Tutorials:Simple Mesh Replacement In Blender-Layers And Getting Mesh Pieces
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Layers and Getting Mesh Pieces
We'll now move our mesh to a different layer for easier editing, and grab a piece from the EA mesh.
Step 11
Press TAB to go back to Object mode. Press M to bring up the Move to Layer popup, and click the 2nd box to move the cylinder to the second layer.
Now right-click on the original tissue box and and press TAB to go into Edit mode. Press A until nothing is selected(nothing will be orange). Press NUM1 to go to Front view.
Step 12
12. Press B(Box select) and click and drag the box to select just the tissue part of the mesh.
Press SHIFT+D to duplicate the tissue and ESC to cancel the movement of it, so it will stay in the same place. Press P bring up the Separate popup and select By Selection. This makes the duplicate its own object. Press TAB to go to Object mode, and right-click on the tissue to select the duplicate(only tissue will be highlighted orange). Press M and move the duplicate to the 2nd layer with the cylinder. Press 2 to go to the 2nd layer.