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Forum Resident
#51 Old 4th May 2009 at 11:53 AM
Small world. I'm studying Midwifery down at Sturt.
Lab Assistant
#52 Old 5th May 2009 at 10:16 AM
hi! I'm Mark from Western Australia.

I'm 17, which means i am in Year 12 in Western Australian Education system. My fav subjects are maths and french. I am laidback and i hate challenges, except if their maths or sport.
There are three factors that make up my life: Aviation, Sims Series and Volleyball. I've been playing volleyball since i was 11, but people call it a pussy sport :evil:, but to me, its the best sports available! I feel like bashing those people who insult volleyball :handbag: :P. Aviation is important to me. I was obsessed with its since I don't know when. I love the Sims Series. I use to have Sims 1 and some expansion packs, before getting Sims 2 and all expansion and stuff packs, but not sure about Sims 3....

btw, my username is pck because it stands for Phua Chu Kang, my favourite comedian actor ever.... watched him as a child. If you are wondering who he is, he is singaporean (yes.... i lived in asia till i was 3...but i was strangely born in australia...)

Identity Crisis - "Reveal your real identity, Mr. Icognita."
♦Call me Mark, or Mr Invincible Volleyball Player :P♦
Mad Poster
#53 Old 5th May 2009 at 11:18 AM
Hi Mark!
I don't think volleyball is a lame sport. I have heaps of friends, both male and female who play it, and even though I'm really uncoordinated and can't play it without hurting myself, I love watching it, and I always join in the conversations my friends have about it.
Ooh, where in Asia did you live? I loooove it. I've lived there for 5 years of my life, and loved every second of it.
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 5th May 2009 at 11:52 AM
hahaha.... lol
well i lived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Identity Crisis - "Reveal your real identity, Mr. Icognita."
♦Call me Mark, or Mr Invincible Volleyball Player :P♦
Mad Poster
#55 Old 6th May 2009 at 12:05 AM
Cool. I lived in Japan and also in South Korea, but I've travelled to a lot of different places in Asia on holidays.
Mad Poster
#56 Old 6th May 2009 at 12:55 AM
I've travelled... nowhere outside of the country. YAY ME!!!

This allows me to see into the minds of people! That's right, I can actually see what they're thinking!
So long as what they're thinking is exactly what I think they're thinking.
Forum Resident
#57 Old 6th May 2009 at 10:20 AM
Me neither. Go us!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#58 Old 6th May 2009 at 10:52 AM
Welcome Deeney, danirawr and pck, and anybody else I may have missed xP. Is it just me, or is this group pretty hot right now? xD. I didn't think it would get this many members~! Whoo, go Aussies ;D.

PixChii; WOW, you lived in Japan? It's my dream to do that *___*.

As far as travelling places go, I've been to Hong Kong, where my parents come from, a couple of times. I've also been to Singapore, America, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan and New Zealand. Yeah, I get around alot DX.

And speaking of sport, I play Badminton and Softball, but I suck heaps at everything else D8. I can't move to catch a ball with out certainly falling flat on my face. I'm more of an academic person, seriously xD.

Yay I'm back~!
Mad Poster
#59 Old 6th May 2009 at 10:59 AM
titi Japan is pretty awesome. I lived there for two years when I was 8 which was a pretty crazy cool experience for me. I'll probably be moving again in a year or two, maybe to Europe this time. It all depends on my mum's work.

In terms of sport, I play absolutely none. I'm really uncoordinated, so I don't mix well with sports. I pride myself on my academic performance rather than my sporting performance. Unfortunately I am friends with some of the sportiest people in the school, so their weekends are full of sport and whatnot, whereas mine involve lots of homework and reading, so I don't do much out of school. Oh well!
Mad Poster
#60 Old 7th May 2009 at 7:55 AM
::highfives danirawr::

I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Japan. I even speak fluent Japanese. It would be so awesome!

This allows me to see into the minds of people! That's right, I can actually see what they're thinking!
So long as what they're thinking is exactly what I think they're thinking.
Lab Assistant
#61 Old 11th May 2009 at 3:38 PM
Welcome all the newbies.
I just want to say, I've never left Australia and in fact have never been on a plane. I know, I'm 28 and never been on a plane but I plan on flying somewhere at some stage. I travel by car or train (on which I get motion sickness) and have managed to see a good amount of the east coast of Australia. I am very jealous of all of you that have traveled overseas. Maybe I can get to America sooner rather than later as I have planned.

