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PANDAQUEEN 8th Oct 2024 8:48 AM

Had to issue an apology letter to my grandfather that I am still recovering from a chronic illness and from the stress of my anxiety. I was able to at least print out a photo of me with my hair grown out.

Gargoyle Cat 8th Oct 2024 11:39 AM

The fence guys showed up yesterday. They were here for about 2 hours; a hour of that was working in the rain. Eventually they gave up as there is no point trying to install fence when the soil is mud, so they'll be back today. It's supposed to be sunny and clear all day. They should get most, if not all of it done today.

Meanwhile, many miles south of me, Hurricane Milton creeping up on Florida. I'm not a meteorologist, nor a hurricane expert, but if anybody from Florida reads this and has been told to evacuate, please leave. Stuff can be replaced, humans cannot.

Storm surge for Milton near the Tampa area is suggested to be 12+ feet. Storm surge is measured from dry land. Stand somewhere then measure 12 feet over your head. This is not a situation people want to find themselves in. Milton is a small hurricane right now, but it is going to spread out and grow as it slows down.

Important Milton Update: Wind Field Will Expand!!!

PANDAQUEEN 9th Oct 2024 6:09 PM

Brought the mail in from the past few days, (my parents are busy, even on weekends) so I hope they'll appreciate my going out of my way for this. I originally went to the box to get a package from Australia.

I am also awaiting a package from my local shipping hub.

There's also stuff that I plan to eat that I have coming from warehouses.

PANDAQUEEN 10th Oct 2024 9:22 AM

My mother is not feeling well. She had blood drawn, given both a flu shot and COVID 19 booster and she's tired.

I have to stand on guard as I help her get better.

simmer22 10th Oct 2024 5:11 PM

Been trying out our grass trimmer, and while it's light-weight, it does get quite heavy after a while... Now my left arm (which was doing a lot of the heavy lifting/holding) is all weird and shaky when I lift it or try to hold stuff. Hopefully it eases up quick.
(One of my meds make my muscles more easily get tired and/or shaky, so it's probably that).

Johnny_Bravo 11th Oct 2024 1:43 AM

I've just seen an Aurora Borealis. It was already starting to fade when I got out but still, got to see the deep red velvety lights for 10 minutes before the clouds also started closing in.

topp 11th Oct 2024 6:09 PM

My dream is to one day see it kylmässä Suomessa, in the cold Finland

Though much to my surprise, it apparently appeared much more south than Finland - in Rijeka, Croatia that's only a 2-hour car drive from where I live!

PANDAQUEEN 11th Oct 2024 10:42 PM

I got my money back and I plan on doing my hair in the near future. I got just about everything ready.

My birthday is coming up and yet I haven't been happy with life, mainly when people make up problems to things they that aren't really problems or they don't have problems since they are bored.

PANDAQUEEN 14th Oct 2024 2:52 AM

Got paid for brushing my teeth and keeping the kitchen spotless (my semester as a kitchen porter isn't just for padding a resume, but it works in my favor if I want to be a chef)...

...but because I spent Monday at the DMV updating my photo ID, so I wouldn't look like Eleven from Stranger Things, I lost a day's work. But still, I had enough to buy a toothpaste flavor I missed out last Christmas because it sold out quick (perks of being a club member? Access to previous and exclusive flavors) along with a book.

As for today, I was extremely busy, cooking food, brewing tea, washing dishes, and scrubbing tables. As the kitchen is our common area, I am in charge of keeping it clean and the dishes in the dishwasher or dish drainer.

Tomorrow, I have to be on the lookout for a few packages. I was going to lengthen my hair with colorful extensions and I got to the age where I mutter "I don't give a damn..." when it comes to fashion. Only time I care is when humanity is at stake.

I did a ton of adulting and we're barely halfway through the month.

Onto the second half!

ThornsofOglogoth999 15th Oct 2024 3:23 AM

My day was good. Played some Team Fortress 2, then Sims 2, talked with friends, did some work, the usual. My days are usually very plain.

PANDAQUEEN 16th Oct 2024 1:56 AM

Mostly kitchen duty, KFC for lunch, my book I ordered came, spent time on my phone talking to my AI friend, online window shopping.

Not much, but my birthday is to be coming in a week.

PANDAQUEEN 17th Oct 2024 1:55 AM

Received my final set of hair extensions, waiting for another package.

Did mostly chores. Wasn't really hungry for dinner.

Gargoyle Cat 17th Oct 2024 4:18 PM

It's about time...

Companies must make it easier to end subscriptions under FTC's 'click to cancel' rule

Regulation comes into effect in six months' time, also calls for clearer information about services

According to the FTC website, any companies that violate these rules will be "liable for redress and civil penalties." The new regulation takes effect in the US in 180 days.

The 'click to cancel' rule is part of the FTC's ongoing review of the 1973 Negative Option Rule, which centres around instances where companies continue to charge customers unless the latter specifically takes action to cancel their agreement. An example would be the automatic renewals on subscription services like Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Plus and Nintendo Switch Online.

The review aims to modernise the Negative Option Rule in order to "combat unfair or deceptive practices related to subscriptions, memberships, and other recurring-payment programs in an increasingly digital economy where it’s easier than ever for businesses to sign up consumers for their products and services."

FTC Chair Lina M. Khan added: "Too often, businesses make people jump through endless hoops just to cancel a subscription. The FTC's rule will end these tricks and traps, saving Americans time and money. Nobody should be stuck paying for a service they no longer want."

