Achievements are goals for your sim to work towards. They work across households and save files. In some cases you will be unable to gain an Achievement by playing 1 household.
To view all of your achievements, enter Live Mode, open the Options menu and choose Achievements from the menu. You can also use the Achievement tracker and maybe find out something you did not know about.
50-Mile-High Club - WooHoo in a rocketship.
10 Points -
Aliens Among Us - Discover 10 aliens.
50 Points -
All Nighter - Stay awake for 24 sim hours.
25 Points -
Alphabet Legacy - Play a household for 26 generations or more.
100 Points
Are You Entertained -Reach maximum level in the Entertainer career.
50 Points
Aspirational -(Hidden) Complete every Aspiration in the Sims 4.
100 Points
Autopsy-Turvey - (Hidden) Perform successful surgery on an Alien
10 Points
Baby Boom -(Hidden) Have 400 babies across your Sims.
50 Points
Basketcase - Have your sim get in and out of all primary emotions in 24 hours.
100 Points
Beyond Repairs - Have your sim maximize the handiness skill.
50 Points
Black Widow - Have your sim outlive 5 spouses.
25 Points
Bow-Dacious - Maximize the violin skill.
50 Points
Captain of Industry - Reach maximum level in the Business career.
50 Points
Carried Away - Be abducted by aliens 3 times.
50 Points
Cast Away - Maximize the Fishing skill.
50 Points
Channel Surfer - Watch and listen to all channels available in the Sims 4 base game.
10 Points
Clued In - Reach maximum level in the Detective career.
50 Points
Code Monk - Maximize the Programming skill.
50 Points
Connoisseurus Rex - Maximize the Gourmet Cooking skill
50 Points
Critter Catcher - Collect 21 insects and all 5 fish in Granite Falls.
50 Points
Death Of A Salesman - (Hidden) Have a Sim die while running a store.
25 Points
Double Life - Have an alien in disguise marry a sim without them knowing their secret.
50 Points
Down to a Science - Reach maximum level in the Scientist.
50 Points
Elementary - Maximize the logic skill.
50 Points
Event Horizon - Earn silver rating on 5 different social events.
25 Points
Fired Up - Maximize the fitness skill.
50 Points
Flying Colors - Maximize the painting career level.
50 Points
For the Hoard - Complete all Sims 4 base game collections.
100 Points
Full House - Play an 8 sim household.
10 Points
Games Within Games - Maximize the Video Gaming skill
50 Points
Ghost family - Have a family of 8 playable ghosts
100 Points
Ghostly - Have a Ghost join your household.
25 Points
Green Thumb Maximize the Gardening skill.
50 Points
Harvested Interest - Harvest 50 wild plants.
25 Points
Hello, Darkness, My Old Chum - Befriend the Grim Reaper.
25 Points
Honorary Sim Guru - Play the Sims 4 for 100 hours.
100 Points
Host With The Most - Host 50 bronze or better Social Events across all sims.
100 Points
I'll Get Around To It -(Hidden) Have 10 broken objects on Sim's lots.
10 Points
I'm the Mix Master - Mix 100 drinks.
25 Points
I, Spy - Reach maximum level in the Secret Agent career.
50 Points
In the Game - Play the Sims for 24 hours.
50 Points
Introvert - Have a sim do nothing social for 24 Sim hours.
25 Points
It's Not Brain Surgery - Maximize the Rocket Science Skill.
50 Points
Ivory Tower - Maximize the Piano skill
50 Points
Just Getting Started - Play the Sims 4 for 5 hours.
25 Points
Knack of All Trades - Reach maximum level in every career.
100 Points
Knock, Knock - Visit 25 different lots.
50 Points
Legacy Leader - Have 10 households in the world played for 10 generations or more.
100 Points
Legacy Player - Play a household for 10 generations or more.
100 Points
Legendary Legacy - Play a household for 100 generations or more.
100 Points
Literal Genius - Maximize the Writing Skill.
