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joninmobile 11th Jun 2009 2:48 AM

Welcome Gay People *Read This First*
Read This First!

Please no gay bashing, if you hate gay people, don't even bother to join this group. If there is any gay bashing seen, I will automatically remove you from the group. Feel free to start your own threads here.

As always follow mts *link*Posting Rules*link*

Rapsheba555 11th Jun 2009 5:38 AM

Ok, I'm not staying in this group because i'm not gay, but I just have to say I LOVE the name of the group. It sounds almost like another group...:D

poi_boi 11th Jun 2009 7:39 AM

Just thought you might like to know many gay sim fans hang out on the following site.

joninmobile 11th Jun 2009 7:43 AM

Cool thanks for the link!

flanah 12th Jun 2009 5:28 AM

ok I'm actually asexual...
and no i do not mean */quote friends "like a frog"* lol ^^
i mean like in here Asexuality so this counts?

coltraz 12th Jun 2009 5:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by flanah
ok I'm actually asexual...
and no i do not mean */quote friends "like a frog"* lol ^^
i mean like in here Asexuality so this counts?


Sometimes I think I'm the same.

chibspan 12th Jun 2009 5:50 AM

I felt pretty asexual during most of high school. I almost though I needed to take up a life as a priest because of it, actually. Turns out I have a hormonal problem that pretty much snuffed out my libido. It doesn't get better, but I can take synthetic hormones pretty cheaply to make up for it.

flanah 12th Jun 2009 6:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chibspan
I felt pretty asexual during most of high school. I almost though I needed to take up a life as a priest because of it, actually. Turns out I have a hormonal problem that pretty much snuffed out my libido. It doesn't get better, but I can take synthetic hormones pretty cheaply to make up for it.

oh i never thought of that... but not having desires doesn't bother me and I healthy and all so I will just roll with it >> <<

chibspan 12th Jun 2009 6:27 AM

It really only bothers me now that I'm in a relationship with a guy who is pretty much "on" 24-7. We've learned some tricks to get around it, but truthfully I'm glad our relationship is more of an emotional one than a physical one (do to distance/time) at the moment..

flanah 12th Jun 2009 6:48 AM

I see.. well as long as its clear for him... its all good I think comparing to other problems some people have in there relationships..
I'm not underestimating your situation or so ^^ but nothing can be 100% perfect and its ok coz if there was.. it will get boring with time ^^

Rikachu 12th Jun 2009 2:44 PM

Just gonna say real quick, I'm not gay... Original name!

LE102071 13th Jun 2009 4:10 AM

Very gay here.. and yeah... I go to the link above.. nothing wrong with having something going on here tho.. :D


alexpilgrim 21st Jun 2009 3:13 PM

Actually I found out about this group at the GSC... I figured since I am gay and I play the Sims I just had to join!

missMSBplayer 3rd Jul 2009 7:11 PM

I'm not Gay either. I just love to support gays/bisexuals. They have the same rights as anyone else.

DaveyDaVinci 2nd Aug 2009 7:34 PM


omgrawr213 3rd Aug 2009 5:59 PM

erm hello everyone. :]

I guess you could say I'm somewhat bi.
so that's why i joined. (big surprise) :D

Prosthetics 21st Aug 2009 9:21 AM

I'm a lesbian. So hello. ^_^

rmrm 21st Aug 2009 9:51 AM

Hello, homos. I am new to this group. n_n

ghostanimal 21st Aug 2009 10:14 AM

I'm bisexual, and I've always completely supported gays. GO GAY PEOPLE!

VoiceIHear 21st Aug 2009 10:40 AM

i didn't know u were bi xP ....

but yeah ... i'm gay so .. hello .

ghostanimal 21st Aug 2009 10:56 AM

Rofl. I'm mostly lesbian though.

Prosthetics 21st Aug 2009 11:33 AM

That's how I am, mostly. I can appreciate an attractive guy, but mostly I'm into chicks. :]

ghostanimal 21st Aug 2009 11:46 AM

Same here Prostethics. I'm only bi because I've stared at guys before and talked about how cute they are. Mostly so that my ex-friends wouldn't get suspious.

