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Shenanigans_SC 24th Feb 2008 8:56 PM

Morning Address - Day 4
((OOC: Eeek! Sorry about the delay guys!))

“The King speaks.” Came the usual words from Edouard as he took his place upon the usual platform in the Grand Salon. His features giving away the fact it had been a long night riddled with worry that just passed. Indeed, Adalita was not improving yet. Every day that passed with no signs of improvement took its toll upon his usually authoritive face. “Duc d’Cognac.” He called out for Felix to make his whereabouts known. “The Duc d’Lorraine has brought it to my attention that he deems you most worthy of a reward for superior service to our kingdom. You are granted with a gift of 18,000 livres. May you continue to serve us well.” With those short words, and no scandals to deal with he offered his arm to his Queen and the royal family made their exit.

Shenanigans_SC 25th Feb 2008 5:19 AM

After Mercy left the Salon, Isabella sat in quiet reflection for a few moments, her mind combing through Mercy’s words. She would have to see what she could find out about the apparent rumor that had reached Baroness Flight’s ears. For now she would push it out of her mind, and return to her suite.

Once in her suite Isabella sat under the careful tentative hand of Margret. She discussed with her the possibility of someone in the palace watching her. First Duchess Marie seemed to magically find out about her relationship with Octavien and now Baroness Flight hinted to it as well. It was rather upsetting. So much so apparently it made her stomach turn, uncomfortable with the thought.

After her hair had been let down entirely she lay upon her bed, with her eyes closed she felt at peace. Unintentionally Isabella drifted off to sleep. It was a skimming sort of sleep, one that never seemed to envelope you totally, always threatening to flee at the first threat of sound or commotion. Despite the fact, Isabella laid peacefully on her bed for some time, unaware of the passing of afternoon into evening.

Sometime during the evening Isabella was startled awake by a knock on the door. When Giles appeared at the door way, Isabella scrambled to get to her feet. How could she have let the night fall without visiting or sending for Octavien? She had assumed there would be no lesson tonight, and quite honestly she wasn’t keen on the thought of going to his room given the matter that was brought to her attention today. But despite all of that she had every intention of passing the night with him, one way or another.

Her mind willed it, however her body did not allow it. No sooner had she stood and walked a few yards her servant maids ran to her side to assist her as a sudden dizzy spell set upon her. One could see the concern on her maids faces. With Adalita’s sickness everyone was worried that perhaps the Queen had caught something during her times by the girl’s side. Isabella of course knew better, which was of absolutely no consolation. Had she eaten something that didn’t sit well? Or even more horrifying was the idea of whoever poisoned Adalita managing to get to her. Whatever the case may be, it was certain she would be spending her time right where she was. In her room, and in her bed.

Giles was sent back to his Master with the message of the Queen’s regret, and the information of her not feeling well that evening. It pained Isabella to do that, but really she had no choice. With the passing of some time, her servants managed to get her into her bedclothes before she returned to the comforting embrace of her bed. As long as she lay still, her eyes closed and silence filling the room she was okay. Just before she drifted off to sleep once again Giles had come to her door. This time passing something delicately wrapped to Margret who swiftly brought it to Isabella.

She watched as Margret unwrapped the small package, her face lighting up as she saw it was a single red rose with a note. As she held the paper in her hands, reading his handwriting brought a smile to her face, and warmth in her heart. It was a gesture so simple and yet so heartfelt that it would melt even a heart of ice. With the rose placed gently on her bedside table, Isabella finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

With the coming of morning Isabella awoke, no longer feeling ill in even the slightest of ways. It had been an odd night, to say the least. Though the sickness had passed, she could not shake the curiosity as to what had caused it. She intended then to send for Duc d’Cognac as soon as the morning announcements were through. She had been surprised she had not heard from him the day prior. Though certainly a traitor in their midst was not an easy person to track down, he had always proved most resourceful when pressure was adequately applied.

The royal family once again stood in the Grand Salon, without Adalita. Isabella listened intently as Edouard called for Felix to make his position known. Soon he revealed that Duc d’Lorraine thought his actions were commendable. Isabella found herself hovering between satisfaction with herself and curiosity with Dimitri. Had he let it slip to Edouard the details of why he thought Felix was deserving of a reward? Edouard had never been one to ask for details on her recommendations, she doubted he would require such things from his old friend who he trusted with everything.

