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Vampire_of_Death 16th Jun 2009 12:08 AM

<Your User Name Here>
Well, how did you all choose your username, whats the story?

And if you had the chance, what would you change it to?

Mine is becaue I love vampires and deadly vampires are even more kickass, so thats about it. Mine, of course would change to something Joker/Harley Quinn/Batman related.

whitewaterwood 16th Jun 2009 12:19 AM

Mine is WhiteWaterWood and isn't very interesting. I chose three words at random. I chose white because I tend to assign colors to my characters and I was working on a character at the time who's color theme was white. Water was because water is nature is very beautiful and Wood because my mind just came up with that word to go along with natural water. Pretty much a collection of pretty words I like. Not very deep, huh?

If I had a chance, I wouldn't change it. People know me as WWW and I like having people recognize me online. Also, if I just changed it to WWW no one would ever be able to search for my username!

Death Princess 16th Jun 2009 12:26 AM

My story is long and I can't type it... I pick death because I thought I was dead then and I also felt that way.Bad times. And princess because I AM princess. At least acting like one

SaydeSim 16th Jun 2009 2:46 AM

SaydeSim... Kinda obvious eh? I play the sims, and my name is Sayde. SaydeSim ;3

If I could change it, It'd be something like SkittleS or SaydJoker, cuz then ppl wouldn't call me SAY-DEE and call me Sayd instead. SaydJoker because my username on IMVU is saydejokerman, and it's Saydejokerman because my name, and jokerman is partly from teh microsoft font, and partly from a nickname from one of my besties.

KyleTheArtist 16th Jun 2009 4:05 AM

Kyle was chosen in grade 9 when I was fanatic about South Park(still am) and the artist part was added in grade 10 when I got DA account. Now it is Stuck to me and I am not planning to change it( I don't want to change it either.)

GuardStud08 16th Jun 2009 4:08 AM

I was in band 1 year ago and I was Captian of our Color Guard team. Anywho, since I was the only boy on it, they nicknamed me GuardStud. 08 is for the year :D

I would change it to CogSolider13 b/c I love Gears Of War and a Cog is a member of the Gears Army.

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 4:34 AM

Mines just the first two letters of my first name, then the first four of my last.

SaydeSim 16th Jun 2009 4:59 AM

Oh Oh Ana!!! LOOK!!!

^-^ I thought of your avatar when I watched this :3

KyleTheArtist 16th Jun 2009 5:03 AM

You made me laugh, Sayde :D

Vamp-dragon 16th Jun 2009 5:07 AM

I proubaly would not change mine

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 5:08 AM


Vamp-dragon 16th Jun 2009 5:11 AM

Well I guess I could but I would still not change

no changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no chano changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeongeono changeo no no changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeochangeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeochangeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no chano changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeongeono changeo no no changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeochangeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no chano changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeongeono changeo no no changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeochangeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no chano changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeongeono changeo no no changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeochangeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeono changeo no changeochangeochangeono changeo no changeo


SaydeSim 16th Jun 2009 5:12 AM


Poor scout... and his mom.


If you watch to the end, it's really funny,.

KyleTheArtist 16th Jun 2009 5:18 AM

I seen that like three times today xD
Scouts mom looks like powerpuff girl lol

Sayde, DO you play TF2?

tree4me 16th Jun 2009 8:17 AM

Hm... my username... it's Tree4me for 3 reasons.

1) It used to be the email adress I used when I signed up for something I didn't trust, or want to use because I hate spam mail with a passion.

2) I'm an environmental freak.

3) That same day, I was INCREDIBLY pissed off, and I just slammed on the keyboard when I was signing up. Turned out the first letters that I'd slammed on were t, f and m. (Getting angry is my way of creativity. I can't do anything right unless I'm in a bad mood.)

If I could change my username to anything else, it would be Void, because I've always wished I could live in an empty void of the universe, so I didn't have to live with the people I live with.

Vampire_of_Death 16th Jun 2009 8:20 AM

The only reason I didn't change is because I have many friends here that know me as VOD or Vampy. It would make it too hard to find any of my stuff. And the name I wanted was taken.

