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titi 10th Apr 2009 1:56 AM

Aussies Say Hi :D
And so, I made a new club, mostly to test out the feature, but ANYWAY, there seem to be lots of Australians here on the site, so yeah, club for us all nya ^__^. You can tell I suck at introductions, but anywayy.... hi :'D.

tree4me 10th Apr 2009 2:08 AM

Nice to meet you, titi! Mind if I make an introduction?

Hi there all other Aussies! I am Tree4me, but I prefer to be called Liz or Liselle, and I am turning 14 in July.

I am in Grade 8 (Tasmanian Grading System.) in High School! I got my report yesterday, and my overall grade is A+, so I am a good student, much to my dismay.

I am in a band, we call ourselves "Vertigo" until we work out a better name.

I guess that's it! Hi!

titi 10th Apr 2009 2:27 AM

^__^. Pleased to meet you too, Liz. I'm titi (...I hate that username, but I created this account in '05), but my first name is Talia (...Hate that name too). x3. I'm 18 years old.

Oooh, I lived in Tassie for half a year when I was very, very young x3. Oh wow, overall grade A+? Woah shetz, you are a good student ^__^''. I have no idea what my overall grade is, because us Victorians don't get our scores till half way through the year. But last year I scored A+ too. But yeah, I'm a total nerdy azn.

Oooh! I was in a band a couple of years ago with my friends, we called it "Poly Vinyl Chloride", or PVC for short XD. Vertigo is a super cool name, though. So whoo~! Hi, pleased to meetchya :D.

lethifold 10th Apr 2009 4:00 AM

Hi all! I'm PixCii, but please just call me Sophie or Soph.
I'm 14, turning 15 on the 22nd of August, which makes me the youngest person in my grade. I'm in Year 10 at the moment, and I'm a decent student except when it comes to Science and Maths. Overall I'm an A student though, which is pretty good. Except in Japanese, where my overall grade is 103%...and the maximum you can get is 100%.
Unlike you two, I'm not at all musically talented. I can't sing, play an instrument, or even read music. I'm more of a book nerd than a musician, so I spend a lot of my spare time either reading or writing.
At the moment I live in the nation's capital, Canberra, which is the most boring place to live.

tree4me 10th Apr 2009 4:20 AM

At least Canberra has a few tourist attractions. We have nothing, except a few farms and Cadburys, which don't have tours anymore. :P

lethifold 10th Apr 2009 4:27 AM

Tourist attractions? We have Old Parliment House, Parliment House, the Museum, the War Memorial, and I've been to each of them at least five times. After you've done the tourist attractions there's nothing left to do. The shopping here is crap as well...

tree4me 10th Apr 2009 4:31 AM

Damn. That sucks. Things are boring up there, and down here. :P

Now I'm missing Sydney. :P

titi 10th Apr 2009 5:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
Hi all! I'm PixCii, but please just call me Sophie or Soph.
I'm 14, turning 15 on the 22nd of August, which makes me the youngest person in my grade. I'm in Year 10 at the moment, and I'm a decent student except when it comes to Science and Maths. Overall I'm an A student though, which is pretty good. Except in Japanese, where my overall grade is 103%...and the maximum you can get is 100%.
Unlike you two, I'm not at all musically talented. I can't sing, play an instrument, or even read music. I'm more of a book nerd than a musician, so I spend a lot of my spare time either reading or writing.
At the moment I live in the nation's capital, Canberra, which is the most boring place to live.

XD. I don't really have that much musical talent. I can only play the Piano/Keyboard. And woah, overall grade 103%, awesome. They don't have Japanese at my school ;___;. I wish they diiiiiid. I want to learn Japanese so bad. Ooh, Canberra. I've never been there, I would like to go someday. Tourist Attractions~! Although I guess it would be a pretty boring place to live, now that you think about it :/. Anyway, welcome to the group, PixCii ^^.

tree4me 10th Apr 2009 7:46 AM

I play the Piano/Keyboard too! I also sing. :P

I had an American person come up to me after a gig at one stage and said, "You have such an awesome accent! Do all people here talk like that?" I thought it was really funny, so did Alex. :P

Tenielle 13th Apr 2009 5:33 AM

Hey all,

I thought i's make an intro here, even though I haven't done one in the 'official' site intro thread yet!

My name is Tenielle (same as my user name, was too hard to think of something decent), and I live in Adelaide.

I am in my second year at uni studying Midwifery and absolutely love it. I love supporting women through their pregnancy, birth and postnatal experience, and seeing a woman giving birth is the most powerful thing I have ever witnessed.
I have also studied one year of Psychology, and 1/2 a year of Education, but dropped out because I didn't like them.

I lived in the USA for 2 years, and in Canada for almost 2 years, and loved both countries. I will go back and visit one day (when I am out of debt and have money!).
I am planning to move to New Zealand when I graduate, to train in their maternity system. The Australia system works well, but needs dramatic improvements. New Zealand has a much better model of care.

I have been simming for about 2 years, but only discovered this forum about a year ago, and have been actively lurking since then. I have finally got my game to a point wher I am happy with the way I have customised it with hacks and (mainly Maxis-match) CC, and have no intention of buying The Sims 3.

