‘It is more agreeable to have the power to give than to receive,’- Quote Winston Churchill. Sadly, I don’t think the people of Sunset Valley had ever heard of this particular saying…for all in Sunset were in the habit of scrabbling for power….and none of them had any intentions of giving it to anyone else…..
Some chose to nibble at power, attempting to prise it away slowly, bit by bit from others greater and above themselves…
Some believe that the journey to power is an easy ascension; and they are sure that they can easily usurp it and keep it for themselves without any sort of barriers or resistance.
But what happens when these two groups of people are directly in the way of each other? What happens when their desires are opposing and contradictory, what happens when they are both as equally set and determined as the other?
Well, continue on below to find out WHAT HAPPENS…
‘Mrs. Landgraab will see you now,’ said the secretary as she passed them a glance before returning to her papers. The Kennedies rose from their seats in the waiting room and walked through the door; on which the sleek plaque engraved with the words, ‘Queenie Landgraab; CEO’ shone; into a comfy and newly furnished office.
There, across the table sat the most sought after and famous Queenie Landgraab. She passed them a cool and calculating look, before she rose and they shook hands.
‘Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. I believe I had asked you for an appointment at 12:30 P.M precisely. It seems like it’s exactly…’ She away at the large clock for a second before continuing, ’38 minutes past the stroke of the clock, which makes you both….. 8 minutes late,’ she said with disdain, looking over at the couple piercingly.
Eustace and Eithelia stared at Queenie in shock. They couldn’t believe that she could be so insulting to them both on the very first day. It didn’t exactly make the best of first impressions. Eustace quickly tried to blow it all over.
‘I’m sorry, Mrs. Landgraab, you see, we have a daughter who’s just a year old, and…’ ‘Hmm,’ said Queenie, waving a hand imperiously, clearly not paying him any attention. ‘Please, be seated.’ The Kennedies noticed that it was nowhere near a request; purely a demand.
‘Now, down to business! Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, you’ve been asked to come meet me here today so that we could together discuss how we could improve the military security of this valley, in addition to attracting more youth to the military and the like…’
‘Why yes, Mrs. Landgraab!,’ began Eithelia enthusiastically. My husband and I have come up with some plans and procedures to improve the base as we see fit… The only thing we need is your permission and we can carry forward whatever we have in mind…’ Her voice faltered and died away when she noticed the cold smile playing Queenie’s lips. Something told her that she wouldn’t like what she heard next.
‘That’s all well and good, Eithelia, but we’re forgetting one small, minute detail here…. You see, just as you have so many, err, plans and aspirations for the military base, in the same way, I have already developed and perfected my own plans for the same, and I’ve received confirmation from Mr. Goth to go ahead with whatever I have in mind…’
Earnest cleared his throat and Queenie turned her attention to him. ‘With all due respect, ma’am, my wife and I come from an extensive military background. As far as I know, the same can’t be said about yourself. We do have certain theories and ideas in mind that we hope can help this town for the better.’
Queenie’s cold smile remained fixed in place. ‘I’m sure you do, Mr. Kennedy, but I repeat myself: I’ve already drawn up all that needs to be done in the military base. All you both need do is follow my instructions to the letter. Now, how hard can that be?’
For a few seconds, Earnest couldn’t understand what was happening. Then, when it finally dawned on him, he stared at her in disbelief.
‘She’s overriding us,’ he thought in shock.
‘She’s ignoring anything and everything we have in mind or plan to suggest, just to suit her own needs and hold power over us, and in turn, the entire military situation of this town…’
He opened his mouth to protest further, but his wife’s hand on his leg steadied him. ‘Thank you for your time, Mrs. Landgraab,’ said Eithelia crisply. ‘We will take a look at your plans, and will see whether they seem fitting to us or not.’
Queenie was immediately taken aback; it was obvious that she wasn’t used to her authority being circumvented. ‘Also, we are leaving a copy of our own work on your desk right now; I do hope you take the time to read what we have in mind; and see that, just like you, we only have the interests of Sunset at heart.’
The sarcasm dripping from her voice was almost palpable; it was clear to everyone present that Queenie had no one’s interests in mind but her own. With that, Queenie looked away from the two, signifying that the meeting was over.
Without a word of farewell or a second glance, the Kennedies rose and walked out of the room.
After they had left, Queenie allowed herself the privilege of a smile. They had proven tougher than she thought, but with a little more effort, they would soon be subdued and susceptible to whatever she had to offer them. She rose, and calmly threw the Kennedies’ dossier into the shredder. As she was doing this, her phone rang.
‘Hello, Queenie. How did your meeting with the Kennedies go?,’ asked Victor Goth. He was eager to find out what progress she had made so far.
‘It was very productive, Mr. Goth,’ lied Queenie sweetly. ‘We’ve already discussed and developed our stratagems together, and I know that they’ve made very fitting appointments.’
‘I’m glad to hear that, Queenie,’ said Mr. Goth warmly. ‘I do have some good news for you, myself. The renovations you had embarked on, attempting to convert Sunset’s small memorial are finished; Central Park now lies in it’s place. I hoped that you yourself would inaugurate it, seeing as it was all done by you, in the first place.’
‘Thank you, Mr. Goth, that would be such an honour!,’ gushed Queenie. When do you plan on having it?’ ‘Next Saturday evening, if that’s convenient with you.’ ‘Yes, sir, it is.’
Victor smiled. He had seen the newly christened Central Park, and he was astounded by the elegance Queenie had brought to the old memorial site. Pictures had already been leaked to the presses, ‘accidentally,’ of course, and due to that, more families had begun to move into Sunset.
‘Also, something else I’d like to update you on: you see, after news spread about the construction of Central Park, many people have recently moved or are moving in!’
‘The Crumplebottoms consist of the wealthy widowed Mrs. Crumplebottom, poor thing, and her two daughters, Cornelia and Agnes. We’ve also got Monica Wendyll, a single young woman, living alone, and old Sylvester Thompson. I’m sure we’ll all get to meet each other next weekend, at the inauguration.’
‘Definitely, sir. Thank you so much once again, for giving me this opportunity to inaugurate it myself. I won’t let you down.’
‘I know you won’t, Queenie. I’m looking forward to seeing you, with your family tomorrow. Take care, and goodbye!’