Felicity Island
Felicity Island
[Neighborhood & Suburb] | Vacation Destination
for The Sims 2
Updated versions by Adrime - 2021/07/11
Links & info in the post.
Populated Felicity Island by k-athleen - 2021/05/01
Links & info in the post.
FI40 - Minor update 2016/07/29
- Felicity Island (neighborhood view): changed: fixed positions of some of the wave effects
- Barren Banks, The Outlands: when visiting this community lot, Sims would spawn at the bottom of the ocean (reported by ZenGarden)
Changed: moved the pedestrian portal to a more appropriate location - Barren Banks, The Outlands: changed: removed the wave effect placeholder
- Sunny Hangout, The South Village: changed: fixed elevation of a portion of the lot terrain to reduce steepness
- Sunny Residence, The South Village: the ocean waves appeared to float in midair, instead of on water (reported by ZenGarden)
Changed: removed the wave effect placeholder - Sunny Residence, The South Village: changed: outside lights are now a different model
- Village Harbor, The South Village: changed: fixed elevation of a portion of the lot terrain to reduce steepness
Hi. Please read the yellow part, it's kind of important.
The lots and the island itself have no roads. This means you cannot put new lots down, you cannot move existing lots around in-game, and you shouldn't bin lots, as you won't be able to put them down anywhere. However, you have nearly 40 empty lots at your disposal, and you may rezone them, or resize them using Lot Adjuster. I recommend you use Sim self menu/Walk to Lot command to navigate to lots.
You need to have one in order to see all the lots of the island, given that some of the lots are placed near the very edge of the world. My personal pick is GunMod's Camera Mod 3.1, but you may use any other mod.
Needed to avoid the great amount of lag that could happen on big lots, the waterfall, or in neighborhood view (because of lots of trees).
Also, some of the required content is a default replacement of certain in-game items; I would therefore advise you to make a separate gaming environment just for Felicity Island, to avoid your other neighborhoods having barrels for street trash cans, etc.
The items on the following list are required in order to play this island.
- Castaway Stories CC Bundle compiled by DJ. (me)
- Cellar - suitable for your shipwrecked/Apocalypsed/medieval sims by Jasana_BugBreeder
- Default Replacement Community & Residential Trash Barrels by Sophie-David
- Designable modular stone stairs, with shape options by marvine
- Mod Stairs (Found, Clean Lumber, Energy Efficient) by devilsrope
- Moi's fence collection: Invisible Meshless TS2-compatibe Fence (...) by niol (note: you only need to download "Moi_FenceInvisibleMeshless-r.rar" from the collection)
- -Open Coals Rotisserie Spit- For Cavemen and Campers Alike! by Phaenoh
- Use Inaccessible Beds by Inge Jones
I got the idea of creating Felicity Island from the same-named neighborhood from The Sims Castaway Stories. What got me into making this big island is, among many other things, the limited real estate EA provided us with in their Felicity Island.
So, here's mine, with 80 lots in total.
The island has eight districts: The South Village, The Highlands, The Valley Village, The Grasslands, The Aurora Glade, The Hot Springs, The Outlands, and The Jungle.
You can find several different maps of this island and a list of all lot names and positions at the end of the gallery (at the top of this page).
The images at the top of this page give you an overall idea of what this island is about. You can find more pictures that I took while I was building this island in this thread.
- In the big yellow part at the top of this post, you can find different versions of Felicity Island. Choose the version you want. I recommend Adrime's versions, as they fixed some of the known issues found in k-athleen's and my versions.
- The neighborhood folder (FI40/FIUM/FIPM) goes to:
- Documents\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods
- The suburb (Shopping District) folder (FIUS/FIPS) goes to:
- if you don't have the Ultimate Collection: Program Files\The Sims 2 Open for Business\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplates
- if you have the Ultimate Collection: Program Files\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Best of Business\EP3\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
Note: make sure to get Fix subhood selection (Moo_AllowMultipleShopping.package) in order to have Felicity Island show up on the list of available shopping districts. - Required CC goes to Documents\The Sims 2\Downloads. Watch out for special installation instructions of modular stairs (I recommend you use The Scriptorium).
- A modded neighborhood camera file (Gunmod's, for example) goes to Documents\The Sims 2\Cameras.
- When traveling by vehicle, the vehicle will just appear on lot instead of driving and pulling over. It will also disappear when traveling off lot. This is due to lots having no roads and vehicle portals being placed on non-flat terrain.
- Saltwater Pools - reported by ApplezNBananaz:
Quote: Originally posted by ApplezNBananaz
I went to the Staltwater Pools and the terrain there has made a cluster of sims end up stuck on the edges or in some of the far corners.