After the announcements had been concluded, she dispatched a servant to fetch Duc d’Cognac right away. She would be waiting in her Salon for him.

((OOC: That's your cue Haylifer!! Hope to see Felix in action again! ))

Fayreview 25th Feb 2008 10:40 AM

Warmth - General and... Continual?
Mercy frowned in the decided way of most 4 year olds, "well I suppose, Dimitri, I shall have to shan't I?" She was feeling rather good that evening and gentle teasing seemed right. Was that strange? Mercy had done it before among Gentlemen, without titles, both here and abroad. She had even had a go at the English aristocracy, but as soon as a man of wealth with a ticket to exotic lands had come along Mercy had turned to him, and dropped the teasing which he didn't enjoy to replace it with gentle massaging of his ego, well actually, it hadn't exactly been gentle. So perhaps she was just returning to the Mercy of Days gone by. One she had never had reason to wake from it's slumber until now.

She had felt strangely awkward when leaving him, the plaque still in his hand. She bowed as was customary, this time with some sincerity and then with a quick glance around she had moved closer, it was then she lost courage however and kissed his hand, this she accompanied with an impish smile. Even if he had suspected she was to someting else she had a little confidence that he would be thrown.


She was feeling particularly youthful today, clearly, as she had chosen a long flowing pale pink dress the attention she paid during the address was minimal. Dimitri had some reason to be intrigued by Duc d’Cognac? Well she needn't know why i mean idle gossip, is only idle gossip. She located her small black pocket book, tales of courtiers gone by. She smiled brightly, the court gossip was finish she decided, she threw the book up in a high arc it spalshed down into the water... It floated on the fountain surface for a while before bubbling to the bottom.

With a certain feeling of satisfaction Mercy walked back up to the castle to find a man who could procure for her a name plaque for her rooms, it would serve as a reminder to the rest of the court as to her name. Mercy Venn.

((Bit blah blah but it felt right so I typed it.))

stylequeen_SC 25th Feb 2008 8:20 PM

ooc: I'm really sorry guys, but I think I'm going to have to drop out of this RP. It's been great while it's lasted, but the past few months I've just been having less and less free time (especially time to RP - and RP well) and I'm afraid I can't keep up anymore I will still come online from time to time and keep up with this thread, hopefully Silvius can rejoin if I get my life back, but I just don't want to be a burden and not be replying when people want to. I know how it feels to be on the receiving end and it's not nice. So, very sorry, especially to RubyAmbition, but this is Silvius - out

RubyAmbition 25th Feb 2008 8:47 PM

ooc: Aww...I hope you live well and prosper! {{Call me lame, but I've said it to people at my checkout before.}}

AtropaMandragora 25th Feb 2008 8:59 PM

(((ooc: Sorry to see you go, stylequeen. Will you make a Silvius-goes-away-post, so that we can RP accordingly? Or should we just RP as if he's simply vanished and no one knows why? )))

Fayreview 25th Feb 2008 10:19 PM

((Simple his servants got their revenge from beyond the grave Anyway so sorry to see you go! Good luck in life, love and war... well you know what i mean.

We are running low on courtiers now could this be a sign? Mmm... perhaps i'm just in a mood again.

And finally I will be quiet for a while (shockingly I can do that!) back to school tomorrow and there are prospects of exam re-sits. Sadly when evolution made us intelligent it made us so intelligent we want to test each others intelligence.... Ah well :lovestruc EvolutioN :lovestruc it's all cool really.))

Haylifer 25th Feb 2008 11:49 PM

((Thanks Shenan Felix needed a lead back into things, he went off to celebrate and got lost on the way home lol. I've been dead all week and I'm still a bit sick but I'll RP tomorrow as soon as I can. Then I'll kick my lazy muse into action, promise :D))

Fayreview 27th Feb 2008 11:11 PM

((Ok it seems it's all gonna be more work than I thought, and I have to admit I am considering leaving you all at S2C for good. It just doesn't feel like home anymore thanks to one individual in particular who shattered my dellusions to protect their own.

I shall have a descision for you soon, be it a simple deletion of this post or the exit of my darling Mercy flight.