VoiceIHear 21st Aug 2009 1:19 PM

ex-friends? and fair enough ... i've lied and said i'm bi to avoid an awkward situation....

ghostanimal 21st Aug 2009 4:02 PM

They don't talk to me anymore.

omgrawr213 22nd Aug 2009 12:20 AM

Hi to everyone who's new (and old too.)

CharmingFirewaller 22nd Aug 2009 4:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omgrawr213
Hi to everyone who's new (and old too.)

Hi, Brian Kinney.

omgrawr213 22nd Aug 2009 4:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CharmingFirewaller
Hi, Brian Kinney.


Hello to you, Prince Charming. Glad I'm not the only one who watches that show.

CharmingFirewaller 22nd Aug 2009 4:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omgrawr213

Hello to you, Prince Charming. Glad I'm not the only one who watches that show.

I love that show! Ah, Michael Novotny...*daydreams*

omgrawr213 22nd Aug 2009 5:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CharmingFirewaller
I love that show! Ah, Michael Novotny...*daydreams*

mmm. I love Ben. <333

CharmingFirewaller 22nd Aug 2009 7:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by omgrawr213
mmm. I love Ben. <333

I love 'em all!

I wish someone would create Queer as Folk characters for the Sims 3. Fanseelamb created all of the main ones for the Sims 2 and they looked just like them!

I love being gay.

omgrawr213 23rd Aug 2009 5:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CharmingFirewaller
I love 'em all!

I wish someone would create Queer as Folk characters for the Sims 3. Fanseelamb created all of the main ones for the Sims 2 and they looked just like them!

I love being gay.

Being gay is great. :]

&& yeah, I really hope someone does make QAF chars for the Sims 3.
Possibly the best cast of characters ever.

iamiam80 25th Aug 2009 3:11 AM

Hey all. I'm glad we've got this group up! I'm working on some super gay content for the sims3 (clothing, tatts, etc...) hopefully to be out soon! I'll def look forward to your inputs!

daluved1 27th Aug 2009 4:23 AM

Hello all

I finally found time to mosey on in here I just wanted to say that I'm not gay but my two best guy friends and 80% of my other friends are gay/bi/lesbian so I'm an avvid supporter! I'm secretary of my local GSA chapter and I attend pride parades on the regular

Anyhoos, I hope to pop in very often ;3

omgrawr213 27th Aug 2009 10:59 PM

welcome welcome.

joninmobile 5th Sep 2009 7:50 AM

yes, is 18+ only, sorry!

omgrawr213 8th Sep 2009 5:43 AM

deidara - warm your friend up to it.. without being too obvious I guess.
But make sure to tell your friend that it shouldn't change you all's friendship. You're still the same person essentially, and your sexuality shouldn't affect what already is.

chirpy - umm... wow. you're so lucky that everyone is so accepting of you. I'm happy for ya. and welcome to MTS!

VoiceIHear 8th Sep 2009 2:58 PM

Honestly? Tell her, if she responds like an anti-gay person would, she's not your best friend. I think I actually gave you some advice in another thread but I like to repeat myself sooo... Definitely tell her, you can't lie to her. You can never anticipate someone else's response. It's just not possible.

I hope she understands, but if she doesn't then .. like I said, she's not your best friend. A best friend wouldn't bale on someone for sexual preference.
If anything, they should be the ones who will support you through everything. But hey, who knows. Anyway I hope that it all goes well. I know how hard it is to loose a friend over something so superficial, so I hope that this does not happen to you.
~VoiceIHear xx

thelightelectric 30th Oct 2009 4:29 AM

Heya! I'm new to the site and was pretty thrilled to see that their was an LGBT social group! Very rad. I'm a nineteen-year-old gay student, and will definitely de dropping in here as much as i can! (Which will probably a lot more than i should. Being a college student and working two jobs, i don't have time to breathe on most days, much less find time to play Sims 2, etc. of course, i always somehow end up doing it, while my sociology paper sits mournfully neglected in the next room. Living on an hour of sleep is overrated :P)

omgrawr213 30th Oct 2009 5:27 AM

welcome thelightelectric.
good to see a new face around here.
D: 2 jobs, and college? dannggg.
well good luck with that.
we'll be your MTS support group! lol.

thelightelectric 31st Oct 2009 4:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omgrawr213
welcome thelightelectric.
good to see a new face around here.
D: 2 jobs, and college? dannggg.
well good luck with that.
we'll be your MTS support group! lol.

