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Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding 


CAS is all the manipulation of the "create a sim" tool within the game; this section covers how to edit parts of the program and its tools using different programs such as the CTU, it also outlines tools that are useful and/or vital for the tutorials. All the tutorials below have been split into specific categories.


General CAS Tutorials


Modding Tools

Tools that are required, that make things easier, or just plain fun!

Useful Programs and Plug-Ins

Creation Tools

Paint Programs

  • Paint.NET is one of a couple of programs that can be used to edit Sims 3 textures. Get it for free, here.
  • GIMP is another - free - program that can be used to edit Sims 3 texture files. Find it here.
  • Photoshop is, perhaps, the most used paint program. However, it can be very expensive. The bright-side is, a lot of schools/universities/jobs offer free or discounted versions of Photoshop to their students/employees.

DDS Plug-Ins and Converters

In order to get your textures to open in your paint program, you will need to install the proper DDS plugin for it or convert them.

3D Modeling Programs

  • 3ds MaxThis is an expensive but powerful 3D editor. It also features a free download program for students and educators.
  • Blender 3D is a free 3D editor that is well supported within the Sims community. It is extremely powerful and is the most commonly used editor for making things for Sims 4.
  • Milkshape 3D is not free, but not terribly expensive either. This program was popular for making things in Sims 2 and 3, and some people still use it for Sims 4.

The Glossary

For a glossed list of common CAS creation words and terms, see The Glossary

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns/Walls/Floors | Objects | Building | Modding | Advanced Modding