Of course nothings final yet but still, sorry all. Particularly you Seiza! Your writing inspired me and I must admit Dimitri is what is making me hesitate about leaving, you have a supreme tallent for writing. Something I both admire and envy. But what can I say? I'm a scientist not a novelist, sad as it may be! Yes I hope if I do leave Dimitri will continue and even if he can't, that you will join another roleplay, here or somewhere else and keep giving your beautiful writing to the world. Afterall beautiful written works are a vital form of art. Art is, of course, something deep and meaningful showing the most brilliant parts of the mind of its creator. And you clearly are brilliant.

Fly high, Smile bright and Realise your brilliance Seiza!

Yours, most Sincerely,


Shenanigans_SC 28th Feb 2008 3:49 PM

((Fay... I've sent you a PM. I sure hope Mercy won't be leaving us. I need her!
Hay... Where's Felix?? Isabella needs him!
Everyone... Afternoon was supposed to be called today, but I'm delaying some. I don't want to push the RP on when the flow isn't there. So everyone who has not been active, please, fell free to post and lets see what our Characters come up with! ))

littlesunshine123xx 28th Feb 2008 8:20 PM

((OOC: Hey guys I am back. I am so sorry for not posting for a long time, but school and drama took over my life and I havent had time to sleep never mind type lol. Could someone do me a huge favour and just pm what has happened so far, just the big events so i can catch up. I am going to say that Fleur has been ill for however long i have been gone and has only just fully recovered))

AtropaMandragora 28th Feb 2008 8:59 PM

Octavien - night/morning
(((ooc: Fay - I second Shenan's statement. But you knew that already. )))

The night that had passed had seen the young Prince in quite a few different states of mind. Even though he had spent the evening on his own, Gilles occasional presence being the only exception, the day that had led up to it had been quite eventful, and given him alot to think about. First and foremost, Mercy Flight and her threats. Where before he'd felt nothing less than a polite friendliness for the woman, there now stirred something darker. Something that had been awakened by a certain Marquess, and caused Octavien to rid himself of that particular threat to himself and Isabella. That very same protective instinct was calling out to him again, to teach the nosey Baroness a lesson she would not soon forget, to show her that one did not threaten Octavien, Prince or not, and get away with it.
There was only one thing that held him back, that kept him from unleashing the most cunning and vicious part of his mind, and that was the fact that he believed Mercy had been blinded by her concern for Isabella, and acted like such a fool because of it. A fool, not only because she had threatened to kill him, but because she had threatened to keep the secret safe only if he did as well, and didn't mention their little 'talk' to the Queen. It seemed she had overlooked that if he was to go against her wishes, and mention it to the Queen, Mercy breaking her own silence to the public would not hurt Octavien as much as it would hurt Isabella; the person she was supposedly protecting. If that happened, not only would she risk Isabella's possible disfavour for threatening Octavien, she would also fall from grace entirely by revealing a secret that was not only Octavien's, but Isabella's as well.

Still, right now, Octavien had decided to say nothing to Isabella. Not to protect himself from Mercy, but to protect Isabella from worry she certainly did not need, and to give Mercy a chance to realise and recognize his benevolence towards her. Though first, she would need to realise her mistake, and the fact that he had noticed it as well.

Then there was the Duc, the second surprise of the day, and the pleasant one at that. Given what Isabella had had to say about him earlier, Octavien had been wary of him, and expected him to be strict and rigid. But while at first he had been, he hadn't been particularly cold, and then as the topic of Octavien's family and heritage came up, he seemed to have actually relaxed. That, in turn, had loosened the ropes that the recent bitterness had tied around Octavien's own usually endearing charm, and they had ended up having a most pleasant conversation.
When finally Dimitri had left the Prince's suite, Octavien was once again in a fairly good mood. Still somewhat wary - as recent experience had taught him that no matter how friendly and agreeable people seemed at first, they could eventually turn out to be snakes - but in a good mood.

