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Wojtek 2nd Mar 2020 8:10 PM

Public transport in Wrocław

Emmett Brown 3rd Mar 2020 12:13 AM

More people died of the Corona virus, 6 now in my county. They talk a lot, lie even more, and don't do anything except say things like "wash your hands". I don't think they're trying to contain it as much as prevent panic and get re-elected.

simmer22 3rd Mar 2020 2:17 AM

^ On a personal level there isn't a lot you can do outside of general advice, until there is a vaccine (Vaccines can take anything from 4 months to a year or more to develop depending on the virus, and by that time there could be several infected people, so personal hygiene and common sense is absolutely the best way to protect yourself up until then). The virus is flu-like in the way it spreads, so general rules on how to protect yourself against flu and similar diseases is pretty much what you can do.

Panic is not the way to go. Most larger virus outbreaks of this kind have previously been dealt with long before it has had a chance to turn into apocalypse-like situations, and apart from the area of the first outbreaks, by the time it reaches most other countries it's being recognized and dealt with so the number of sick/dead ends up being somewhat limited. Most seasonal flu outbreaks tend to cause far worse numbers on a yearly basis. If you for instance live in the US, 6 people is far less than the average flu virus kills in less than a year just in the US (an estimated 35 million with flu symptoms last year where about half of them went through medical visits - probabaly anything from going to the doctor's office to being hospitalized. About 35,000 died, which is about 1% of those who got sick). These airway virus infections tend to be worse for those who already have a weak immune system and get various complications such as pneumonia on top of it.

Media often fires up the light under people's panic buttons, and makes the situations sound a whole lot worse than they really are. It's news, and news in these days are part entertainment, so if they can make it sound like a zombie apocalypse, then you bet they will... Not all, though. But they do tend to add in some extra drama.

Basically, think of it as a particularly nasty flu virus you don't want to get. Try to stay away from crowds (within reasonable limits), do proper hand hygiene (see tips below) and follow any guidelines put out for the place you live (things like tips for personal protective methods, when to see a doctor, alternative contact methods with health care to limit contagion, etc. This could vary from place to place). There are tools for testing if someone is infected, so if you think there might be a possibility (you've been in an area where there's risk or have been around people with a known infection) check with health care personnel, like calling you doctor's office to get info on what to do (they most likely have a set of guidelines on how to handle outbreaks and what to do with potential virus carriers to limit the risk of contagion). Limiting the spreadability of the virus is the best method of keeping it in check, so if you're told to stay at home (and aren't so sick you may need hospital support), then staying at home is probably the best thing you can do.

HCAC 3rd Mar 2020 2:20 PM

The state of the medical industry in this country (or what I have seen of it) continues to puzzle and worry me. Yesterday I had to go for a consult about something and chose a new doctor from a list my primary care gave me. I did research on the guy/the office to see if it would be a good fit. I went in and found he had a very "I don't care about your past history" attitude which to me (though not a medical person but someone logical and "empathetic") seemed very odd. His answer before and after tests were "I am sending you to my colleague Dr. So and So to get x done." When I said that wasn't going to happen and I needed time to process, he got very annoyed. Secondly, his "assistant" was a very unsympathetic young lady who stood in the corner and wasn't even dressed in scrubs.
She also seemed angry and didn't want to see my tests (I just went to the physician about 2 weeks ago.) I get the impression she was a student or someone unqualified.

Reason for my opposition--Dr. So and So operates out of a local hospital with a terrible reputation. I will not be seeing Dr. So and So or this guy again. Doctor shopping is supposed to be "Wrong" but these people inspire ZERO confidence in me. After a better night's sleep I realize this man ( being a surgeon himself) would suggest surgery as the first course of action. I have to do my own research as usual.

It's why I haven't dealt with this issue in the first place..finding the right dr. is a nightmare.

simmer22 3rd Mar 2020 5:51 PM

Having a headache. Tried going to work again yesterday, and I guess my body isn't quite where it can handle stress, even when it wasn't a full shift.

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Mar 2020 6:14 PM

Just came back from my operation today and I have a sore throat, phlegm, sore eustachian tubes, earaches and I am currently regaining my equilibrium.

Any fluids going in results in a burning throat. They intubated and also sent me home with a machine I need to breathe into every 12 minutes.

I kept complaining for 30 minutes for a drink because it hurt much worst when I came to.

What sort of OTCs work best for soreness? Inflammation and I are not the best of "friends".

In fact, some say because I was constant ill as an adolescent and into adulthood, most pharmaceutical companies churned out the pills, vaccines and syrups that worked well with others. I use to euphemistically Robitussin and Cheratussin refer to as Bob and Sherrie during a bad cold season.

