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Mad Poster
#51 Old 15th Dec 2013 at 1:20 AM
I actually Like most cars which were made in the 30's/40's whether they're turned into a hotrod or ratrod, it's good to see the people took care of them

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#52 Old 15th Dec 2013 at 7:04 PM
I also have another choice for my dream car, although this one is rather more obscure; an old Volvo 940 SE Turbo, estate. Like so:

In fact, I already kind of have one, almost exactly like in the picture. It's my mum's old one that I have tucked away in a barn on our farm. It needs a little work, but I've got my heart set on having it for myself one day when I can actually afford to insure it. Hopefully my Dad doesn't sell it/scrap it. He knows I've got my heart set on it but I recon he would very easily sell/scrap it despite my love for it. But I do get the impression that just like me, he is also sentimentally attached to it, regardless of whether or not he admits it. I've known it most of my life and witnessed most of its 150,000+ miles on the clock.I hope one day to put it back on the road in pristine condition, just as we've always had it.
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