This Page is currently simply a stub, if you have information to contribute on any of these classes, please create the page and add info about it to this page.
Please ensure you give separate headings for classes, enums, interfaces and other object types
Contents |
- IAcademicLabObject -
- IAcademicTextBook -
- IAcceptsGarbage -
- IActor -
- IAdventureObject -
- IAlarmClock -
- IAlchemyIngredient -
- IAlchemyObject -
- IAllowCatchFlies -
- IAllowFacialIdles -
- IAllowLuckyBuff -
- IAllowUnluckyBuff -
- IAltar -
- IAmCleaningService -
- IAmEatingSurface -
- IAmFlamingo -
- IAmGnome -
- IAmPutInMailbox -
- IAnatomySkeleton -
- IAncientCoinPile -
- IAnnexRabbitHole -
- IAnniversarySculpture -
- IAppleBobbingContestStand -
- IAromainator -
- IAutoGameSpeedRabbitHoleInteraction -
- IAutonomy -
- IBandInstrument -
- IBar -
- IBarAdvanced -
- IBaristaBar -
- IBarkable -
- IBarProfessional -
- IBassGuitar -
- IBathtub -
- IBeachObject -
- IBeachtowelStereo -
- IBed -
- IBedDouble -
- IBedDreamPod -
- IBedPosture -
- IBedSingle -
- IBedTrashHeap -
- IBePushedCanCancel -
- IBird -
- IBirdCage -
- IBirdTree -
- IBistro -
- IBoat -
- IBoatNotUsuallyUsedForTransportation -
- IBonehildaCoffin -
- IBonfire -
- IBoobyTrap -
- IBoobyTrapExtended -
- IBookstore -
- IBotBed -
- IBotMakingStation -
- IBotShopConsignmentRegister -
- IBoxStall -
- IBoxStallAllowedInteractionDefinition -
- IBoxStallWooHoo -
- IBrainEnhancingMachine -
- IBuffetTable -
- IBuildableFountain -
- IBuildBuyListener -
- IBusinessRabbitHole -
- ICabinet -
- ICake -
- ICanBeDusted -
- ICanCountAsBeingIndoors -
- ICanExistNotOnLot -
- ICanHaveInvalidObjectId -
- ICanHavePuddlesUnderMe -
- ICanNotAddToFamilyInventory -
- ICannotBeDestroyedByMeteor -
- ICannotBeEyedropperPicked -
- ICanSatisfyAfterschoolRecitalOrAuditionOpportunity -
- ICanSatisfyMakeoverJob -
- ICanSatisfyMassageJob -
- ICanStudyFromObject -
- ICantBeDetonated -
- ICantBeStruckByLightning -
- ICantUseAnimatedSittingSocialsWhenUsing -
- ICardioInteractionDefinition -
- ICarryingHoloPetPosture -
- ICarvedPumpkin -
- ICatFoodSource -
- ICatInBagPosture -
- ICatPrey -
- ICatToy -
- ICatToyWallDancer -
- ICauseEffectSpawner -
- ICeilingClippable -
- ICertificateOfPartnership -
- IChairBarStool -
- IChairDining -
- IChairLiving -
- IChairLounge -
- IChairOwningEatingSurface -
- IChairOwningSurface -
- IChairScootable -
- IChangeRabbitHoleAmbientSounds -
- IChessTable -
- ICityHall -
- IClothingPedestal -
- ICollectableRelic -
- ICollectedAsDraggable -
- ICollectionDisplayMultiItem -
- ICollectionHelper -
- ICollectionHelperSingleton -
- ICommodityInteractionMap -
- IComputer -
- IConsignmentRegister -
- IControlHowSimsAcquireMe -
- ICookingAppliance -
- ICookingInteraction -
- ICostumeChest -
- ICouch -
- ICountAsProvideLightInteraction -
- ICounter -
- ICountsAsIndoorInteraction -
- ICraft -
- ICraftedArt -
- ICrib -
- ICriminalRabbitHole -
- ICrowdMonster -
- ICrystalFlower -
- ICurtain -
- ICustomComeAndSeeRadius -
- IDanceable -
- IDataDrivenObject -
- IDaySpa -
- IDebugSoundBox -
- IDecisionMaker -
- IDeletedIfOutOfWorldOnLoad -
- IDesk -
- IDestroyOnMagicalCleanup -
- IDisallowInteractionsInHeavySnow -
- IDish -
- IDisturbingElectronicObject -
- IDisturbingSoundObject -
- IDiverGnome -
- IDjTurntable -
- IDogFoodSource -
- IDoNotAddJoinInteraction -
- IDontUseAutonomouslyOutsideInRainObject -
- IDrums -
- IDumpster -
- IDustingKit -
- IEatingContestStand -
- IElectronicGate -
- IElevatorObject -
- IEquestrianCenter -
- IExtendableObject -
- IFairyBoobyTrap -
- IFairyHousePosture -
- IFairyRepairable -
- IFestivalTicket -
- IFieldTrippable -