Elephant 16th Jun 2009 9:42 AM

Wow... Where to begin.

When I was little I joined the Nickalodeon (however it's spelled) website.
I picked the most random name. Ever. FrogFlyer6


I hate frogs.


After that, I was MasterworksSinger (masterworks being the name of a choir I was in)
With the nickname MS.

Then I suddenly changed it to Elephant (My favorite animal)
Verrrrrrrry confusing for everyone else.
With the nickname E (Here I guess I'm El lol)

I've stuck with that since then. (Well, elephant654321 if elephant is taken.)

I also use DakotaTheCrazyGuy for facebook, youtube, and my secondary email.
So if I were to change it, that's what it'd be.

ZimZ 16th Jun 2009 10:56 AM

Well. My story is...bum bum buuum! Anyway I was playing the sims 2, borwsing tha exchange and came across an upload which had a link to a vewwy swange website which went by the name of... MTS2... Anyway I thought if I named myself SimS it would just be really stwange and weird... Sooooo I decided 'Z' iz my favourite letter in the alphabet then I had a thought (yes i know isn't that weird?)... The hought was I would call my self Zuparbupaokka... but then I thought again and thought again... and again... And then I thought of Ferguzz Then... I chose ZimZ XD

AnimalMad 16th Jun 2009 10:57 AM

Mine's just my nickname in real life. Don't ask me why, i have no idea :P

I would change it if i had the chance, i would be called AnimalMad or something similar

Vampire_aninyosaloh 16th Jun 2009 12:34 PM

aninyosaloh... some of you know why: it's backwards "holasoynina" "hola soy Nina", that means "hello I'm Nina" in Spanish
And I added Vampire some weeks ago, because I'm a vampire *evil laugh*

ZimZ 16th Jun 2009 12:39 PM

Cool! holasoyfergus... sugrefyosaloh

Vampire_of_Death 16th Jun 2009 12:39 PM

Nina, that is so awesome, never knew that and knew would have guessed!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 16th Jun 2009 12:45 PM

Some years ago, when I was bored, I spent my time recording me with the computer, saying things backwards to play them backwards and listen to what I had said, but not backwards (I think that I've explained it really bad )

Vampire_of_Death 16th Jun 2009 12:45 PM

No, I got it.

Rapsheba555 16th Jun 2009 12:50 PM

Let's see, I think I actually already wrote this up. Linky:

Vampire_aninyosaloh 16th Jun 2009 12:54 PM

You're going to study architecture too!! :D

Chalkzone?? WTF is that??

Vampire_of_Death 16th Jun 2009 12:54 PM

I always wondered if it was from Chalkzone. I loved that cartoon.

tree4me 16th Jun 2009 12:55 PM

I remember that! I win!

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 1:29 PM

Raps- I'm going to start calling you queen now. =D

tree4me 16th Jun 2009 1:30 PM

Heh heh. Better get used to that nickname. :P

Rapsheba555 16th Jun 2009 2:55 PM

Do. not.

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 2:58 PM

Hi Queen!

Vampire_aninyosaloh 16th Jun 2009 3:34 PM

Hi Queen!! :P

Rapsheba555 16th Jun 2009 4:46 PM


Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 4:53 PM

*falls over laughing*

AnimalMad 16th Jun 2009 4:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)

edit: Ri posted before me :P

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 4:57 PM


whitewaterwood 16th Jun 2009 5:01 PM

I didn't know that Nina! *is slow* I remember chalk-zone! I never got into though, I've always been more of a reader. What episode was it from? *wants a linksie*

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 5:13 PM

I remember that show...
Shortly after the first time I watched it I tried jumping through chalk circles.

Rapsheba555 16th Jun 2009 5:39 PM

character synopsis

search results for "chalkzone"

Rikachu 16th Jun 2009 5:46 PM


L Lawliet_SC 16th Jun 2009 7:20 PM

My user name came from my favorite anime, Death Note. I LOVE L, the SC was added after we moved from the old forums. I wouldn't change mine for the world ^.^.

whitewaterwood 16th Jun 2009 7:33 PM

You can change the SC you know?

