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discordkitty is a moderator at Mod The Sims 2 and a super moderator at both Sims 2 Community and Sexy Sims 2, as well as a custom content creator. She joined S2C in early 2006 and plays a large part when it comes to the community. She currently moderates the following forums: Anime, Comics and other cool stuff, Community Contests, Computer & Tech Gizmo Discussion, Off Topic Discussion, and Sims 2 Discussion. She is very well known in the community and is "Most likely to kill Sims" and also writes "Very Wordy Posts".

Her custom title says "Sarcastic Evil Muppet" and she has an avatar that displays a teddy bear cutting off it's own head with a pair of scissors.

Spam? I Think Not.

Discord displays her skills in the 2006 Simlympics Spam Deletion tournament hosted at S2C.

When it comes to spam, discord is not going to play around. She is known for her tough-love when it comes to this topic, but it's best for the community.


External links