- IFireOrSmokeEmittingObject -
- IFireRubblePile -
- IFireWorksBase -
- IFireworksBundleData -
- IFishContainer -
- IFishingCapableBoat -
- IFishingSpot -
- IFishTank -
- IFlagPole -
- IFlora -
- IFlowers -
- IFrontStageKit -
- IFutureFoodSynthesizer -
- IFutureObject -
- IFutureTravelInteraction -
- IGameObject -
- IGem -
- IGenerateCarTraffic -
- IGenericPerformanceObject -
- IGenericWatchInteraction -
- IGiftPile -
- IGigInteraction -
- IGiveComfort -
- IGlass -
- IGlassProfessional -
- IGlassWall -
- IGoToJail -
- IGraduationGnome -
- IGraveyardObject -
- IGreetingCardPhotoBooth -
- IGrocery -
- IGroupScienceStation -
- IGroupTalk -
- IGuitar -
- IGymObject -
- IGypsyCaravan -
- IHandleHandToolAllowIntersectionRecursion -
- IHandleObjectEnviorenmentEvents -
- IHandleUniversityGraduation -
- IHasComeAndSeeTest -
- IHasCustomFreakOutPosition -
- IHasCustomPrice -
- IHasCustomRouteOptions -
- IHasFootprintOnWorldLot -
- IHasFutureWorldTogglePathFootprint -
- IHasNoInteractionsCustomTooltip -
- IHasNoPhysicsShape -
- IHasObjectInventoryInteractions -
- IHasOwnThoughtBalloons -
- IHasPostBuyBehavior -
- IHasSnackBowl -
- IHasUnlockObjects -
- IHauntedGnome -
- IHauntInteraction -
- IHaveCustomTransitionForNullPosturePreconditions -
- IHazInsect -
- IHelm -
- IHighChair -
- IHitchingPost -
- IHitchingPostBeUntied -
- IHoloAdventureInteraction -
- IHoloComputer -
- IHoloDisc -
- IHoloPet -
- IHorseFoodSource -
- IHorseHauntableObject -
- IHorseJump -
- IHospital -
- IHotdogEatingContestStand -
- IHotTub -
- IHotTubSeat -
- IHoverTrainStation -
- IHoverTrainStationInteraction -
- IIgloo -
- IIgnoreLonerRestrictionsInteraction -
- IImageObject -
- IImplementsGameObjectRelationship -
- IInBoxStallPosture -
- IInsectJig -
- IInsectSpot -
- IInteractHere -
- IInteractionPreventsRoutingWithUmbrellaSometimes -
- IInvention -
- IInventionWorkbench -
- IJuiceKeg -
- IJunkPile -
- IKeystonePanel -
- ILargeBird -
- ILaserHarp -
- ILiveDragOutOfMyInventoryAvailableOnCommunityLot -
- IMagicBroomArena -
- IMagicGnome -
- IMagicGnomeEvil -
- IMagicGnomeFall -
- IMagicGnomeSpring -
- IMagicGnomeSummer -
- IMagicGnomeWinter -
- IMagnifyingGlass -
- IMailbox -
- IMailCarrier -
- IMapToTheStars -
- IMasterThiefsCoin -
- IMausoleum -
- IMaybeHauntable -
- IMegaphone -
- IMetal -
- IMetalMineralPotionDisplayCase -
- IMetaObject -
- IMeteorMagnet -
- IMilitaryBase -
- IMinorPetTerrarium -
- IMirror -
- IMobileRadioStation -
- IModifyChildrenEnvironmentScores -
- IMovieSet -
- IMurphyBed -
- IMusicalInstrument -
- INanite -
- INectarBottle -
- INectarMaker -
- INestedContainment -
- INewspaper -
- INonPersistableDreamData -
- INotHauntable -
- INotTransferableOnDeath -
- IObjectInventoryInteraction -
- IObjectUI -
- IOutdoorAcceptsGarbage -
- IOverrideGetSlaveInteractionName -
- IOverrideHandToolCloneObject -
- IOverridePetScratchRoutingBehavior -
- IOverridePositionOnFloor -
- IPainting -
- IParentedToObjectListener -
- IParkObject -
- IPartyObject -
- IPerformanceGnome -
- IPerformanceTips -
- IPerformForTipsInteraction -
- IPeripheralStereoSpeaker -
- IPetBed -
- IPetBowl -
- IPetFoodSource -
- IPetGuardable -
- IPetHouse -
- IPetSurface -
- IPetVoucherCloneMe -
- IPetWatchableFoodInteraction -
- IPiano -
- IPieEatingContestStand -
- IPizzaBox -
- IPlanterBowl -
- IPlayCatchObject -
- IPlayInstrumentInteraction -
- IPlaySpecialAcquisitionBehavior -
- IPodium -
- IPoliceStation -
- IPoolBar -
- IPoolBarPosture -
- IPopCaneAndUmbrellaPostureOnInteractionRouteEnd -
- IPopCanePostureOnInteractionRouteEnd -
- IPortableMp3Player -
- IPortfolioDigital -
- IPostBox -
- IPotionShopConsignmentRegister -
