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RoseGirl101 28th Jan 2011 4:39 AM

HP Roleplay
I kinda wanna do a Harry Potter Roleplay but can never find one to join so ill try making on here. I wanna be Hermione. My only rules are
1)if you wanna do something involving another character ask them or leave it incomplete
2) If you wanna make a new character thats fine but you have to put their name first and last their house and background story and their age and previous school if their an exchange student.
sorry if their confusing. Go ahead and join and suggest any new rules or anything

VioletPadfoot 1st Mar 2011 4:51 AM

I'll join. I claim Ginny

lethifold 1st Mar 2011 6:43 AM

To be perfectly honest, this needs a lot more structuring. Roleplays are really quite complex, and just saying "We should do a Harry Potter roleplay, choose your character and start" is a very, very open suggestion. I'd be very interested in this if it was better organized, something I'd do myself if I had the time.

RoseGirl101 12th Mar 2011 6:48 AM

Im not really good at organizing but we could do like a start from the begging and see how everyone imagines it

VioletPadfoot 14th Mar 2011 3:05 AM

"just starting form the beginning" is kinda vague. i mean define beginning to start with. Is beginning the start of the books? is it picking up where the seventh book left off and filling in the gap between Voldemort's defeat and the epilogue? Or do you want to do something really different and do the characters pre-Hogwarts years, even if some of them wont intersect until the role play reaches Hogwarts? Are things going to be canonical? or are we taking JKR's world and running with the basic premise of it but not keeping to the specific events that define Harry's years at Hogwarts? I'm not sure if we should be planning this out in the thread, so PM or email me Rose, and lets get this worked out and the two of us (and you too PixCii if you want) can run this thing.

Elyasis 19th Mar 2011 7:38 PM

I'd be interested in this with a little more structuring as well.

RoseGirl101 20th Mar 2011 11:40 PM

ok me and VioletPadfoot are working on structure right now

VioletPadfoot 21st Mar 2011 3:29 AM

Rose and I should have this ready to go soon. I just have to write up the Character profile sheet (and since I have the next two days off from work that shouldn't be a problem), let Rose look it over and we'll be good to go. ~VP

lethifold 21st Mar 2011 5:02 AM

Excellent! I'll be joining as soon as it's up. Can I please take Harry's spot?

VioletPadfoot 21st Mar 2011 5:27 AM

Since no one's claimed him yet PixCii, yes you absolutely can be Harry.

lethifold 21st Mar 2011 5:36 AM

Thank you! Also, I'm assuming that - as long as we are capable of managing our time - we can have more than two characters, right?

VioletPadfoot 21st Mar 2011 5:42 AM

That sounds reasonable. If you can keep up with both characters, then you can play two.

Leanord 29th Jul 2011 8:25 AM

Oh boy, if you would allow me, I would like to be Dobby or Professor McGonagall. (:
Despite this fact my beloved Dobby died... /:

vhanster 29th Jul 2011 8:28 AM

May I claim characters from the past who's supposed to be dead in the series? And make them appear as portraits or ghosts, or resurrected by impossible means? :3

lorenrose1013 30th Jul 2011 2:09 AM

Can I claim Luna? Is anyone still doing this? It started in Jan...

But if it is, I claim Luna

VioletPadfoot 30th Jul 2011 10:20 AM

We so haven't done anything with this... I completely forgot about this until it moved to the top of my subscribed threads list... If i get a bit of time to work on this (not entirely likely to happen anytime soon what with working, and trying to get some of my Sims Creations working, and playing my Sims challenges) it probably won't take too long. I still have the stuff for it saved somewhere on my computer (i think).

@Leanord: Neither Dobby nor McGonagall have been claimed yet, so you can have either, or if you think you can keep up with it, both. (and since this is starting in the Trio's first year, Dobby doesn't have to be dead )
@vhanster: if you want to do portraits or ghosts that's okay with me. They are still characters after all. plus this is a magical world so resurrected by impossible means can happen. It does in FanFiction anyway...
@lorenrose1013: when this gets going you can absolutely be Luna.

lethifold 2nd Aug 2011 1:18 PM

I'm still excited for this to start! If I wasn't so weighed down with school and life and such, I'd totally lend a helping hand in the organisation of it all. As it is, I just can't wait for it to get started :3

VioletPadfoot 3rd Aug 2011 1:23 AM

Yeah, still haven't done anything with this. I recently discovered this wonderful place called Outdoors. And a more wonderful part of Outdoors called The Pool. And also this really bright thing called The Sun. And I've been spending alot of time there the past few days.

Lady_Chaos 3rd Aug 2011 9:31 PM

Can I join this, too? I am a huge potter fan. Going to see the seventh movie again real soon. I also finished the books for the second time this summer!

VioletPadfoot 3rd Aug 2011 10:31 PM

minimogut, of course you can join, if it ever gets going. who do you want to be? Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Harry and Dobby and/or McGonagall plus some canonically dead people and portraits are claimed (see the above posts.)

EDITED 8-4-2011: Ok so the recent interest in this made me feel kinda guilty for abandoning it when it was nearly ready to go. So pulled up the stuff i have saved, added a bit to it and now I just need to get back with Rose to make sure I haven't forgotten anything essential. I'd say two weeks tops for getting this started. If Rose isn't back to me by then, then I'm flying solo as leader (i guess that's the word I want) on this thing. I'll PM everyone who has stated they want to play when we actually start.

Lady_Chaos 4th Aug 2011 10:13 PM

Yay! Just a month or two ago I was playing around with my own character for the HP universe, and for the most part, she is finished!

RoseGirl101 5th Aug 2011 10:27 PM

I had forgot about this for awhile schools starting for me again soon but Ill hopefully still hae enough time to participate

lorenrose1013 6th Aug 2011 5:50 PM

Should we make all students the same year? Because Luna and Ginny are a year behind, and you don't learn about Luna until book....I think 5

RoseGirl101 6th Aug 2011 7:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lorenrose1013
Should we make all students the same year? Because Luna and Ginny are a year behind, and you don't learn about Luna until book....I think 5

With characters a year behind you can give there lives outside of hogwarts. like 'Ginny' and 'Luna' could get together and decide to have them meet outside of hogwars and with the students in hogwarts you could have the younger ones send letters. With Lunas late appearance in the books, you dont have to wait til then for whoevers playing Luna to have her meet the rest she can be known from the beginning

lorenrose1013 6th Aug 2011 9:42 PM

Okay good. I like the idea of meeting Ginny beforehand

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