Last but not least, there had been Isabella's message, that she was not feeling well, which had thrown him right back into a more sombre mood. It was a message that had left him not knowing what to think. His first thought had been of Adalita, and the illness that was ravaging her body. Was it trying to claim Isabella as well? Was she laying in her suite, in her bed, looking but a pale ghost of what she once was?
Then, something occured to him. Had she really thought it was the same illness, had she even had reason to think that it was, she wouldn't have settled for just a message that she wasn't feeling well. She would've forbidden him to even come close to her... wouldn't she...? Out of concern for him? Considering the concern she had admitted to feeling when she'd heard there'd been an attempt made on his life, it didn't seem unlikely.
Then again, perhaps it was just the reasoning of a man clinging to straws. But it did manage to ease his mind a bit.
Until something else occured to him; a woman claiming that she wasn't feeling well... More often than not, when such an excuse was given, there was something more to the story. Octavien knew. While he had never been subjected to such an excuse himself, he had occasionally been the reason for one, when mistresses of his had kept their husbands out of their bedroom, in favour of a visit from Octavien. And there was that side of him where the last shreds of doubt still lingered, that he was her only one. The presence of Felix, the former comte and now duc, had him on edge, even despite what Isabella had said about never having gone to bed with the man.
The same went for that blasted conversation with Baroness Flight. It too had made Octavien somewhat paranoid. Could it be that she was behind Isabella not wanting to see him this evening? Had she spoken to Isabella about what she had spoken about with him, and somehow tried to sway Isabella's feelings away from him? Was that why she hadn't wanted him to mention the conversation she'd had with him, to Isabella? So that she wouldn't risk having the two of them discover what she was trying to do, and turn against her?
If so, she was playing a far more dangerous game than he'd first thought.

He had wanted to go over to Isabella's suite, to see her, to find out, but Gilles had held him back, claiming that while he hadn't spoken to the Queen, he had caught a glimpse of her on the bed, and it had indeed seemed that she was alone, and not feeling all that well. Reluctantly, Octavien had resigned, but not fully settled. He wanted her to think of him. For some reason, he felt he even needed her to.
Thus, Gilles had been dispatched again, this time with a note, and orders to fetch a rose from the orangerie, and deliver them both to Isabella's suite. Just like last time they could not spend the night together, Octavien still wanted to somehow show his affection.

After that, another night of little to no sleep had followed. Mostly, the young Prince had just tossed and turned, going over the possible reasons for Isabella's message in his head, again and again, and never getting anywhere.
When morning came, it was nothing short of a blessing. Not only because it would give him something else to do than stare up at the canopy, but also because it would shed some light on Isabella's health.
Much to his relief, being escorted down to the Grand Salon for the morning announcement, she appeared to be her usual regal self. Back straight, head held high, faint, cordial smile on her rosey lips. A relief to see, and yet equally worrisome, as it only went on to support his other theories.

When trailing back out of the Grand Salon, behind her and the King, Octavien wanted nothing more than to somehow claim a few minutes alone with her. But, he realized that now was certainly not the time. And so instead, he had one of his servants fetch him his winter coat, and then ventured out into the frozen gardens, alone.

(((ooc: Sorry, kind of rushed, but hopefully fairly coherent. He's approachable though.)))

Fayreview 29th Feb 2008 8:22 AM

((Ok dear friends I am leaving S2C but as i took on a responsibility here at the court I shall hang on here. You are the only thread on this site that will get my attention on a regular basis it is sad but it is the best I feel I can offer.))

Shenanigans_SC 1st Mar 2008 3:48 AM

((OOC: Fay, I'm glad to see that you're sticking around for us. *hugs*
Hay... where's Felix?? Isabella needs him!

I have an announcement to make.

This RP is by far my favorite, and I see it dwindling down, it’s almost heart breaking. I’ve been trying to think of ways to give it a little boost. I’ve taken ideas and suggestions and I’ve decided to allow participants to have two characters if they’d like to. There are however a few requirements.
1. Before creating a second character, you need to be actively participating with your first character. That is an absolute minimum of a post each section of the RP day for a real life month.
2. Those of us who have characters with power, (Seiza, Fay, myself), our secondary characters are not eligible for the advisor’s position.

I’ve done this in hopes of having more characters around to hopefully liven things up.

For anyone who is thinking of joining with their first character, I welcome you! If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. Secondary characters need to have a complete application filled out.