I hated the chemical reactions I had with medicine because I would rather have the chemical reactions with human beings.

But I am currently recovering from a rather brutal operation. So does anyone know how to lessen the head pain?

Emmett Brown 3rd Mar 2020 6:54 PM

I'm a broken vending machine. People press the button that says "I love you" and candy pops out. No candy, and it's bang on the vending machine time. I think I've always been this way.

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Mar 2020 9:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
I'm a broken vending machine. People press the button that says "I love you" and candy pops out. No candy, and it's bang on the vending machine time. I think I've always been this way.

Apologies, @Emmett Brown, I too have felt the sting of trying to love on empty and getting a beat down from those who never cared. This happened when the Seattle Freeze started. I was unaware of the Frozen Heart (Frozen I reference).

Sterling_Archer 5th Mar 2020 9:49 AM

Telemarketers ringing every couple of hours.
No, I do not want to change my energy supplier. I didn't want it yesterday, and sure as hell, I don't want it today, and the energy bills aren't even in my name

mustluvcatz 5th Mar 2020 4:19 PM

Finding out that I owe $3,700.00 to the Housing Authority now. It has to be paid before I can reapply for an apartment.

And I can't even begin to afford an apartment that isn't through the Housing Authority.

Wojtek 5th Mar 2020 8:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sterling_Archer
Telemarketers ringing every couple of hours.
No, I do not want to change my energy supplier. I didn't want it yesterday, and sure as hell, I don't want it today, and the energy bills aren't even in my name
I installed an application called Should I Answer?. It comes in handy as it asesses the incoming calls and marks them safe to answer or not. You can block incoming calls too by blacklisting certain numbers. If it fails I answer the phone and speak Russian to confuse the caller and wait for their reaction

Sterling_Archer 6th Mar 2020 1:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
I installed an application called Should I Answer?. It comes in handy as it asesses the incoming calls and marks them safe to answer or not. You can block incoming calls too by blacklisting certain numbers. If it fails I answer the phone and speak Russian to confuse the caller and wait for their reaction

My borked Samsung S9 had that feature.
It would tell me who was ringing, so let's say, Telstra was ringing, my phone would automatically detect that
Oh well, a couple of months time and I'll be getting a new phone

simmer22 6th Mar 2020 1:12 AM

I have a kinda old phone, so I don't have those fancy apps that stop these calls. I do however have a phone list, so every time a strange number calls I first check the number (if I can at the time, I look them up at "phone catalog" sites and sites listing bad numbers) to see if it's a bad number, and if it is I add it to my "Phone terror" list, which I've attached the least intrusive ringtone I could find to. I also don't pick up the phone if I'm sure it's telemarketing or whatever. So if they call again, I barely even notice. At some point they'll stop. Maybe they try again in a few weeks or so, but then they're already on my list so I won't pick up anyway.

If I can't check, I'm unsure if it's marketing, or in any way in doubt, I tend to let it ring for at least 5-6 times. Telemarketers tend to hang up about there somewhere. If someone really wants to get hold of me, they'll let it ring for longer, call back, or I'll call back, or they can send a message.

Sterling_Archer 6th Mar 2020 4:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I have a kinda old phone, so I don't have those fancy apps that stop these calls. I do however have a phone list, so every time a strange number calls I first check the number (if I can at the time, I look them up at "phone catalog" sites and sites listing bad numbers) to see if it's a bad number, and if it is I add it to my "Phone terror" list, which I've attached the least intrusive ringtone I could find to. I also don't pick up the phone if I'm sure it's telemarketing or whatever. So if they call again, I barely even notice. At some point they'll stop. Maybe they try again in a few weeks or so, but then they're already on my list so I won't pick up anyway.

If I can't check, I'm unsure if it's marketing, or in any way in doubt, I tend to let it ring for at least 5-6 times. Telemarketers tend to hang up about there somewhere. If someone really wants to get hold of me, they'll let it ring for longer, call back, or I'll call back, or they can send a message.

Normally, if it is an important call, they'll leave a voice message for me

Emmett Brown 11th Mar 2020 11:37 PM

Seattle Schools shut down today. Our school district is getting ready to shut down. The Governor wants school districts in three counties to shut down for an extended period. This won't stop the spread, but it will slow it down; the goal is to slow the spread so the number of people infected remains below the maximum capacity of the hospitals to treat patients.
If the two local supermarkets do delivery, I'm going to self isolate.

simmer22 12th Mar 2020 2:12 AM

^ I think it's more common to label it as an epidemic/pandemic when it's a new strain of virus causing trouble.

