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Created by The French Sim is also know as the Geek planet. Its natural soil is usually green and mainly contains silicon and tin. Some say that this planet is able to think, thanks to some kind of artificial intelligence, but no one has ever managed to prove the rumor true or false. The atmosphere on has oxygen as its main component, and the climate is temperate.



Geeks have grey skin and their hair is usually a shade of grey, but many young people like to dye it. They also have a wide eye colour range ; most of them, however, have an innate short-sightedness and need glasses. Geeks were probably the only civilization in the universe to invent eye correction before the wheel.

They're also highly sensitive to viruses, which can have various effects, from making them imitate a chicken to destroy their memory to make one of their organs work a strange way.


Every Geek on is able to talk in binary. Some of them also learn more advanced language, like hexa, Java, HTML, PHP or C++. As a consequence, most machines on can be operated by voice. And a Geek can also control, understand and... socialise with... electronic devices on Earth.

Most Geeks also use leetspeak and error codes.

A poster depicting a missing person on won't read : "Missing : Frank Johnson. Frank was last seen on the 3rd of August, wearing a red sweater and jeans. Please call 0345164244 if you have information about him."

but : "404 : Criticalprocess OMFG !!!!!!11111!!!! :(( !seen Criticalprocess ( was last seen quitting from #home 17 days, 20 hours, 32 minutes ago stating (Quit: gotta go). 4nY 1Nf0 ? tehroxxors @pwn3dserver .gk thx ! lolz0rz"


(To Xanathon, modder at MTS2 , for his inspiration) The best-known dogma in's religion is the fact that the planet should only be named by using numbers between 0 and 127. However, a parallel doctrine states that it can also be called Localhost, which led to endless wars. Not real wars, more like life-like roleplay battles with foam weapons and huge bit-throwing contraptions. Indeed. And violence escalated when the Divine IP Byte was discovered. Anyhow, after millenia of war the warring factions discovered that no one knew the meaning of bits anymore, and the problem was circumvented by the Great Aliasing Command : Planet .name == localhost. Followers of both doctrines could then stop throwing dice at each other and yelling "Ha ! Critical failure ! You lose 15 health points ! You're dead ! Hahaha ! All your base are belong to us !".

Customs and culture

See also

Appears in