Hello DragonFly. Great work you are doing on cataloging the poses. It's a big job and much appreciated. I have one suggestion, I see that you have linked up some of the poises with images already. If possible, if you could put a brief description of the type of poses next to the links on your alphabet sort page, visitors would have a better idea of what they are getting before they click all the way down. It will save them time if they are looking for kids, gymnastics, wheelchair, modeling, etc poses, they can then go directly to the ones they are interested in. :0)
Playful Love Pose Pack Playful Love Pose Pack - This pose pack includes eight playful poses for your sims!
Abby Balloon poses, Girl Model, Himiko's Weapon pose box - Himiko is the Second Coming of the role of the Warriors Orochi devil the LOLI
Or something to that effect... :0) I just request a brief description mainly because I hate drilling down so many pages just to see if it's something I want. It's nice to have a notice of what is there. :0)