Thank ya!!! Yup. I'm a French literature and theatre major, and i work a job as a tea barista on weekdays and as a disc jockey at a gay bar at nights. I needed to leave for my DJ job like fifteen minutes ago, but ONCE AGAIN i'm on the computer instead of actually being productive. Go internetz.

btw. 'scuse me if this comes off totally stalker-ish, but i was reading the "TV shows you miss" thread and saw you mentioned Six Feet Under. That is my favorite TV show of all time. I own all five seasons. That show was a work of art. Every actor and actress was flawless, every script was perfect, every emotion woven into the fabric and beauty of the show seamlessly. You have incredible taste in TV ;].

deidara12 3rd Nov 2009 3:55 AM

Hi new person!

Thurissa 3rd Dec 2009 7:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chibspan
I felt pretty asexual during most of high school. I almost though I needed to take up a life as a priest because of it, actually. Turns out I have a hormonal problem that pretty much snuffed out my libido. It doesn't get better, but I can take synthetic hormones pretty cheaply to make up for it.

Oh good. I'm not alone. I was on the pill since I got my period when I was 12 due to my horrid horrid cramps. When I was 17 I moved out and got a good painkiller for my cramps and went off the pill. BOOM! Libido. It was so fun figuring out if I was a lesbian or bisexual. Since I was about 15 I'd known I liked girls, I had had a crush on my best friend for years without really knowing it, as I lacked pretty much all sexual feeling. Only had a shred of romantic.

Anyway I'm older know and I identify as a bisexual/pansexual. Yay me!

joninmobile 3rd Dec 2009 3:09 PM

Welcome to the group! .

kiwi_tea 28th Dec 2009 3:16 PM

Heck, I might as well join up. Seeing as I'm a guy with a husband disapproving of my island building right now, I need all the fellowship I can find. :P

Also, I'd be curious to know how other simmers handle homosexuality in game, considering the fuglies you're stuck with by adopting.

joninmobile 28th Dec 2009 9:47 PM

There is some kind of way to have male pregnancy in the sims 3, I haven't really tried it yet. Also I think there is a game mod for same sex pregnancy for females. In the sims 2, it's easy enough to have same sex pregnancy with insimenator.

VoiceIHear 28th Dec 2009 10:38 PM

Oh Kiwi hi! (I said hey in the introduction thread)

I actually get them to marry a woman, she has the baby, thn I make him gay, break up with his wife and he and his husband life happily ever after.

Like Jon said, pregnancy in sims 2 is easy, sims 3 I'm pretty sure there are ways... I know I've got my male sims pregnant a couple times.

psych 31st Dec 2009 4:41 PM

Well.. I'm not gay, I'm straight, but I'm not against gay people. This group is "For Gays, Lesbians, Transgendered, Bisexuals, and Curious people". Consider me as 'Curious' ^^

psych 31st Dec 2009 4:41 PM

Umm yeah, and... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE !!

Yog 19th Jan 2010 5:13 AM

Hello everyone! C'mon let's chat!

deidara12 20th Jan 2010 3:02 AM

Chatting :3

Wicked_poppies 24th Jan 2010 10:56 PM

Chat where?

deidara12 24th Jan 2010 11:49 PM


deidara12 9th Feb 2010 4:15 AM

Its not silly at all :D
I was in love with my Girl-friend (we never went out) for the longest time :3
And yes, I'm a girl <3
So...Welcome to the wonderful, magical land of gaydom :D