If you've downloaded my version before and don't want to redownload the neighborhood, you can easily fix this yourself by fixing the pedestrian portals. Download the Portal Revealer, load Saltwater Pools to edit, go to Build mode, Doors & Windows, Double Story Windows, and pick and place the yellow flamingo on the lot. Now, search for yellow boxes with a red arrow on the top. Pick them up. The object description should say *Portal - Pedestrian. Place the box somewhere on a flat surface with enough space for Sims to reach it. Search for any remaining, sunken or otherwise inaccessible portals, and move them somewhere appropriate. Once you're done replacing the portals, you can delete the yellow flamingo.
This issue happenedprobablybecause I forgot to replace the portals once I tweaked the lot's elevation in Lot Adjuster.
The required custom content is listed at the top of this page. Do not play this island without the required bits in your Downloads!
There are also things I recommend having alongside the required CC. Content below isn't required, but helps bring out the true atmosphere of living on a tropical island.
Young Sims of Felicity Island don't attend schools - as in, schools in a modern sense. Let alone colleges! As kids and teens, Sims spend days exploring around, asking questions, and learning skills. The more skills they learn, the easier they get around when they grow up.
- BO - No Birthday and/or College Warnings by BoilingOil (note: version 2 recommended)
- Growing Up Wants Panel by Nopke -- to compensate for not having colleges, but to still enable the life wisdom that Sims may acquire throughout their lifetime
- NoMemoryUneducated (from "Squinge's Mega College Pack" collection by Chaavik) by Squinge
- nowantsatisifyuneducated (from "In Testing:Teens To Young Adult Without Going To College" collection) by Squinge
- School's Out Forever! No school, No school Bus! by Carrigon (reuploaded to SFS)
The Sims Castaway Stories content:
Bring out the Tiki!!! The classical outfits and body paint from the original game.
- Castaway Stories Tribal Tattoos Body Overlay by DJ. (me)
- CS Clothes:
- the original outfits from Castaway Stories: CS Tribal Clothes Without Tribal Tattoos (based on packages found in Tarlia's bundle) by DJ. (me),
- or Project Castaway Separates by Digi,
- or ParaisoCASUpdated by Neytan & LordCrumps I recommend getting this package only - it's got all the classic CS outfits, no tattoos, it's maternity ready, nicely categorized, aaand it's mix & match for tops & bottoms
- Fixed_CSFelicityIsland_SavedSims by Jawusa
- jaguar-dog_sims_2 by Darina Rose
- Polynesian Name Replacement for Felicity Island and Wanmami Island Playthroughs by aliensimhybrid
In case you'd like even more tiki.
- (TSR) Tiki Match Livingroom Add-ons 3 - Chess table by simaddict99
- Tropical Rocks - Hood Deco by PineappleForest
- TS3Store Sunlit Tides objects converted to TS2 by Crisps&Kerosene
Culture & Lifestyle:
Going to work? What does that mean? Did you mean going hunting?
- BO - Phones for All by BoilingOil (note: found under Personal Favorites, first post) -- in CS, everyone is reachable by shellphone
- Diving In the Ocean by Meduza for diving in the ocean; though Sims will change into the scuba diving equipment which is not very tiki
- Food Overhaul (Ingredient System) - Open Beta by BartekStu -- use in conjunction with the spears below to mimick the CS food points system
- "Go Hunting" Spears by hmiller61615
- Hygiene gain from swimming by gummilutt -- because how's sea water any different from collected rainwater?
- No more clothes changing at doorways by MogHughson (note: version C recommended) -- if you don't want your Sims to change to outerwear on colder days
- Perfect Plants by twojeffs
- Sell From Inventory by Midge the Tree -- useful if you'd like to establish a trading system between your Sims: have them sell things to each other directly instead of opening a business first
- Build & Buy Hiders, Castaway Flavour by k-athleen -- to have build&buy catalogs display only CS/tiki-themed content. Go tiki!!!
- Collection of 15 CAS Screens by Lenna9 -- beach CAS screen fits the theme best
- Pond & Sea Water Overhaul by Voeille -- it makes the ocean and ponds look a lot like the CS water. To have this mod work properly with this neighborhood, please make sure to add a 1x1 pool to all non-beach lots
- Wanmami Island Neighbourhood Terrain Remake by squaretable -- a close remake of the original Wanmami Island terrain (SC4 file)
k-athleen added Sims to Felicity Island!
Adrime took the time to fix the Saltwater Pools lot in both my and k-athleen's versions, and made suburb versions of Felicity Island!
Their versions still require all the CC listed above. All the important bits about no roads etc. also apply to the populated, fixed, neighborhood & suburb versions, as well as some additional information found in the actual posts.
I think I managed to mention it all. Hope you enjoy.