50 Points
Mael-Strum - Maximize the Guitar skill.
50 Points
Mischief Mastered -Maximize the Mischief skill.
50 Points
My, You've Changed - Have your Sim go fat and thin in one lifetime.
25 Points
Nature's Course - Maximize the Herbalism skill.
50 Points
No Excuse -(Hidden) Have a Sim's bladder fail on a lot with 5 or more toilets.
10 Points
No Longer Solitary - Bring a Hermit back to society.(HIDDEN)
25 Points
Older and Wiser - Age up your Sim.
10 Points
On a Whim - Complete 10 whims at a single social event.
25 Points
Over Achiever - Have a Sim complete 5 Aspirations.
100 Points
Patients Are A Virtue - Reach maximum level in the Doctor career
50 Points
Perfect Llama - Bowl a perfect frame game of all strikes on the bowling Lane.
125 Points
Picture Perfect - Maximize the Photography skill.
50 Points
Piece of Cake - Maximize the Bakery skill.
50 Points
Polar Bear Club - (Hidden) Have a Sim swim while the weather is freezing.
50 Points
Problem Child -(Hidden) Have a Sim reach level 10 as a teenager.
25 Points
Refined Palette - Maximize the Painting skill.
50 Points
Rosebud - Gain 1,000,000 Simoleons in a single household.
100 Points
Serial Monogamist - Perform Marriages in 20 Unique Households
50 Points
Simstagram Celebrity - Gain 1500 Simstagram followers.
50 Points
Simstagram Influencer - Gain 250 Simstagram follower
25 Points
Simstagram Starter - Gain 25 Simstagram followers.
25 Points
Smooth Talker - Maximize the Charisma skill.
50 Points
So, I'll Call You? -(Hidden) Have a Sim's bladder fail while on a date.
10 Points
Speed Dating - Have a Sim 'first Kiss' three times at a single social event.
25 Points
Splice of Life - Unlock a new plant type through grafting.
25 Points
Startup Upstart - Reach maximum level in the Tech Guru career.
50 Points
Stellar Work - Reach maximum level in the Astronaut career.
50 Points
Straight For The Jocular - Maximize the Comedy skill.
50 Points
Suave Criminal - Reach maximum level in the Criminal career.
50 Points
Super Best Friends = Make 20 BFFs with Non-Player Sims.
50 Points
Tastes Like Burning - Consume every type of toxic plant.
25 Points
Tender Loving - Maximize the Mixology skill.
50 Points
The Circle of Life - Play a Sim from birth to natural death.
25 Points
The Main Event - Earn a Gold rating on 5 different social events.
100 Points
The Most Interesting Sim in the World - Have a sim with 12 or more traits.
50 Points
The Pen Is Mightier - Reach maximum level in the Writing Career. 50 Points
50 Points
'Til Death Do Us Part -(Hidden) Have a Sim die at their own wedding.
100 Points
Triple Play - Have a sim give birth to triplets.
25 Points
Tungsten Chef - Reach maximum level in the Cooking skill.
50 Points
Up A Notch - Reach maximum level in the Culinary Career
50 Points
Vengeful Deity - Kill off 10 of your Sims via unnatural causes.
25 Points
Very Special Delivery - Have a male sim give birth to an Alien baby
50 Points
View All MyShuno Meadows' Sculptures - View all MyShuno Meadows' sculpture descriptions.
25 Points
View To A Skill - Maximize every skill.
100 Points
What Makes a Sim Turn Neutral? -(Hidden) Have a Sim stay in the Fine emotion for 48 straight sims hours.
25 Points
What Would It Be Like - WooHoo with a Ghost.
10 Points
Whimsical - Complete 100 whims across all Sims.
50 Points
WooHoo! - WooHoo with 50 unique Non-Player Sims.
50 Points
World Competitor - Reach maximum level in the Athlete Career.
50 Points
You-Reek-A - (Hidden) Make a scientific discovery while taking a shower.
10 Points