- Jetsons, The Aligeth MTS
- Justice League
- Batman
- Batman Begins and Batman 1989: Ooga booga at MTS
- Batman with black costume: MickeyDeeBee at MTS
- Batman with blue costumes: MickeyDeeBee at MTS
- Batman with grey costume: SynapticSim at MTS
- Flash: SynapticSim at MTS
- Green Lantern
- John Stewart: Gigachanger at MTS
- Arisia: Xeon at MTS
- Standard suit for a female sim: Chaobell at MTS
- Martian Manhunter: SynapticSim at MTS
- Superman
- Superman Returns (movie): Crazydragon21277 at MTS
- Ultimate Superman: Funyycats at MTS
- Superman from the House of El! SynapticSim at MTS
- Wonder Woman
- Classic Wonder Woman: SynapticSim at MTS
- New Wonder Woman: SynapticSim at MTS
- Batman