KyleTheArtist 16th Jun 2009 8:30 PM

She/he asked, but this username already exists.

Vampire_of_Death 21st Jun 2009 12:35 PM


Yep. Chalk zone and it is the origin episode of it. Rapsheebas creator's name is Trina. Just so you know.

ZimZ 22nd Jun 2009 8:51 AM

Queen Anastasia Craps!

Rapsheba555 22nd Jun 2009 9:09 AM


ZimZ 22nd Jun 2009 9:34 AM

*runs away* Fine chris... better?

tree4me 22nd Jun 2009 11:35 AM

Aww, don't be mean.

ZimZ 22nd Jun 2009 11:39 AM

me is not. how about rapsheba555? or raps or rapsy or boheman rapsody?

Death Princess 22nd Jun 2009 12:20 PM

boheman rapsody

tree4me 22nd Jun 2009 12:21 PM

I think I'll keep calling him Raps, or Chris. Whichever.

Death Princess 22nd Jun 2009 12:54 PM

His name is anastacia

tree4me 22nd Jun 2009 12:57 PM

Yeah, and my name is Steven.

Death Princess 22nd Jun 2009 1:06 PM

tree4me 22nd Jun 2009 1:07 PM

Death Princess 22nd Jun 2009 2:08 PM


joninmobile 22nd Jun 2009 4:54 PM

joninmobile is what I had on as my screen name, I just put it here because when I first started using modthesims2 I only downloaded, and I was required to have a screen name. But if I could change it I most definatley would want TheNinthWave I already made a request for a name change in the name change thread, but I think they forgot about me, since I never was a member of S2C and they were mostly focusing on doing name changes for former S2C members.

lewjen 22nd Jun 2009 4:59 PM

Poor, poor Jon...

ZimZ 23rd Jun 2009 11:20 AM

aww... *goes to check out what is*

ZimZ 23rd Jun 2009 11:21 AM

quick get me a quick!

Rikachu 23rd Jun 2009 8:59 PM

YOu couldn't tell from the name?

lewjen 23rd Jun 2009 9:00 PM

Yeah... I think ZimZ is slightly... *Ahem* Thick *Ahem* *Cough*

ZimZ 24th Jun 2009 7:25 AM


Rapsheba555 24th Jun 2009 7:33 AM

Sorry, but you couldn't tell?

jon: I'd recommend PMing Canoodle. She's kinda the resident mod for all the trouble I cause.

tree4me 24th Jun 2009 8:08 AM

Erm... Fergus, hun. Don't you think the name was a little obvious?

Rikachu 24th Jun 2009 8:21 PM


lewjen 24th Jun 2009 8:26 PM

Fergus obviously wouldn't pass a "common sense" test

joninmobile 24th Jun 2009 9:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rapsheba555
Sorry, but you couldn't tell?

jon: I'd recommend PMing Canoodle. She's kinda the resident mod for all the trouble I cause.

I'm lost, why should I pm Canoodle?

Vampire_aninyosaloh 24th Jun 2009 9:24 PM

I'm lost too...

joninmobile 24th Jun 2009 9:31 PM

Back when Canoodle had her avatar as Patsy, I pmed her just to tell her I loved her avatar, because I LOVE the show absolutely fabulous. She never replied though.

Anubis360 24th Jun 2009 9:34 PM

Canoodle is very nice *recently inform her gender*

candiiee 4th Sep 2009 2:14 PM

*decides to revive thread*

I picked mine because my nickname is candy (for reasons you really don't want to know) and candy, candie and candiie were taken.

Kiara24 4th Sep 2009 5:43 PM

kiara is my dog's name I chose because I love my dog, 24 is just a number does not mean anything... :D

Ghost sdoj 4th Sep 2009 8:26 PM

Well, since the thread is revived....

I tend to be shy. I also have very pale skin, and I grew up in southern California. When I was in high school we had dark blue gym uniforms, which did a very good job of exaggerating the fact that unlike all the other students in my class I was inside reading books all summer instead of lying out in the sun getting a tan.

