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This thread is for the FloorPS shader comparisons between different versions based on the base game and EPs. Please keep this thread and only edit for the latest version based on EP. Preview-check before save.

How to use? The version was first saved from TS2 the base game one up to the Seasons one, and the versions are listed as summaries. Just choose the desired versions at the "history" tab after loading the "article" tab page for comparison. (coz there are histories for both the article and talk.)

Individual version can be found from the summaries in the history page.

EP0 == EP1 == EP2 == EP3 =/= EP4 =/= EP5 == EP6 == EP7 == EP8 == MG

"==" means identical/equivalent; "=/=" means not identical/equivalent "EP0" means the base game TS2 version, and the rests are self-explanatory.

EP5 vs EP4:

  • 1. + PS3 CHECK
  • 2. + ShaderPath2 check

EP4 vs EP3:

  • 1. + PS3 CHECK
  • 2. + ShaderPath2 check

click here, and choose the two versions of the same shader for comparisons or shader comprehension.