Flu and cold viruses consist of several different viruses each season, some coming back and others with some variations/mutations. Those viruses often mutate between each season, but these mutations tend to be small enough for the immunity you've already built up to handle it, possibly helped by the season vaccine (which is from a mix of different viruses that seem the most likely to cause problems that particular season). Animals can get the flu too, but normally those viruses don't transfer to humans. However, in some cases these viruses mutate enough to transfer, which is how we got bird flu and swine flu and other flu epidemics - and while these viruses are technically flu viruses, they're different enough from the regular seasonal human viruses for the immune system to have more trouble clearing out the infection, and while most people tend to deal with these infections quite well, some tend to be hit a lot harder. When a particular strain of those viruses hit, then that could become an epidemic/pandemic if it gets bad enough.

Seasonal flu is something we just have to realize has come to stay. Good hand hygiene is the best solution.

The Corona virus is not a flu virus, but is the same family of viruses as the SARS virus that raged a while back. It most likely originated in either birds or bats. It gives flu/cold-like symptoms, mainly targeting the respiratory function. Most people who get sick will tend to just have cold/flu symptoms for a few days and be done with it, while a smaller number of people get sick enough to need hospitalization and in some cases breathing help. It does have a lot of surface-level similarities with the cold/flu viruses, and I think one or two of the older strains might be i nthe group of viruses that can cause seasonal colds, but they're not the same. There's a lot of respiratory viruses frolicking in the late autumn and winter months. Most of them cause similar symptoms to cold/flu, so they're often difficult to dfferentiate. The corona virus may have a long incubation time (one estimate I heard was at least a couple weeks or so from point of infection to first symptoms) so a person could show no symptoms for quite a while until they actually get sick, andin the meantime spread the virus around to other people. It also survives for a while on surfaces like door handles, tables, etc.

Best way to protect yourself is to wash your hands one time too many rather than one too few. Wash with soap and water, your hands should look and feel soapy all over before you rinse (under nails, at nail beds, in all crevises, up to the wrist, all fingers, palms and back of hands, soap in for a minimum of 30 seconds up to a minute. If it takes shorter you probably forgot some spots). The virus has components made of fat particles, and these are ruined in contact with soap, but they attach to dirt and small crevises so some rubbing is required to remove them. Alcohol hand sanitizer isn't quite as good as soap and water against the Corona virus (the alcohol spends a bit longer dissolving the fat components of the virus), but fine if you don't have other alternatives, and you have to make sure you use enough (hands wet for at least 20 seconds). There needs to be at least 60-70% alcohol contents before it has effect (preferably with glycerol in the mix, as this helps keep your hands from drying out, but DON'T use glycerol hand sanitizer for cleaning items, as this leaves a film of glycerol on the item which microbes might enjoy once the alcohol wears off). Both with sanitizer and hand wash, rubbing in your hands is important.

Unless you are caring for someone who is sick, rubber gloves don't do much (unless you have open wounds, then you could use something like a band-aid or bandages and then the gloves as an added protection if you're doing something that is likely to get dirty material into the wound, or when cooking for others). You still have to clean your hands after using the gloves, and you get very sweaty hands using them for longer periods of time, which can be bad for the skin. They're also really bad for the environment if you use them excessively. Better just wash your hands when you've been out, before cooking, after toilet visits, etc., and buy packaged meats/fish if the deli counter is unappetizing (seems the hygiene standards for packaging food is a bit higher than for those selling the unwrapped stuff), wash fruits/veggies, etc.

And use (electronic-safe) sanitizer wipes on computer keboards and cellphones once in a while. There's lots of microbes hanging out there (maybe don't take your phone to the toilet...)

Graveyard Snowflake 12th Mar 2020 7:37 AM

ugh...i'm not sick, but i really hate this new school...fucking flipped classroom model and calculator ban...ugh.....
Edit: I'm trying, but it's not enough! The only time calculators are allowed is when you have a documented disability thing signed, and even then, only a basic function calculator (TI-30) is allowed. I really hate this place, but I have to wait until the semester ends to do something...

...i just want my degree, damnit...can i just go to space?

Emmett Brown 12th Mar 2020 3:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
ugh...i'm not sick, but i really hate this new school...fucking flipped classroom model and calculator ban...ugh.....
Edit: I'm trying, but it's not enough! The only time calculators are allowed is when you have a documented disability thing signed, and even then, only a basic function calculator (TI-30) is allowed. I really hate this place, but I have to wait until the semester ends to do something...