I'm going there...but I like it here wherever it is
Forum Resident
#62 Old 31st May 2009 at 9:04 AM
Hi fellow Aussies
I've lived in Sydney for 11 years, moved to NZ for 2 years, came back to Melbourne for 3 years and moved BACK to NZ.
Yes, it's confusing.
I miss Oz heaps tho it's the best place ever

Oh and Mark, pfft Volleyball's awesome it soo isnt a "pussy sport"
I'm also 17 lol. (well in July I'll be)
Field Researcher
#63 Old 2nd Jun 2009 at 11:07 AM
Brisbanite here! Any others?

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Field Researcher
#64 Old 2nd Jun 2009 at 11:39 AM
Panique, close enough! I'm on the gold coast atm. Usually I go to uni down in Melbourne, but I've taken this year "off" to do a research project and that means I get to spend time back at home with my family! Lol I complain about crazy weather when I'm in victoria but I come back here and what do I get - rain, rain, flood... another flood. I want SUNSHINE darnit!

Hi to all the other Aussies!

Grab more of my houses and sims @ LL30 & LJ
Random sim pics - Bits & BobsLivingSims
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 2nd Jun 2009 at 8:41 PM
Hello thought I'd pop in and say hi to the Aus Simmers.

I'm Dan from Hobart in Tas. Been a sim's fan since the original game.
I'm 34 and currently taking time off from work to go back to study.

And omg ElPresidente I had no idea you were an aussie too...guess i thought you were Mexican for some unkown reason :D

Why kill two birds with one stone when you can feed two birds with one scone.
Lab Assistant
#66 Old 4th Jun 2009 at 5:41 PM
Welcome Dan!

I travel Asia every year. Been to Malaysia(x-infinity), Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan(x3), China(x4) and South Korea. Never been outta Asia-Pacific and Aus.

Lol Amynel. To America? Haha, thats on the top of my list.
Field Researcher
#67 Old 19th Aug 2009 at 4:34 AM
Hi to all. Sydney sider here.
Test Subject
#68 Old 19th Aug 2009 at 4:47 AM
Hello there! I too am an Aussie, and pretty proud of that. Isn't our country lovely?

I'm Teresa, I'm 19 and I live in several different places. My main home at the moment is on the south coast of NSW, although I'm thinking about spending more time in Canberra with my family. It's kinda cool not having a 'proper' home, cause I get to go anywhere I want, when ever I want. Responsibility sucks!
Lab Assistant
#69 Old 19th Aug 2009 at 1:44 PM
Helloo everyone! I've been living in Melbourne for a few months and I'm loving it.

As for travel, I've been to the US a couple of times annd that's about it. Maybe heading to NZ in a couple of months. :D
Mad Poster
#70 Old 19th Aug 2009 at 1:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Miss-Resa
Hello there! I too am an Aussie, and pretty proud of that. Isn't our country lovely?

I'm Teresa, I'm 19 and I live in several different places. My main home at the moment is on the south coast of NSW, although I'm thinking about spending more time in Canberra with my family. It's kinda cool not having a 'proper' home, cause I get to go anywhere I want, when ever I want. Responsibility sucks!

Ah, another *part* Canberra-ite. Where are you on the south coast?
Top Secret Researcher
#71 Old 10th Oct 2009 at 9:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by amymnel
I just want to say, I've never left Australia and in fact have never been on a plane.

I've never left australia... and I'm 34

... but I have been on a plane so nerrr!
#72 Old 14th Dec 2009 at 3:14 PM
I'm Jim, I'm 24 and I'm from Tamworth. Not quite as bass-ackwards as some people make it out to be :P

I'm unfortunately subsisting on disability because I've been living with chronic illness for the last two years. Heart issues, autoimmune issues, mental issues... pretty much a medical basket case. Despite that, however, I managed to do a year of tech working towards a diploma in IT. I can now build networks from scratch (given the proper equipment) and fix most of my own tech issues. Yay me.
Field Researcher
#73 Old 23rd Jan 2010 at 11:05 AM
Hello all. I just realised that this group existed. If I knew about it before I would have joined much sooner!

Three equals four.
#74 Old 23rd Jan 2010 at 12:30 PM
I just realized I never posted in here... Oops.
I'm Becca, as my name suggests. I'm from country Victoria, up in the north.

I've lived in this same house for my whole life, and the closest I've got to leaving the country is going up to Hamilton Island off the QLD coast for a week.

I know I'm a little late, but if you want to see a polluted and dirty river, check out the Goulburn. I have family that live right on the goulburn, and... Ugh.
#75 Old 25th Jan 2010 at 12:53 PM
Heya fellow Aussies

Born in Sydney, went to Uni in Canberra, married and lived in the Netherlands for 8 years, moved to Tassie and plan to move back to the mainland soon :D

Oh yeah, NSW rules :p
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