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Once upon a time, there was a very average middle-aged woman. She was laid off of one call center, and found another job in a call center. Unfortunately, she then was not able to meet her sales quota and was fired after 6 months. While she was working as a temporary in data entry, she broke up with her boyfriend. Four months later, her dear grandmother died. Her e-Bay business failed. Then, her beloved cat died. To console herself, she immersed herself in the game world of Sims and ate ice cream until she grew fat. She downloaded more and more objects for this game until her computer crashed. That's when things started to get funky. She restored all her files for the game that she had cleverly backed up on CDs and DVDs. As she played, she began to notice a green glow above her head. She began watching cooking shows to increase her cooking skill, and swimming to increase her body skill.

The green glow increased and coalesced into a diamond shape. She began reading books on computers to increase her mechanical skill, and books on organization to increase her cleaning skill. Then, one day she woke up and noticed it looked different outside her window, her carpet was clean and spotless, her rice cooker and crockpot had disappeared, and her washer and dryer didn't work. Then the doorbell rang. "Hello, I'm Mortimer Goth, and this is my daughter Cassandra, and my good friend Nina Caliente. Welcome to Pleasantview." In alarm, she looked around and noticed that her Toyota in the driveway had been replaced with a Ford. She looked where she usually kept her keys and was even more surprised to find a Ford key instead of a Toyota key. But it was all good, because the missing Toyota was 10 years old, and the Ford was spanking new and shiny. "Don't worry", said Mortimer, "in this town, cars are self-cleaning, and automatically vacuum themselves out every week. All the rugs are self-cleaning too. Every morning, all your clothes automatically clean themselves - thats why you won't find any drycleaners in the phone book. Just do a full 360 turn in front of your dresser to change clothes." That's when she realized she had really become a Sim.