The ForestBalrog 24th Mar 2010 11:07 AM

My name's Dietrich (that's what I call myself and prefer, anyways) I'm a boy, and I am a homosexual. So yeah. =)

armiel 24th Mar 2010 3:12 PM

HI. I'm BI. Mostly into girls, but I can't live without guys either

KyleTheArtist 28th Mar 2010 1:52 AM

Hey there :D

I'm straight, but I support gay people, because they have same right as any one else. I'm surprised I didn't join this group earlier. Hope to make some friends

EKfreeky 28th Mar 2010 2:17 PM

i think i might be lesbian, seriously, going to a girls school messes with your mind and i'm somewhat really attracted to my best friend, although i havn't really noticed it until recently so yeah i guess there's no way to get out of it, i thought i might as well join here! hey everyone!

Lamieee 19th Apr 2010 12:06 AM

Hi, I'm Lamieee, and I'm one of those "confused" people. For the most part I like girls, but I do like guys, although very rarely. (And haha most of the guys I like are fictional, celebs, etc...) I have a feeling my life partner will be a girl.

I also have Asperger's, which can make the whole confusing aspect of it even more confusing. I've had a lot of incidents where I've "obsessed" over someone, including one that ended particularly nasty but has been recently brought up again...maybe I'll talk about that one in another thread.

Anyways, hi again!

me_ming 19th Apr 2010 8:08 AM

hi all ^^
my first group here in MTS...

i never really realized that this site has something like this, mainly because i just come here for downloads before...

and yes i AM gay..

Geah 20th Apr 2010 10:38 AM

Hello! I've seen this group before but only just gotten around to getting off my arse and hitting join.
I'm a bi-sexual, with a loving boyfriend. Am a 16 (3 months off 17! xD) year old Girlie and have known that I am attracted to both males & females since I was about 12 and first started really crushing on people :p. I am a proud Gay-rights advocate - we are ALL the same no matter who we love .
I haven't told many people about my sexual feelings, two of my closest friends don't know because of their Mum, who i've known for 12 years .. She is a really nice person but things have happened in the past with my family life that made her try to turn her daughters away from me so if she found out about this, she would try to lecture me yet again about God and morality and then stop me seeing my friends. Eh.
My bestfriend is tottaly cool with it though and so is my boyfriend and my other friends. I am lucky to have a Gay friend who is completley supportive and understands all these feelings buzzing round my head.

Anywho's .. I'm Georgie aka Geah aka Georgia. Bladeblabla and i'm out

Ryocchi 5th May 2010 10:53 AM

I'm Ryo, from México, *Weaves a hand* 20something dude, 80% gay, my best friends are girls, recently single, some girlfriends on my past, 3 boyfriends more recently, cool group, hope to be here a lot.

technolover 9th Jun 2010 8:12 AM

hey im bisexual abd im new here so HELLO ALL :D

MasterJM 26th Jun 2010 2:18 AM

Hi everyone! Found this group and just had to join!!!

Mickel 8th Jul 2010 8:56 AM

Hi, i dont think some people would expect to see me here. Im gay, and a very avvid supporter of Legalizing gay rights!


Sonataviola2 10th Jul 2010 3:35 AM

Hey all, I'm a lesbian. Call me Rae.

gabrielorie 18th Jul 2010 9:57 AM

Hey Everyone .I'm so glad there is a group for this :lovestruc .

RobbyBobby1975 22nd Jul 2010 6:51 AM

Hello All
Hey guys, I'm Robert, I've been lurking around Mod The Sims for a while now and thought I'd join and see what you all are up to.

I'm a part-time Simmer and full time addict. I love these games. Just wanted to say hey.


