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Zinthos 5th Jun 2010 11:00 PM

I can't stand James Corden. He's totally unfunny. :/

I thought that episode was very sweet. I was so happy when they took Vincent to the gallery. AND YES, TONS OF AMY. I love that girl!

Zinthos 6th Jun 2010 1:48 PM

I couldn't stand Gavin and Stacey when it was on. I'm glad it's gone forever.

fthomas 6th Jun 2010 3:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by haphazard helena
Awww, I actually thought Van Gogh was kinda cute, in a 'crazed artist' kinda way! ^^ But yeah, total waste of Bill Nighy. Why not have him as an alien creature? We know he can act behind CGI, after all...

I agree.
Aww, I felt like crying when they took Van Gogh to the museum. So sweet :] And, Amy's name was on the picture. A really lovely episode <3.

Next week the ultimate babe comes on, wowowow! SMITHY! <3 <3.

fthomas 17th Jun 2010 4:22 PM

T'was pretty good me thinks :]
What did you peoples think? xD

fthomas 19th Jun 2010 6:48 PM

Same! Tonight looks so good :]
Pandorica is a fairytale or something. Its the first part of the concluding double - eppy.
Lets hope its good! :]

And yesh, I want Rory back! <3.

Zinthos 20th Jun 2010 7:16 AM

I always hated Rory. Now I have good reason to, that gun-wielding evil robot of a man!


Zinthos 26th Jun 2010 10:58 PM


That episode was just insaaaaaane.

fthomas 28th Jun 2010 9:55 PM

It was amazingly epic <3.
Who watched the confidential after the show, on BBC3?
I did xD
Matt and Kaz are so funny when not acting
I think they should date in real life <33.

Zinthos 29th Jun 2010 7:23 PM

YES. A FEZ. I haven't seen a fez look cool since The Mummy.

Yog 14th Sep 2010 11:02 AM

I am so disappointed with the new "Doctor"! I miss the REAL Doctor!!!!

nightwitch 1st Mar 2011 1:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
Are you looking forward to it, or... not?
I love Doctor Who, so I'm going to watch it, even though it's not going to be as good without David Tennant.

And Matt Smith REALLY needs to grow some freakin' eyebrows.
I know a guy that shaved off his eyebrows and they grew back in like a week. Why aren't his growing?!
i argee, why matt msith as the doctor well come on he's an idioit and no one has porblry heard of him. he need's to be more like tennat, he trys to hard to funny which he is'nt. come back david tennat!

Lila112 22nd Mar 2011 11:01 PM

I saw it on Comic Relief on Friday! Boy, was it confusing.... I'm just glad Karen is in it! (By the way she says shut up in Doctor Who too much - she said it at her wedding with Roary! O.O)

nightwitch 26th Mar 2011 11:03 AM

I want to know when the new seris comes on air

edejan 7th Apr 2011 6:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Yog
I am so disappointed with the new "Doctor"! I miss the REAL Doctor!!!!

Which one is the "real" Doctor?

EleanorElephante 29th Jun 2011 7:59 PM

Personally, I think Matt Smith is a great Doctor... /is pelted/

Littlemissred93 8th Aug 2011 7:34 AM

I used to be Doctor Who obsessed.. It was worse than an addiction :/
I don't really watch it any more.. not since Matt Smith took over. It's not cuz I'm too stubborn or anything; in fact I have watched quite a lot of series 5. It just doesn't seem the same show to me any more :'(
I mean they changed the doctor, the companion, the tardis, the sonic screwdriver, the daleks, the title and the theme tune.. off the top of my head. Everything I loved about the shows seems to have been changed or removed
So yehh I still absolutely adore Series' 1-4 and Matt Smith really is an amazing person for the 11th doctor.. but he will never replace David Tennant as my doctor <3

ooo One thing that really annoys me now is how people are so gullible and change their favourite doctor every regeneration and then slate the previous ones! That realllyyy gets on my nerves ¬¬

Anyway.. probably won't watch the rest of series 6 but instead hole myself in my room and get my 1-4 series boxset out fun <3

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