AtropaMandragora 1st Mar 2008 3:58 AM

Application - César de la Vallière, Marquis de Mont-de-Marsan
Name: César de la Vallière
Title: Marquis de Mont-de-Marsan (visitor)
Age: 23
Bio: Imagine for a moment the untitled Octavien Lahance, not yet a courtier at the Palace of Light and Air, as a cartoon character, with the classical angel on one shoulder, beseeching him to behave and be good, and a tiny devil on the other, constantly tempting him to be naughty and bad.
That tiny devil, would be César de la Vallière; Marquis de Mont-de-Marsan and one of Octavien's best friends since childhood. Good-natured, charismatic, and with eyes rarely lacking a spark of humor and mischief, the two years older César was the ringleader of sorts, of what one could call the late 17th century 'brat pack' - the circle of friends - that Octavien was part of before being sent to the court by his parents, to mature.

César is very much a man of his time, and his social standing. With his father having died a few years ago, he's now the man of the house and the estate, and the head of the family, consisting of his mother, his wife, and two (legitimate) daughters, whom he adores. He spends a great deal of his time on the favorite past times of the young and the wealthy, such as riding, horse racing, fencing, hunting, parties and balls, playing cards, visiting the opera and the theatre, etcetera, and despite being married at the age of seventeen - an arranged marriage, but not one he objected to, or even minded much - he's still a ladies man. However, he's not the kind of man to leave a woman's bed, never to return. The affairs he has are rarely 'one-time' things, and do not limit themselves to nothing but bedroom activities. Over the years, he's had a few select mistresses, to whom he keeps returning, and has only occasionally had brief flings. But even with his wandering eye, and even though his mistresses tend to end up rather well off - recieving gifts of money, dresses, jewelry and perhaps even a small mansion - he would never flirt with another woman or look at her excessively, while in the presence of his wife. Despite his affairs, he does love her - her wits, her passion, her beauty, not to mention the firey temper that he so loves to tease - and he will never spend too many nights in a row away from her bed. He simply believes it's a man's privilege to have a mistress or two. Still, he might have a tendency to neglect her and take her for granted every now and then. They are married after all, and so in a way he's already and always entitled to her, whereas a mistress isn't bound to him by anything but interest alone. Thus, Josephine might not recieve as many and as romantic gestures as her rivals.


Shenanigans_SC 2nd Mar 2008 3:37 AM

24 hours till afternoon is called

So if you were going to get a morning post in, do so now!

AtropaMandragora 2nd Mar 2008 6:49 AM

(((ooc: Yeah... Where IS everyone? I'm the only one that has made an RP post in DAYS, and me, Shenan and Fay are the only ones to have made a morning post at all.... WAKE UP, PEOPLE! )))

Fayreview 2nd Mar 2008 9:59 AM

((It is brief but it is mother's day and I haven't even had a chance to read your magnificent post Atropa, despite several refernces to you-know-who. But I shall! You have my word!!!!!))

Mercy decided perhaps the doorman was her best bet and so after her lengthy discussion, intertwined by some flirting with the man, who looked like a man of about Dimitri's age with a slightly harder life, with wrinkles and slight bags under her eyes. She understood her reluctance to Say he'd had a much harder life. After all one could not miss the marks on Dimitri's strong face, but they added character so she, personally, did not mind. And did she really even have a right too?

She walked away with a polite smile and a solid knowledge she would never forget the mans name again, it seemed the doorman was actually a Josephe himself. Her blues settled back on the fountain into which her pocket book, she had hurled. Searching for a sign of existance. She could find none, and that was a good thing. She was at peace. My that sounds ghastly she thought. I am NOT dead... Much to some peoples dismay. She allowed her eyes to trail around the gardens in search of a bench that would not, when the wind picked up, be sprayed by the fountain. She saw one in the sun light infront of the hedge maze and having no serious plans for this day she headed there to bask in the winters day....

Seiza 2nd Mar 2008 5:06 PM

((Hi all, I'm so sorry for going MIA! My home internet's been teetering on the edge of death for ages now, and then it finally decided to die, so I haven't been able to come online. I'm back at my hostel now with a working internet, so expect Dimitri to show his face for the afternoon at some point. :D

Shenan, sorry I couldn't get back to you, but I think having secondary characters is a great idea! I already have one idea brewing in my mind...

