bit too much in both, the lack of a raised foundation isn't helping the image of the house much, combined with the over emphasised dummy floor this makes the proportions of the house seem a bit odd. But making the dummy floor blend into the floor below should help. To fix this you could maybe use a wall covering that just has the bracketing on the corners for the ground and dummy floor, just like in the poorly edited picture I have attached. The only other thing I've now thought of is that it might be a good idea to make the colours of the cornicing and the ornamentation on the wall coverings match. Again, it seems a bit odd with them not matching. The thing with Second Empire is that the bulk of the exterior was quite void of ornamentation; just plain brickwork. The ornamentation was in the roof, window/door surrounds and the cornice between the roof and the bulk of the house
As you will see in these examples, the brickwork is plain, most of them don't even have decorative stone on the corners, but your one looks nice with it on the corners and on the tower.

Johnny_Bravo 6th Jan 2014 8:43 PM

Wow, really beautiful homes. Some areas certainly are very cheap. That house which went for 229k in Port Washington would be worth at least 1M in my area.
Anyway, the examples are great, might turn one or 2 of them into pixel houses

Ferguson Avenue 7th Jan 2014 11:28 AM

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I know exactly what you mean. I think it's got something to do with just how large America is, as well as the economic state and accessibility of each area. I could go on for a long time talking about old houses for sale in America; but instead I'll just say that I've seen some grand old houses for sale for as little as 5K or 10K. It really does depend on where you look. :P
I've also been working on a house I've seen in a dream. The trouble is I can only remeber being in the tower and on the roof looking down to the coast. The house, in my dreams, sits on a hill in the pacific northwest of America, with a garden that runs down the hill to the rocky coast, the house is then surrounded by a thickly wooded conniferous forrest and the house and garden were in a clearing that runs down towards the sea. The drive the round past the front of the house to the garage which sat at an angle further away from the house. Going away from the house, the drive weaved its way through the forrest to a road, out of sight of the house. Something like the sketch I've just attached. My only trouble is that I don't really have a world/lot suitable for recreating this dreamy house.

Johnny_Bravo 8th Jan 2014 4:53 PM

Wow, I like how it looks Victorian-, Cape Cod- and Colonial-ish

Johnny_Bravo 9th Jan 2014 1:21 PM

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May I present:
The Pelican

I'm getting a feeling for mansard roofs

Ferguson Avenue 9th Jan 2014 5:33 PM

It certainly is a belle. And such an adorable colour. The only thing that bugs me is those shingle on the bay windows and dormers. They seem very harsh in comparison with the much softer boarding. Have you considered trying one of the fish-scale shingle patterns instead?

TudorMan23 10th Jan 2014 1:24 AM

Yes, I do agree! It is very cute but the shingles on the dormers is a bit harsh! yes try the fish scale shingles instead! The colors look great!

Johnny_Bravo 16th Jan 2014 2:35 PM

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I've had some hard drive problems and now I lost all my houses. All of them

Finally, after a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long time, I've managed to make my first good looking craftsman cottage!

TudorMan23 17th Jan 2014 4:32 AM

Oh MAn! That totally sucks! WOW!

Your cottage looks great, the colors and details are spot on! love it.

Sorry I haven't posted and new projects for a while cause my computer is just being stupid! UGH!!!

Johnny_Bravo 17th Jan 2014 4:51 PM

I also tortured myself through making the exterior with lots of laggs and freezes

TudorMan23 20th Jan 2014 4:05 AM

It looks very authentic and its very detailed! Awesome job on the exterior! And the colors look great as well!

gogolinopz 22nd Jan 2014 4:44 PM

Hey! I haven't visited for a while, because I had all those projects for the university, but now I have exams, which is nice beacause I only get to do 1 thing - study and not do 1000 things in a day. So I have time to also visit the site.

First of all - I really love the new stuff I see here! Fergus and Johnny - you've really started to make more advanced houses that require a lot of work and that's great! And second - OMG! The new Creator Guidelines are so mcuh better - I can't believe that I can upload up to 100 pics. That's just perfect for adding my new upload (the palace you saw some time ago) I can even bypass the queue but I still want it to be checked by a moderator.

Johnny_Bravo 27th Jan 2014 8:52 PM

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Good luck with your exams Gogo

Well, Fergus, either you, or Oldhousdreams, gave me this fever where I just have to create historical homes Right now I'm experimenting and combining 2 or more styles into one, good looking house. I currently have this Farm-ish/Colonial-ish/2nd Empire victorian-ish house and a Greek revival-ish/southern-ish house, I love it's fireplace!

TudorMan23 31st Jan 2014 2:52 AM

Love the one story house, Johnny! Its very Greek Revival/ Victorian ish! and the fireplace looks great! Love how you used MoveObjects for it!

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