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Alter Budget
Game Version:The Sims 2
Family Budget shown in bottom left of dashboard


This primitive provides a way to alter the money your Sims have.


There is no instruction wizard for this instruction, so the following table details the meaning of each of the operands.

Operand editing
Operand Description Operand Values
0 Variable holding amount 00:Literal
03:Any other variable indicated in operand 1. Where the variable type can have many of them, e.g. Local variables, operands 2 and 3 give the low and high order byte respectively.
1 Variable holding amount Used when Operand 0 has value 03 (or anything greater). The choices are any of the many variables and attributes that are part of SimAntics. Where the variable type can have many of them, e.g. Local variables, operands 2 and 3 give the low and high order byte respectively.
2 & 3 qualifiers on the variable from operand 0 or 1, eg. Local(0xnnnn)
4 - bit 1 Controls TEST on: TEST
off: Do it
4 - bit 2 Controls +/- on: Amount is added to budget
off: Amount is subtracted from budget
4 - bit 3 Controls amount multiplier on: Multiplied by Temp 0x0002
off: Multiplied by 1 if 7 & 8 are both 00
off: Multiplied by the literal number of operands 7 & 8 if non-zero
5 unused?
6 Controls type of expense 00:misc expense
01:job income
02:misc income
03:food expense
04:bill payment
05:maintenance expense
08:transaction income (unused)
09:misc business income
7 & 8 The literal number used with operand 4 - bit 3
9 thru 15 Unused?

See also