Additional Credits:
A very big thanks to our late Mootilda, without whom the Lot Adjuster wouldn't exist today, and without which this roadless neighborhood with unique-looking beaches would not be possible to make.
Thanks to Inge Jones for her Portal Revealer, which was also a much needed tool in making the lots look more natural without roads.
Thanks to k-athleen for taking the time to add Sims to this world.
Thanks to Adrime for updating and fixing the hoods, and for making the suburb versions.
Another big hug and thanks go out to Lauratje86, who's been so thorough in testing the pre-release version of this neighborhood.
Thanks to EA and Maxis, for creating The Sims: Castaway Stories. Without the game, I would not have ever got to know Felicity Island, and I wouldn't become so obsessed with it.
Thanks to Quaxi, Inge Jones, and numerous other contributors who made SimPE possible.
Thanks to all of the creators whose content I used in the process of making this island.
Also, thanks to Jawusa, for her heart-warming words she sent my way when the island hasn't even been published yet, and for taking her time to extract the Sims' appearances (and fix them!) from EA's Felicity Island.
Finally, a pat on the back to Prah, who was the person that suggested I posted pictures of this island wayyy back in November '15. If it wasn't for them, this island would have remained for my private use only!
- Bonfire by Sunni
- Bon Voyage Customizable Cafeteria by Ailias
- Castaway Clutter by delonariel
- Castaway Colours for the Minifridge by aelflaed
- Castaway Raft extracted by Eva
- Castaway Stories Bar - Now with Blender and Blended Drinks by rawmilk905
- Castaway Stories Trunk Seat by milanosims2
- Compost bin. Ć¢āā4. (Wood - light and dark). Recolor by SvetLanka by SvJW, recolor by DJ. (me)
- CS Items and Replacements (...) by WatersMoon
- decksupport_native by Havelock
- The Great Extracted Castaway Stuff Collection by meetme2theriver
- Hat's Saintly Statues - Pt. 1: CS Edition by Eva
- More CS Stuff by devilsrope
- Mud Spa by Fractured Moonlight
- Nengi Rock Spa - Marvine & Skyrim Recolors by Fractured Moonlight
- No Shadows Fix For Bon Voyage Foodstands by knightguy82
- Recolors of Psychosims Neighbourhood Sky (#8 Summer Morning) by nimi4, recolor by DJ. (me)
- Rock,Cliff Textures taken from CS as Replacements for TS2 by Havelock
- Sims 2 Shelf Beds by Inge Jones
- Steampunk Bubble Blower and Cushion Recolors by CrabOfDoom
- Targa's SupaFridge - Updated to FreeTime, uses Maxis mini fridge recolors by Lord Darcy
- Waterfall shower - and tons of rocks! :D by marvine
- Wood/bambooish recolor of Unique Separator by DJ. (me)
- Consult original creators' policies regarding usage of files included in the Castaway Stories CC Bundle.
- Redistribute, hack, modify however you'd like - just don't make financial profit out of it when sharing.
| Neighborhood - No Sims (minor update 2016/07/29)
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2016, 26.99 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsā¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 13th Jan 2023 at 9:40 PM - (2023/01/13) optional CC; (2021/07/11) Updated versions by Adrime
by Black Zekrom 2nd Feb 2012 at 7:17am
4 16k 15 -
by marka93 9th Apr 2014 at 7:38pm
177 129.9k 377Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Sion Neighborhood: With/Without CC
by ItrustinChrist 4th Jun 2016 at 5:40pm
+17 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment LifeMansion and GardenMiscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by topp 27th Dec 2016 at 6:21pm
+16 packsFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment LifeMansion and GardenMiscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Clean And Empty Neighborhood Templates
by Jawusa 27th Jul 2018 at 2:54am
110 111.7k 240Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Polynesian Name Replacement for Felicity Island and Wanmami Island Playthroughs
by aliensimhybrid 18th Jul 2021 at 7:50pm
+17 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment LifeMansion and Garden -
by MissNatalie 4th Apr 2023 at 12:23pm
+17 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment LifeMansion and GardenMiscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by Dina_Goth updated 25th Nov 2024 at 1:49pm
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and GardenMiscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by Dina_Goth updated 28th Aug 2023 at 12:52pm
+16 packsHappy HolidayFamily FunUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeCelebrationOpen for BusinessPetsH&M FashionTeen StyleSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeApartment LifeMansion and GardenMiscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Twikkii Island Genetic Infant Faces
by Kingakicia2001 6th Jun 2024 at 7:32pm
+1 packsBon VoyageMiscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
University | |
Nightlife | |
Open for Business | |
Pets | |
Seasons | |
Bon Voyage | |
Free Time | |
Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
Mansion and Garden |