Robert :D

P.S. I'm gay, and a bear. I was the bear first though.

happyjme 14th Dec 2010 11:03 PM

Ive been a member of Modthesims since my sims 2 days but just came across this group now, so I figured I should join because Im gay and love to play the sims! So Id like to meet other simmers who happen to be gay too. Im sure there are a lot! lol

Grotesque-xox 30th Jan 2011 2:43 PM

Hello hello, I'm a bisexual female. Known for years, and have played the Sims since there was a Sims game to play. I'm currently 20.
I also enjoy kittens.
And chocolate.
And vodka. Probably in that order.

selfmadequeen 31st Jan 2011 9:47 AM

Awesome group. I'm a bisexual's rare I find males attractive but I say bisexual because I've been in a relationship with a guy for 5 years. I guess he's special!

chimamiretears 5th Feb 2011 2:00 AM

I just wanted to say that I'm not gay but I support gays as the majority of my friends are all gay or bi. I feel in the minority hahah. ^__^ Anyway, I love you guys so is it alright if I add this although I'm straight? I hope so. ^___^ If not, lmk.

**I_am_ME** 16th Mar 2011 12:45 PM

hi, i'm Mikki...i'm 16, biologically female, and i identify as...somewhere between transgender and genderqueer, i guess, because i like being androgynous, but at the same time i like feeling like a guy

oh, and if you're wondering, i only started thinking of myself as transgender about two years ago or so, but i've ALWAYS been interesting in anything queer :P

also, i can be attracted to any gender (or no gender, maybe :P) but i almost always go for either guys or other transgender people, drag queens, etc. i mostly think girls are cute, but not really SEXY.

it is AWESOME that there's a group like this here. ^^

Mocarth 28th Mar 2011 1:35 AM

Hay all... just found the group... Canuck here and damn proud of it... love living in a country where I can be who and what I am... a proud gay man.

kirkara 9th Apr 2011 9:47 AM

hey everybody! im new here and i just wanna say that i am bisezual so i support gay and lesbians. im mostly into girls though!

SpinningPlumbobs 28th May 2011 5:39 AM

Ahh... I just love falling in love with guys who are just flamingly METROsexual. It really warms my heart that they are everything i could ever ask for... except they like girls. -_-

Rawra 10th Jul 2011 8:41 PM

Eh, even though I'm reviving this thread. Yeah, necro, so what?

I'm one of the "curious" people, because I'm actually heterosexual, but I support you guys however I can. You're human beings, and human beings shouldn't be discriminated in the 21st century, I mean, come on! I have gay friends and, in the majority of the time, they are the friends who understand me the best. And, what the heck, they're guys, they're ultra-cute and they like other guys as well, meaning I can discuss everything with them and feel comfortable and okay about it even if they're men.

Rawra 22nd Aug 2011 9:57 AM

^No problem, it's what I think and feel, and I'll always have this opinion.

RylandHomes 1st Sep 2011 8:12 PM

Hi friends! I can't believe I'm just now finding this group. haha!
Cool, cool, I'm glad this is here for us.
You know, I just found out that my grandma is gay to! I was like.... I thought Ms. Jackie was just your roommate.. LMAO I should've known xD

monosagrado 3rd Sep 2011 6:54 PM

But i'm not gay, i'm bisexual :S

RebaLynnTS 13th Sep 2011 4:16 PM

In case you can't tell by my nick .. I'm a tranny

I have not done much posting on the site, but that might be changing soon

GigaRevival 14th Sep 2011 12:29 AM

Hello. I'm Giga and I'm bisexual. I *just* came out to my conservative father, who was surprisingly okay with it. *shrug* I guess he always had an idea and had 22 years to get used to it; or he thought I was a lesbian and coming out as bi is less of shock... whatever the case: I'm here, I'm semi-queer (<--Ha!), and I'm proud.

Also, reading through this thread gives me a nice, warm fuzzy feeling inside. It is nice to see all the love!

GayGrayDay 18th Dec 2011 1:57 AM

Hi! My name is Grady. I've been openly gay since i was 14 when i realized how "great" my best friend was. Everyone in my family was really understanding when i came out but at school i was bullied resulting in those natural hateful feelings. toward my self and others. I went into therapy when i was 16 because my mum was worried about my health when she found out that I'd been cutting.
Wow. I'm sorry... I guess I'm not that used to talking about my past. I'm better now so none of that matters. I've never had a girlfriend but i know i'm gay cuz, duuh, that's just what i like. Ha. Soo.
Hi... <3

Bodhie 14th Mar 2012 1:57 AM

Hi all , Lesbiana with Teta here lol Nice to meet you all

Yazoo 14th Mar 2012 4:28 AM

I probably should have like introduced myself. I'm the type of person that goes right into things *nods*

Hi, I'm Levera. I'm a lesbian. But in a way I'm a transgender. I want to have surgery to become a male.

