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This variable gives you access to various attributes of a Sim. Helpfully this data can be accessed even if the Sim is not instantiated on the current lot, because the Neighbor ID can also give access to this data.

hex dec Person Data attribute Details
0x0000 0 Sitting?
0x0001 1 Money Amount over Head
0x0002 2 Personality Nice See below
0x0003 3 Personality Active
0x0005 5 Personality Playful All the personality types comes in three ranges for most purposes. Can be seen as part of your Sims "Personality" page in the game. When comparing whether the Sim in question's personality is in these ranges the Global BCON with instance 0x0102 is most helpful, listing as it does constants for "Personality - [Med/High] Personality is >=" as Const 0x0102:0x11 and Const 0x0102:0x12 respectively.
0x0006 6 Personality Outgoing
0x0007 7 Personality Neat
0x0008 8 Current Outfit This is the current outfit type, e.g. 0 = Casual. This is not which outfit of that type they are wearing. It does not change if you change outfit within the type.
0x001B 27 tick counter
0x001F 31 neighbor id See Neighbor ID
0x0020 32 Person Type This provides some information about this person, for example whether they are a visitor. The values used are in the set of constants, Const 0x0104.
0x0028 40 route goal
0x0039 57 Job Promotion Level Shows which of the 10 levels of the career your Sim is currently working at. Used as the index into pay and working hours tables in the career object.
0x003D 61 family number This is a number representing a household unit - can be used to find all the members of a household for example. There is also a Global: Current Family which gives the family number of the household on the currently loaded lot.
0x0050 80 ci: Current Interaction Object ID
0x0052 82 Fatness [0-1000] Three ranges, 0 being thin, 1000 being fat. Can be seen as part of your Sims "Personality" page in the game.Fitness.JPG
0x0067 103 ci: Current Running Object ID
0x006B 107 School Object GUID 1 These two form the upper and lower portions of the GUID for the object that is the School attended by the Sim. Setting these to Temp[0] and Temp[1] and then using the Set to Next [prim 0x001F] with Object of type GUID in temp 0/1 will give you a Stack Object that you can then run call trees against and so on.
0x006C 108 School Object GUID 2