Sectional - Quick Relations
Options on the quick relations adjustor:
- Mutual Relations... - Modify the relationship between 2 sims.
- Mutual Love
- Mutual Crush
- Mutual Best Friend
- Mutual Friend
- Mutual Acquaintance
- Mutual Enemy
- Mutual Strangers.../Retain thumbnails
- Mutual Strangers.../Discard thumbnails - delete relationship completely, including thumbnails from relationship window.
- Me Relations... - Modify the relationship of a sim with your selected sim. This will only modify the target sim's relationship value.
- Love Me
- Adore Me
- Like Me alot
- Like Me
- Know Me
- Hate Me
- Them Relations... - Modify the relationship of your selected sim with another sim. This will only modify your selected sim's relationship value.
- Love them
- Adore them
- Like them alot
- Like them
- Know them
- Hate them
- Group Relations... - Modify the relationship between your selected sim and a group of sims.
- Mutual Love - Everyone here, All males here, All females here, Everyone in neighborhood
- Mutual Crush - Everyone here, All males here, All females here, Everyone in neighborhood
- Mutual Best Friend - Everyone here, All males here, All females here, Everyone in neighborhood
- Mutual Friend - Everyone here, All males here, All females here, Everyone in neighborhood
- Mutual Acquaintance - Everyone here, All males here, All females here, Everyone in neighborhood
- Mutual Enemy - Everyone here, All males here, All females here, Everyone in neighborhood
- Relationship decay OFF/ON - This option will lock all residents (of the specified lot) short term and long term relationships at their current level until you turn decay back ON.