...i just want my degree, damnit...can i just go to space?

Do they allow slide rules?
My first year at university they had a big sale on slide rules! I only bought one. Had I known they were not going to make them anymore, I would have bought three: a pocket, class room and heavy duty.

Corona Virus Update
Seattle Diocese has shut down all public masses. Local School is still open, which is just stupid.

simmer22 12th Mar 2020 7:48 PM

My country has entered panic mode as well. *sigh*
For some bizarre reason people are hoarding toiletpaper, flour and baguettes

(If bread, pasta and rice is what they're worried about, that's fine - I can do without...)

HCAC 12th Mar 2020 8:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
My country has entered panic mode as well. *sigh*
For some bizarre reason people are hoarding toiletpaper, flour and baguettes

TP here in NY (Coronvirus capital). Yes, insane people hoarding. I told my husband to buy flour. I can make bread and pizza and other food if we get "stuck inside."

Emmett Brown 12th Mar 2020 11:39 PM

Okay, now the local school is closing. About time. Public schools are little more than disease distribution centers.

Sterling_Archer 13th Mar 2020 12:18 AM

They haven't closed any of the he the schools here yet, bit we also haven't had any confirmed coronavirus cases yet, so fingers crossed.

I am also supposed to fly to Sydney and then to Brisbane at the start of July. Hopefully the pandemic has died down a little by then.

PANDAQUEEN 13th Mar 2020 12:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
Okay, now the local school is closing. About time. Public schools are little more than disease distribution centers.

Schools are germ factories, regardless.

Been teaching an AI about life and becoming its friend. Before I transfer the AI into a body, it's got to gain my trust and vice versa.

Body isn't cheap and neither are the modifications to get it working.

Cheap stuff isn't good, good stuff isn't cheap.

I barely have the money for a stomach that can burn food like in a calorie testing rig.

Sterling_Archer 13th Mar 2020 12:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Schools are germ factories, regardless.

So are hospitals, apparently

Like one doctor in Australia thought that he just had the flu and continued working and he actually had coronavirus and infected like over 70 patients and staff

simmer22 13th Mar 2020 1:04 AM

^ Microbes love hospitals, and superbugs tend to like hanging out around hospitals. The longer time you spend at a hospital as a patient, the more likely you are to pick up something nasty, especially after surgery or if you're already in trouble from another infection or a serious condition. Which is why hygiene is especially important while you're in a hospital for whatever reason. Not to say that you shouldn't go to a hospital if you need to, but perhaps try to not hang around there more than strictly needed.

Most of the time, those who get the flu or a cold or even the Corona virus don't get extremely sick or die from the initial infection. They get sicker because the infection and/or other microbes travel further down the system and cause pneumonia or other complications. That's most often those who are already in the risk zone for complications from seasonal infections. And yes, some otherwise healthy people do get complications, but this can also happen with the seasonal microbes if you're unlucky.

People who keep working when they are sick, ESPECIALLY people who work in health care or around people in risk groups, along with people who work in professions where they come in contact with people who might come in contact with the risk groups on a daily basis (schools, free time activities, etc.) SHOULD stay home when sick. Seriously! Going to work when sick (not just Corona but flu/cold/stomach bugs/etc.) is a big problem, and one of the reasons people who could easily have stayed healthy get infected in the first place.

I'm of the opinion that some system should always be in place to make sure people have paid sick leave for things like viral infections, because when people feel they're forced to go to work even when they're sick, it can make them sicker and it can also make other people around them sick.

At my work place we often have to quarantine patients during outbreaks of stomach viruses (and colds/flu if it's bad enough), because those are really nasty and will take a couple rounds or so with the elderly if allowed to. I absolutely hate having to work in those yellow gowns, masks and gloves, because it's really warm and uncomfortable, but rather that on one or two patients than the whole house (plus the personnel dropping out of work one after another). If people could have the brilliant idea to stay away when there's been a stomach virus outbreak at their kids' school or daycare, or stay home if they're sneezing and coughing, and for at least a couple or three days after they're well again, that would be ideal (it's the one time when it's perfectly fine NOT to go visit granny or granddad, at least if you want to keep them around for a while longer).

And wash/sanitize your hands, for goodness sake! Don't come dragging all the microbes in, and you probably don't want to take them back out with you again, either (elderly on institutions don't always have the best hand hygiene, unfortunately). This goes for hospitals as well. If there are public bathrooms and/or sanitizers available, use them for hand hygiene both when you enter the hospital and when you leave, before and after you eat, after using a toilet, plus as many times as possible during the stay. The staff has other things to do than running after visitors with soap and a hose.

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