Hello, Bodhie, Grady, and Giga And everyone else...That I can't remember -.-"

Bodhie 14th Mar 2012 4:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
I probably should have like introduced myself. I'm the type of person that goes right into things *nods*

Hi, I'm Levera. I'm a lesbian. But in a way I'm a transgender. I want to have surgery to become a male.

Hello, Bodhie, Grady, and Giga And everyone else...That I can't remember -.-"

Hi nice to meet you !

Arfghhhhhh ------- (look at your sign) Argh can I like borrow your sign to show to someone ? argh ? LOL

Yazoo 14th Mar 2012 4:43 AM

o.O Argh! >.> I have no clue, LMAO xD

*waves a weird wave then coughs*

WE must find a way LIVING this GROUP up >.>

Bodhie 14th Mar 2012 4:50 AM

hey if Lesbiana with Teta didn't wake up none...O_o dunno what will do :P

Yazoo 14th Mar 2012 4:54 AM

LMAO xD >.> I am thinking I've become a spazz <.<



I swear I may put up a new thread, to livin' this group up

VampireSim 14th Mar 2012 2:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Levera

I swear I may put up a new thread, to livin' this group up

Nice idea. I never thought, that I will meet so many gay people here. Definitely a very friendly place.

Oh, have I introduced myself?
I'm a 44 years old lesbian. My coming out is long long ago. I was so afraid of telling it to my parents and when I did it, my father just said: "If it makes you happy. Ok." :D

Yazoo 14th Mar 2012 5:29 PM

Pssh, your lucky that your father acted that way. My dad...It was odd. And my mother...eesh. She told me she hated me. (We come from a very religious background) and my dad told my whole family. My brother is the only one in my family, that knows, I want to become a male. And he is very open minded about it, and always there to support me. My good bro.



Hi, VampireSim! :D

lizziebee 15th Mar 2012 7:56 PM

Hi everyone. My name is Lizzie/Beth I'm bisexual.. It's nice to have a place to talk about stuff!
I'm not good at introductions. O.o

Yazoo 15th Mar 2012 8:28 PM

Lol. Hello Lizzie/Beth And welcome to the group...

I so sounded like I am leading an AA meeting or something.

HEAVEN-SENT 17th Mar 2012 9:01 PM

Hi everyone i am a lesbian,i have known i was a lesbian for about 11 years now and i am out to some of my friends but i am not out to any of my family cos my whole family in homophobic.
but i have the support of my lovely girlfriend (the av is a picture of me and my lovely girlfriend,i am the red head) and my friends
Nice to meet you all :D

Yazoo 18th Mar 2012 2:57 AM

Hello, HEAVEN-SENT And welcome to the awesome group :D

Bodhie 18th Mar 2012 4:06 AM

I so sounded like I am leading an AA meeting or something.

wait! wait! are you saying this isn't an AA meeting group ? But I though we were in the DOG group Awww LOL

Oh well...welcome to everyone on the DOG= Drunk on Gay Group XD *hic*

HEAVEN-SENT 18th Mar 2012 2:05 PM

@Levera --- thank you for the welcome

Yazoo 19th Mar 2012 5:15 AM

You are so very welcome, HEAVEN-SENT

@Bodhie: Noooooooooooooooooooo! LOL, its >.> I have no clue -.-"

Autistic socialist 20th Mar 2012 2:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by flanah
ok I'm actually asexual...
and no i do not mean */quote friends "like a frog"* lol ^^
i mean like in here Asexuality so this counts?

I think my bother may be like you but I am almost pan-sexual in that I am sexually attracted to a lot of things!

HEAVEN-SENT 20th Mar 2012 11:52 AM

@Levera --- thank you how long have you known what your sexuality is? if you dont mind me asking

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