A few years later my family moved to Virginia, and I went to college. I have some younger sisters, so their friends all knew that there was an older sister that nobody ever saw. I began to realize that "Ghost" was actually a pretty good nickname for the local figment of the imagination, so when my husband was stationed in Japan and I needed a nickname for the local forum so I would have someone to speak English with I chose Ghost. I used it again when I had to sign up at the SimPe forum, and any other place where it wasn't already in use.

Meanwhile, my husband made several accounts as sidneydoj (sidney is his official first name. doj is Disciple of Jesus) Since Ghost is fairly common, it was already taken here when we merged. So I took sdoj from my husband's account and added it to my own.

I'mSimalicious! 5th Sep 2009 3:19 AM

I was listening to Fergalicious one day, and the inspiration just came. :P

Wartooth 8th Sep 2009 5:11 AM

Well Torako means tiger child in Japanese (my current language i'm failing at learning), I like tigers, and I am female.

If I could change it I'd just call myself TL or something. (it's like, my alias)

*semi-revives thread*

Catyme24 12th Sep 2009 2:10 PM

I made mine of the fact that one of my nicknames is Caty, 'me' just followed, and 24 is my favoritenumber (also my date of birth - Mabye thats - You never know... LOL xD)

Every_Heartbeat 1st Dec 2011 4:49 AM

It's a Robyn song. Probably wouldn't change it. I'd forget the new one.

Lady_Chaos 2nd Dec 2011 9:26 PM

My user name comes from the fact that my mom is known as the Mogut, so I'm the minimogut! ^^
And I would only change it if I could change it to Alexandria's Pride, like the name of a ship.

Ghost_Sim 17th Dec 2011 6:15 AM

Mine is a combination of an old nickname (Ghostie) and Sims (obviously). I'd probably change it since when I made this account earlier this year I didn't think I'd be doing anything but downloading CC but here I am working on a massive creating project.

Simdrew1993 20th Dec 2011 6:35 AM

Hi everybody! My name is drew1993, Although I wish I was called Simdrew1993 on here and could possibly have my user name changed,because that is what I go by everywhere else, and there is already a person on YouTube and a few other sites with the name drew1993, oh well.... anyway the reason I adapted my online internet persona of Simdrew1993 lol or drew1993 here is well because my birth date was January 9th 1993 and my nickname by friends and family is drew so I just combined it and WA-la so can call me drew, Simdrew,Simdrew1993 or else Andrew if you'd like,

I make Sims more than I play the game Sims 2 ha ha so yeah my game crashes alot because an overload of so much custom content but what's weird is it still runs surprisingly fast! but then within the blink of an eye my entire computer crashes...makes me mad, but I'm used to it... Anyway I am making Ganondorf or well pretty much finished Sims 2 Twilight Princess Ganondorf, almost but I am sure most of you seen him already in the creator feedback forum because it was months ago when i started my thread, I had been creating him since last October of 2010, my thread I created in June I think I am not sure when it was.

Believe me when I say he is just as evil as in Zelda trust me! he is.And also if anyone has questions,requests,anything at all,idea's please don't be afraid to pm me I like talking to people and hearing their ideas or whatever they have to say,anything at all just private message me ok, and also Ganondorf is not the only Zelda character I have made their are plenty more I have been working on over the past few months

Also my Favorite number is 19
and Favorite color is Blue.

HylianWolf 3rd Jan 2012 3:08 AM

It's easy, HylianWolf is my furry name

Hladgunnr 29th May 2012 11:37 PM

It's a valkyrie name and my mom used to use it as her call of duty username, where the famous BASH BABY BASH! formed in our family. I wish I could change it to flowerpink16. That's usually what I call myself.

Mordecai and Rigby 5th Jun 2013 2:11 AM

Um...mine is because I like Regular Show...and I don't really want to change it...

Sterling_Archer 5th Jun 2013 11:39 PM

Mine was from a TV show, but I can't remember which it was

Plus; Stop bringing back dead threads

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