6C589723 | |
Short name: | LOT |
Long name: | Lot Definition |
- 64 Bytes
- File name (null terminated)
- Version (known values: 6, 7=Bon Voyage, 8=Free Time, 11=Apartment Life)
- Lot size
- Lot size
- Byte
- Lot type
- 0=Residential
- 1=Community
- 2=Dorm (University)
- 3=Greek House (University)
- 4=Secret Society (University)
- 5=Hotel (Bon Voyage)
- 6=Hidden Vacation Lot (Bon Voyage)
- 7=Hidden Hobby Lot (FreeTime)
- 8=Apartment Base (Apartment Life)
- 9=Apartment Sublot (Apartment Life)
- 10=Hidden Witches Lot (Apartment Life)
- Byte
- Roads (aka U10)
- Describes the location of the road(s) within the lot package.
- Bit field: add together for more than one road per lot:
- 0=No road
- 1=Road at Left
- 2=Road at Top
- 4=Road at Right
- 8=Road at Bottom
- Byte
- Rotation (aka U11)
- Describes the rotation of the lot within the lot package:
- 0=Lot faces Left (sun at back left corner)
- 1=Lot faces Top (sun at front left corner)
- 2=Lot faces Right (sun at front right corner)
- 3=Lot faces Bottom (sun at back right corner)
- Flags (aka U0)
- 0x01=Unknown (perhaps Lot is not empty?)
- 0x02=Lot has house
- 0x08=Remove furniture after family is evicted
- 0x10=Lot is hidden
- 0x80=Unknown (perhaps Beach lot?)
- 0x100=Unknown (sometimes set, when version is 11)
- 0x1000=Unknown(sometimes set, when version is 11)
- 0x2000=Unknown(sometimes set, when version is 11)
- 0x4000=Unknown(sometimes set, when version is 11)
- Lot name
- Lot description
- Count D
- repeat D times
- Unknown
If Version is 7 or 8:
- Unknown
If Version is 8:
- Unknown
If Version is 11:
- Apartment count (0 if lot type is not apartment base)
- Rental price high
- Rental price low
- This is basically equivalent to DESC. The differences are:
- DESC is in the neighborhood package; LOT is in the lot package
- The format of the data is slightly different. For example, DESC uses a DWORD string length, but LOT uses a 7BITSTR.
- Information about the neighborhood exists in DESC, but is missing from LOT: Top, Left, Elevation, Orientation, etc.
- An apartment (Apartment Life) consists of one or more different lots:
- An Apartment Base, which is the unoccupied apartment building
- Zero or more Apartment Sublots, one for each playable occupied apartment within the building (maximum of 4)
This article is one of several on this topic imported from the old MTS2 wiki. It's original pages, with comments, can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/6C589723 and http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/LOT