Fay, my dear, you are so much LOVE. *blush* Gah, I'm so glad to hear you're staying with us! Mark my words, you leaving would leave a gigantic hole in this RP. D:

stylequeen, I'm sorry to see Silvius go! But as long as he isn't dead in the RP, there's always a chance he'll return. ))

Slytherin-Girl 2nd Mar 2008 8:47 PM

Application - Marie-Elisabeth Valois
Name: Marie-Elisabeth Valois

Title: Comtesse de Valois


Bio: Married at 13 and widowed at 17, Marie-Elisabeth widely says she only gained two good things from her arranged marriage. Her massive inheritance from her husband, and their 6 year old son Charles. Named for her late husband, he is being educated and cared for by the best tutors money can buy. As the widow of the Comte de Valois she might not have inherited his estate but, as the mother of his only son (his first wife had 2 daughters), she holds it until he comes of age. Her two stepdaughters are named Sophie (14) and Helene (16).

Being forced into her marriage at such a young age, she believes she never got to experience life. Being saddled with a husband who was literally 4 times her age was something Marie-Elisabeth has always resented. She has come to court to make something of her life and hopefully have some fun while she’s there.

Overall, Marie-Elisabeth can tend to be quite bitter about life (Due to her past life experiences) and always has a look about her that suggests she’s plotting something. However she always keeps her own best interests and those of her young son close to her heart. She has a small locket with a portrait of him in it that she wears at all times. She also has a particular weakness for beautiful clothes.

In terms of the "look" I've often said Marie-Elisabeth has on her face, I refer you to this gorgeous picture that has it dead on: Link



With her (now deceased) husband

The portrait of her son in her locket

Shenanigans_SC 2nd Mar 2008 8:56 PM

So glad to have you slytherin!! Your character seems well thought out. Maybe now Felix will come out of the woodwork!

Slytherin-Girl 2nd Mar 2008 9:05 PM

OOC: Thank you I would've felt out of place if didn't think her through right, the writing level in here's kind of intimidating!

She sort of took on a life of her own so it wasn't too hard to flesh out :D

Shenanigans_SC 3rd Mar 2008 6:31 AM

It's afternoon now!

Ghanima Atreides 3rd Mar 2008 3:05 PM

Application- Joséphine de la Vallière, Marquise de Mont-de-Marsan
((ooc: Thanks Atropa for the invitation and the opportunity to give Joséphine a backstory. This looks like great fun and I'm happy to join))

Joséphine de la Vallière, Marquise de Mont-de-Marsan

Name: Joséphine de la Vallière

Title: Marquise de Mont-de-Marsan (visitor)

Age: 22

Bio: When Joséphine of Vortigern, aged sixteen, was told she was going to become the Marquise de Mont-de-Marsan, her fanciful mind projected the beginning of a fairytale marriage with all it entailed. Having witnessed it happen to her elder sister, Joséphine dreaded being married off to a man many years her senior, or otherwise brutish and violent for as long as she could remember.

César was not like that. Young, handsome, intelligent and endearing, he appeared to be the husband any woman desired, and Joséphine was smitten with him almost from the beginning.

Loosing her innocence came at a terrible price however: settled comfortably in the plush luxury of the Mont-de-Marsan estate, Josephine witnessed, year after year, her husband's infidelity, chipping away at the idealized view of life she had fashioned for herself. At first, she bottled her jealousy, hopeful that César's affairs were only fleeting, temporary, but as time went by, she was forced to accept a rather different reality. Joséphine did it proudly, turning a blind eye whenever her husband did not share her bed at night or was seen whispering in another woman's ear words unknown, despite the ache it caused her, often wondering whether César believed she did not know or, just as she pretended not to, so did he. From the moment of her birth, she had been bred into a lady, and a lady did not become angry. A lady did not question her husband's behaviour.

Joséphine tried, and often succeeded.

Sometimes however, she did not. Unknown to most outsiders, a scorching flame burned beneath the Marquise's calm, quiet exterior. A fiery passion that rebelled against her conditioning, which tempted her mind with beguiling whispers. That hidden fire would surface when it grew too hot to contain, often in surprising ways. Transforming from a girl into a woman and later a mother, Joséphine grew more and more aware of her power over a man's mind, of the effect a stolen glance and a fleeting touch could produce, inwardly horrified at her wantonness whenever such thoughts percolated. And just a little exhilarated.