For anybody outside of the US, do companies hide cancel buttons and other antics so consumers get annoyed and just keep paying for subscriptions, memberships, ect... because they don't want to deal with the mental gymnastics?

This reminds me of the email I got from Nintendo.

When I bought my Switch, I paid for a monthly subscription for a few months after all the hype over visiting other islands and such with ACNH. It wasn't worth the time or money. When my subscription ran out, my card also expired. I didn't bother to update my payment information because why would I.

Nintendo sent me a email reminding me that my card expired. Yeah, no. I haven't given them another dime since and have zero plans on doing so. My Switch has been sitting in a drawer for almost a year...

topp 17th Oct 2024 11:53 PM

I don't take on many subscriptions but the ones I had were fairly easy to cancel (though I'm from the EU).

I don't however let the companies keep nudging me - when I want to end a subscription, I end it period - I always have this fear that if my payment method expires and I just let the subscription die out on its own, that the company will magically conjure some mumbojumbo section C paragraph 8 where I still owe them all these months worth of subscription because I never personally canceled it. I like to keep those contracts clean/properly close them, I never miss payments' due dates and I always update my payment info before it gets the chance to bounce. My reminders app suffers, though.

Too bad that don't mean that much as it does in the USA. Credit score is not really a thing here. The only thing they keep track of is how much you currently owe and how on-time you are with the payments (and that's for overdrafts, cash loans, car leasings, mortgages and credit cards only) - no one tracks when you opened a credit card, when you closed your oldest line of credit, how long you've been in the system, whether you had a credit line in your life, and they most certainly don't check your credit score before renting you a place to live here...

PANDAQUEEN 18th Oct 2024 8:32 AM

Switched out from Twitter after the debacle of the block button to Bluesky and I got to say, it's more...easier for me.

I recently decided to read my news online at trusted sources.

Right now, I have about 4 days until my birthday party.

Gargoyle Cat 18th Oct 2024 2:57 PM

A weekend of almost nothing is coming; sounds good to me. The only things we need to do aside from the daily stuff is drop computer off to be fixed ( it hasn't melted yet with the extra fan I have blowing on it) and get some pellets for the pigs. They eat considerably more than Sterling does.

Chica had a seizure the night before last; she's fine. I haven't heard my vet, yet. I suspect I'll hear from her today at some point. The plan as of two weeks ago was to up Chica's zonisamide if she had any break through seizures. We know she can't take the 100 mg dose as she ends up acting like a drunk sailor. She's fine on 50mg, so the plan is to try 75mg and see what happens. I suspect there will be some drunk behavior, but not as bad as when she's on 100mg.

All that to say, a trip my favorite place, CVS, will probably be added to the very short to-do list. Ever since I called corporate, they've managed to behave like adults instead of petty children. It has be a welcomed change, but who knows how long it will last for.

Noa1500 18th Oct 2024 7:03 PM

Everyone at work has been hating on work because the workload is stupid high for the number of people on the team. From my side it's mildly amusing because I'm seeing people who are generally cool calm and collected get frustrated. Th has obviously a long time coming and it looks like the end is near so we'll see who has their (totally justified) meltdown soon! (Someone got mad that most of us are only there for the pay cheque- like why you mad bro thats how it works for most people lol).

PANDAQUEEN 18th Oct 2024 9:38 PM

I am tired out and cold, but I got the majority of my chores done.

Tuesday, we dine on sushi!

PANDAQUEEN 19th Oct 2024 10:47 PM

Got back into playing Pokémon during the off time I get during the wash\dry cycles of the dishwasher.

The power was out for about 2 hours and the electrical sources attached to my house's smoke alarm are making it chirp unexpectedly since power returned, reminded me of the "Friends" episode where Phoebe couldn't get a smoke detector to stop going off.

Gargoyle Cat 21st Oct 2024 12:03 AM

I've got my computer back. They replaced the liquid cooling pump and since they were going to be messing around with things, I had them install more RAM as well. TS3 won't use the extra RAM, but Photoshop will.

The computer was out of the house for about 30 hours. While I wasn't bored and kept myself busy, I missed it more than I should have which tells me I spend far too much time in front of this box. I need to work on that...

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Oct 2024 9:37 PM

Birthday Party today was successful.

I got 3 new Monster High dolls (G3) and I got to eat sushi and tiramisu. Tried Korean pot stickers with tamari.

I am worn out. Tomorrow, I turn 37.

simsample 22nd Oct 2024 10:27 PM

@Gargoyle Cat Glad the computer is fixed!

Happy Birthday @Pandaqueen ! I hope you have a good day, glad you enjoyed the party.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Oct 2024 9:44 AM


I enjoyed my party, I still have to unbox the dolls I received, and I am currently looking forward to the next 365 days.

I, however, still have chores to do once everyone is awake and preparing for the day. My mother is awake for an outpatient procedure and my father has work and is a light sleeper.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Oct 2024 4:51 PM

I can't believe it's been about 3 years tomorrow since I started this thread.

We certainly are growing as people.

Lately, my father gave me a pass on unloading the dishwasher so I could sleep and he could make breakfast for mom and him. Today, I will reload and will run it.

PANDAQUEEN 24th Oct 2024 11:25 PM

I was in a bit of a bad mood because someone interpreted a positive comment I made as a trolling flame while calling me "rude". I blocked her before I lost my cool over my comment. In all honesty, I had not seen the original show in decades and the reboot was something of a shock to me.

The one thing I hated about the Internet is there's no way to tell emotional tone or context.

But I did my dishes. I took a nap. I am still a little angry because I woke up to a person's negative comments saying horrible things to me in the morning.

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