- IPowerCell -
- IPreparedFood -
- IPreventsDeath -
- IPricedInteraction -
- IProducesFood -
- IProtectFromTheWeather -
- IProvidesPetSkillFatigueMultiplier -
- IPushableStatue -
- IPushAsContinuationCanFail -
- IPutLedHorseInBoxStallInteraction -
- IRabbitHolePartnershipDeed -
- IRabbitHoleSellsGoodsOrServices -
- IReactToExtremeCold -
- IReadToSleepInteraction -
- IReadToSleepObject -
- IRecycleBinRummagable -
- IReduceBills -
- IRelaxationHole -
- IRelaxingPosture -
- IRelic -
- IRelicFactory -
- IRemovableFromFridgeAsInitialRecipeStep -
- IResearchStation -
- IResidentialHouseboatTrashCan -
- IResidentialTrashCan -
- IResortBuffetTable -
- IResortFrontDesk -
- IResortScoreObject -
- IResortStaffedObject -
- IRestaurant -
- IRideBroomArenaInteraction -
- IRock -
- IRockingChair -
- IRockingRider -
- IRoleGiver -
- IRoleGiverCustomIsSimGoodTest -
- IRoleGiverExtended -
- IRoleGiverOneNpcPerLot -
- IRug -
- ISarcophagus -
- IScarecrow -
- ISchoolRabbitHole -
- IScienceLab -
- IScriptObject -
- IScubaBuoy -
- IScubaCollectible -
- IScubaDivingInteractionDefinition -
- IScubaLotObject -
- ISculptingStation -
- ISculpture -
- ISculptureFrozenSim -
- ISealifeJig -
- ISeaShell -
- ISeatedSocialPosture -
- ISecretObject -
- ISemiBurnable -
- IService -
- IServoBotArena -
- IServoBotOilPuddle -
- ISetObject -
- IShelterObject -
- IShooAPet -
- IShoppingPedestal -
- IShoppingRegister -
- IShoppingSellTabDisabled -
- IShoppingStoreSetsQuality -
- IShowController -
- IShower -
- IShowFloor -
- IShowSlave -
- IShowStagePlaceable -
- ISimSculptureBase -
- ISingleServingContainer -
- ISittable -
- ISketchBook -
- ISkillCallbackUser -
- ISkinnyDippingPosture -
- ISleeping -
- ISleepingBag -
- ISlidingBookcase -
- ISmashableObjectWhileBurning -
- ISnackBowl -
- ISnakeCharmingBasket -
- ISoilRug -
- ISongBoostInteraction -
- ISpaTable -
- ISpirit -
- ISprinklable -
- ISprinkler -
- IStadium -
- IStageProp -
- IStairs -
- IStation -
- IStayInCommonSeason -
- IStellarObservatory -
- IStereo -
- IStove -
- IStrayCatGnome -
- IStrayDogGnome -
- IStrayGnome -
- IStrayWildlifeGnome -
- IStrengthInteractionDefinition -
- IStudentServicesBooth -
- IStuffedAnimal -
- IStylingStation -
- ISubObject -
- ISubway -
- ISuctionable -
- ISuperSpice -
- ISupportsBuyingVehicles -
- ITableDining -
- ITagBag -
- ITakePhotoInteraction -
- ITakesGreetingCardPhoto -
- ITeleporter -
- ITelescope -
- ITelevision -
- ITendingPosture -
- ITerrainMimic -
- ITerrarium -
- ITerrariumDisplayCase -
- ITheatre -
- IThrowAwayable -
- IThrownObjectsInfo -
- ITieUpInteractionInstance -
- ITimePortal -
- ITimeStatue -
- IToilet -
- IToiletOrUrinal -
- ITombTrap -
- ITreasureChest -
- ITreasurePedestal -
- ITreasurePedestalAllowedInteraction -
- ITreehouse -
- ITubeElevatorObject -
- ITutorialNPCService -
- ITVExpensiveOrBetter -
- IUniversityRabbitHole -
- IUrnstone -
- IUsableDuringShow -
- IUsesParkingSpace -
- IVehicleContainer -
- IVelvetRopes -
- IVelvetRopes1x1 -
- IVelvetRopes2x1 -
- IVendingMachine -
- IVGnome -
- IVGnomeObject -
- IVibratingBed -
- IVideoGameSystem -
- IVoucherCloneMe -
- IWakesLightSleeper -
- IWatchable -
- IWatchTipInteraction -
- IWaterPosture -
- IWaterToy -
- IWeatherStone -
- IWeddingArch -
- IWeddingCake -
- IWeightable -
- IWelcomeKit -
- IWhiteboard -
- IWooHooSocialInteraction -
- IZombieDanceTarget -
- BePushedCanCancelResult -
- ComputerGames -
- CraftType -
- DreamIdentification -
- HoloPetEmotion -
- HoloPetType -
- kStageObjectType -
- RegisterType -
- ResortObjectType -
- ResortReviewQuality -
- ShowEventType -
- ThrowObjectsCategory -
- WatchReactions -