César, too, baffled her. Despite the attention he lavished on his mistresses, he was not cold towards Joséphine, or their two daughters, Adèle and Angélique. On the contrary, he remained the charming young man she had married, alternating between the attentive husband and loving father and the ladies' man; however she would often get the feeling she was a step below his mistresses as far as his interest was concerned. This stirred Joséphine's fiery core, causing her to undergo endless private debates as she struggled to understand what it was that she lacked that he felt the need to look for in other women. She continued to educate herself despite her mother-in-law's disapproval, driven by a personal desire to enrich her knowledge and awareness of what went on around her, growing ever more skilled at reading others' mannerisms, including César's, who enjoyed challenging her and being challenged, a game of wit and subtle provocation that had as many chances of ending in a night of passion as it did in a cold “good night”.

In society's eyes, Joséphine is the perfect image of a dutiful wife with a pleasant singing voice, the angelic-looking Marquise de Mont-de-Marsan. However, if one lingered in her presence longer, they might discover that underneath that demure façade lurked a keen mind and a woman who was as sweet natured as she was ambitious, capable of unexpected astuteness.

Thanks to her husband's friendship with Prince Octavien Lahance, Joséphine now had the opportunity to be introduced into the court life surrounding the Palace of Light and Air, a world that dazzled and intrigued her at the same time, for it appeared to house a couple of strong, influential women like she aspired to become. To be taken seriously by men and respected for more than just her title is one of Joséphine's ambitions, and she often finds herself regretting having been born a woman.


((ooc: I decided not to mention Joséphine's, ah, secret, at this point and let it be discovered through rp. But if it's necessary I'll add it to her bio))

Seiza 3rd Mar 2008 3:09 PM

Dimitri - Main Hall
That morning, Duc Dimitri-Josèphe watched quietly in the back of the Grand Salon while the King presented the Duc d’Cognac with a certificate of 18,000 livres. He had been right to consider his suggestion through the night—Edouard hadn’t wasted time consulting him over suitable candidates for Mollier’s old position. One day was clearly not enough to make any concrete opinions, particularly when much of it had been spent in the company of the very royalty he was serving.

Nevertheless, the Queen’s words proved to him that the Duc d’Cognac had done one of his duties to his king and country. No doubt she would have him greatly rewarded in secret, but in this way...

Even if Edouard wasn’t aware of his daughter’s poisoning, he was unknowingly rewarding the man who was, in some way, avenging her. He thought the King would like that.

Nonetheless, Dimitri could not excuse himself: he had made a suggestion that was not necessarily with the intention of choosing the next Advisor. The Duc d’Cognac had indeed rendered the country a great service, but that alone did not prove him adequate for the position. Dimitri could not shake off the ill feeling that, if he was correct, such reconnaissance had been done under the Queen’s secret orders. Was that truly the mark of a man meant to have the King’s ear?

And so the rest of the morning was spent meeting other aristocrats, renewing old ties long forgotten (and some he would much rather forget entirely). Through breakfast with a Comtess and conversation with several nobles on a balcony overlooking the forests, Dimitri had been watching, analysing, probing. They were all very young, spoiled, haughty. There was plenty problematic about these candidates, problems that the young eventually had beaten out of them by the Rod of Life; but nothing particularly outstanding about their characters. He must have forgotten half of them by the time he left the balcony, and it was already afternoon.

Yesterday had been a most exhausting day in some ways, but utterly slow in others. He couldn’t think of a moment when he hadn’t held a glass of wine or a biscuit in his hand.

This, obviously, would not do. He was two years shy of living half a century on this sordid earth, but that did not mean he could allow himself a magnificent bulge like many of his contemporaries. Dimitri crossed the Grand Staircase, heading to the Great Hall for a bout of practice. Perhaps he would find a driven, passionate, ambitious young man at fencing.


((slytherin-girl, Marie sounds awesome! I can't wait to see her in action. If she's just arriving and you need a place to come in, Dimitri's totally approachable at the moment. He's anywhere between the Blue Salon and Great Hall--basically, anywhere in the main hallway.

[EDIT] And now Ghanima's here too! *explodes from excitement* Oh, and I think it's best to allow the secret to be discovered via RP. Keeps things in suspense! My two cents. ))

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