Well, that's me! Nice to meet you all,


tree4me 13th Apr 2009 10:59 AM

Hi there Tenielle! :howdy:

If I wasn't so ignorant, I would've realised you were Aussie sooner. :P

longears15 13th Apr 2009 6:03 PM

Hi guys. My name is Laura, I'm 24 and from Victoria. I've been simming since the original Sims was around, and I've been with this forum since the beginning of MTS2 back when TS2 was first released.

I have three dogs, a cat and a budgie. I'm a veterinarian by qualification but I also have severe Complex Regional Pain Syndrome that has stopped me from working since the middle of last year. I've had to give up on the idea of going into practice, indeed work in any form is looking pretty unlikely for the forseeable future, but I'm hoping to get to the point where I'm well enough to go back to uni and do a Masters or even a PhD.

I like British crime fiction - either books or television (I'm a big fan of ABC Crime Night) and slightly odd comedy (think Blackadder, Monty Python, The League of Gentlemen), period drama and series such as Doctor Who and Torchwood. I also adore music. My main love is folk music - I can't really play anymore because my hands are affected by the CRPS (or CRaPS as I like to call it) but I play whistle and guitar. I can sort of sing too, but I prefer to do that when there's nobody around.

I also love to cook, and I'm bloody good at it even if I do say so myself. Specialities are vegetarian and desserts, but you name it and I can cook it.

So there you go - everything you ever wanted to know about Laura :D

tree4me 14th Apr 2009 12:46 AM

I love vegetarian dishes! :D

Liz sez hi!

lethifold 14th Apr 2009 8:01 AM

Laura! *huggles*
I looooooove ABC Crime Night as well, and I'm super excited that Midsomer Murders is coming back on.

titi 15th Apr 2009 5:47 AM

Omg more people ^___^. Hiya Laura and Tenielle. Nice to meet you both :D. Also, I love Crime and Cop shows too :D''. Especially NCIS and Law & Order. The British ones are really good too though. Also, I used to be addicted to Monty Python LOL. Anyway, I'm Talia, but anyway -hugs-. Welcome to the group :D.

goforfink 15th Apr 2009 6:02 AM

Hey this is a nice group!

I'm Fink, I'm from good old freezing-one-day-burning-the-next Victoria. I'm 23, I'm studying nursing at Uni, I have a kid who's nearly 2 which is scary, I'm a volunteer CFA member (firefighter), I work in aged care, I love sims! lol

titi 15th Apr 2009 6:06 AM

Heya! Yes. That could be said about Victoria... :/. Lol, ooh, studying nursing, eh? I was going to do that, but then I didn't because I didn't want to study science D8. Woah Shetz, Firefighter eh? I idolize firefighters. So brave :D. Anyway, welcome to the group, Fink. :].

tree4me 17th Apr 2009 12:44 AM

The one thing I don't miss about Victoria was the brown water in the Summer. Is it still like that?

longears15 17th Apr 2009 1:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Tree4me
The one thing I don't miss about Victoria was the brown water in the Summer. Is it still like that?
Really? Must depend on where the water is coming from - we have Yarra Valley and I've never seen brown water in summer...

Tenielle 17th Apr 2009 2:14 AM

The one thing I miss everywhere is water. The one thing we're constantly hearing in Adelaide is our lack of water, and how the Eastern States are (apparently) stealing all the water from the Murray. Just last night on the news, they said "South Australia WILL run out of water, but do not panic!". What do you say to that!?! We did have a little rain yesterday, though, and if our State gets its desal plant up and running, then we won't have to panic anyway!

titi 17th Apr 2009 2:20 AM

Oh yeah, samething goes here. We're up to Stage 4 Water Restrictions, so we haven't been able to water the garden for quite a few years now. Our garden died ages ago, so now we've got fake grass. My house looks like a golf course :/. But yeah, we've been getting a litle rain lately, and hopefully we can get things under control some time soon D8. And as for brown water, I'm not too sure, but brown plants, yep.

tree4me 17th Apr 2009 2:44 AM

Well, when I used to live in Bendigo, the water was brown in the Summer.

Really? Stage 4 restrictions? This is why I am lucky to be living in Tassie, though our garden died years ago also.

goforfink 17th Apr 2009 3:32 AM

We have stage 4 restrictions too (down southern Vic), it sucks, the front yard is just dirt. ... as for the water, I think its normal colored... I thought only Adelaide water was brown

Tenielle 17th Apr 2009 3:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by goforfink
I thought only Adelaide water was brown

Adelaide water has improved dramatically in the past few years, and people now drink it straight from the tap. When I moved here from Melbourne 21 years ago, it was undrinkable, but not anymore. I still only drink rainwater, though. I would never drink tap water, however clean it is said to be.

BTW- I was in Melbourne not too long ago, and the Yarra was a lovely shade of brown...

tree4me 17th Apr 2009 4:06 AM

Oh, how lovely. *sarcasm*

At least the water is drinkable there now. Where I live now, the water is drinkable, except for Scamander. Do NOT ask.

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