More Cheat Shortcuts
Have you never cheated in The Sims? Well then, what are you waiting for? Join the dark side today! We have cookies!
Okay, let's just cut this short, and get to what you're here for!
As you know, cheats tend to be quite long, and some can be pretty hard to remember, too. That is where this Mod comes into play.
Building onto the original cheat shortcuts Mod by plasticbox, More Cheat Shortcuts adds... well, shortcuts for more cheats!
So, let's see what we've got here.
So this Mod contains shortcuts for the same cheats that plasticbox' Mod does + a lot more!! I'll walk you through all of them.
This Mod contains shortcuts in the following categories, as established by me:
Money & Funds
Perks (retail & restaurant & vet clinic)
Vampires (powers)
Vampires (misc.)
Jungle Adventure
Default: curfew.set_curfew <Time>
Shortcut: cur | curf | curfew <Time>
Possible values are; 19, 21, 23 - 7pm, 9pm and 11pm, respectively - this is by design, it's how the curfew system works; it's only coded with those 3 times. Other times simply won't work
e. cur 21 (sets curfew to 9pm)
Set Character Values (applies only to toddler through teen)
Default: stats.set_stat LifeSkillStatistic_<CharacterValueName> <Value>
Shortcut: cv | cval | charv | charval <CharacterValueName> <Value>
(values range from -100 to 100)
e. cv em 60 (gives value of positive 60 to 'Empathy' Character Value)
A list of shortcuts for each Character Value is included in the download!
Default: relationship.make_all_sims_friends
Shortcut: allfriends
Make selected Sim know ALL Sims, including recently deceased ones
Default: relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others
Shortcut: knowall
Spawn a friend for selected Sim with 50% friendship status
Default: relationships.create_friends_for_sim
Shortcut: spawnfriend
Default: testingcheats [on/off]
Shortcut: t | test | cheats | debug [y/n]
Toggle Cas Full Edit Mode
Default: cas.fulleditmode [on/off]
Shortcut: cf | casf | casfull | fullcas [y/n]
Toggle headline effects (plumbobs, thought balloons, Sim names, plant names, etc.)
Default: headlineeffects [on/off]
Shortcut: hl | hline | headl | headline [y/n]
Toggle hover effects (white outline around selected Sims and objects)
Default: hovereffects [on/off]
Shortcut: he | heff | hover [y/n]
Toggle free real estate
Default: freerealestate [on/off]
Shortcut: fre | free [y/n]
Get Sim ID
Default: sims.get_sim_id_by_name <FirstName> <LastName>
Shortcut: id <FirstName> <LastName>
e. id Bella Goth
Money & Funds:
Default: kaching
Shortcut: k
Add $50000 to household funds
Default: motherlode
Shortcut: m
Set household funds to any amount
Default: money <amount>
Shortcut: $ <amount>
e. $ 125000 (makes household funds $125000)
Default: bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement [true/false]
Shortcut: u | unl | unlock [y/n]
Show all hidden objects (buydebug items) in the catalogue
Default: bb.showhiddenobjects [true/false]
Shortcut: bd | buyd | bdb | buydb | buydebug | show | showobj [y/n]
Move Objects
Default: bb.moveobjects [on/off]
Shortcut: mo | moo [y/n]
Unlock gameplay reward objects + show hidden debug items
Shortcut: uall | unlall | unlockall [y/n]
Unlock gameplay reward objects + show hidden debug items + Move Objects
Shortcut: uallmo | uallmoo | unlallmo | unlallmoo | unlockallmo | unlockallmoo [y/n]
Default: stats.set_skill_level <SkillName> <Level>
Shortcut: ssk | sskill | skill | setsk | setskill <SkillName> <Level>
e. ssk gard 7 (gives level 7 of gardening skill)
A list of shortcuts for each Skill is included in the download!
Default: traits.equip_trait <TraitName>
Shortcut: str | strait | trait | settr | settrait <TraitName>
e. settr webm (gives Webmaster trait)
Remove trait from selected Sim
Default: traits.remove_trait <TraitName>
Shortcut: dtr | dtrait | deltr | deltrait | deletetrait | remtr | removetr | remtrait | removetrait <TraitName>
e. deltr torm (removes Tormentor trait)
A list of shortcuts for each Trait is included in the download!
Perks (retail & restaurant):
Default: bucks.unlock_perk <PerkName> true
Shortcut: uperk | unlperk | unlockperk | perk <PerkName>
e. unlperk rot (unlocks 'Register of Tomorrow' perk (retail))
e. unlperk addch (unlocks 'Additional Chef' perk (restaurant))
Unlock all retail perks at once
Shortcut: allretailperks
Unlock all restaurant perks at once
Shortcut: allrestoperks
A list of shortcuts for each Retail & Restaurant Perk is included in the download!
Powers (vampires):
Unlock specific vampire powers (requires target Sim's ID)
Default: bucks.unlock_perk <PowerName> true 40961 <SimID>
Shortcut: up | unlp | unlockp | power | upower | unlpower | unlockpower <PowerName> <SimID>
e. unlp detp <SimID> (gives 'Detect Personality' power)
e. unlp bth <SimID> (gives 'Beyond the Herd' power)
Unlock all vampire powers at once (requires target Sim's ID)
Shortcut: allpowers <SimID>
Reset all vampire powers (requires target Sim's ID)
Default: bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40961 <SimID> true
Shortcut: resetpowers <SimID>
Reset all weaknesses (requires target Sim's ID)
Default: bucks.lock_all_perks_for_bucks_type 40962 <SimID> false
Shortcut: resetweaknesses <SimID>
A list of shortcuts for each Vampire Power is included in the download!
Default: careers.add_career <CareerName>
Shortcut: sj | sjob | job | setj | setjob | sc | scar | scareer | car | career | setc | setcar | setcareer <CareerName>
e. setjob cul (start on culinary career path)
Get promoted
Default: careers.promote <CareerName>
Shortcut: promote <CareerName>
e. promote doc (get promoted in doctor career)
Get demoted
Default: careers.demote <CareerName>
Shortcut: demote <CareerName>
e. demote ent (get demoted in entertainer career)
Quit job
Default: careers.remove_career <CareerName>
Shortcut: qj | qjob | quitj | quitjob | qc | qcar | qcareer | quitc | quitcar | quitcareer | resign <CareerName>
e. resign sa (quit secret agent career)
Default: careers.retire_career <CareerName>
Shortcut: retire <CareerName>
e. retire det (retire from detective career)
Note: no matter what career you put, this will retire your Sim from all their careers, if they have more than one!
A list of shortcuts for each Career is included in the download!
Vampires (misc.):
Default: stats.set_stat commodity_becomingvampire 2160
Shortcut: turnvamp
Turns selected Sim into vampire instantly (without waiting a few days to complete transformation)
Default: traits.equip_trait trait_occultvampire
Shortcut: instavamp
Cures vampire (turns back into normal Sim)
Default: traits.remove_trait trait_occultvampire
Shortcut: curevamp
Assends selected vampire Sim to 'Minor Vampire' rank
Default: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202
Shortcut: minorvamp
Assends selected vampire Sim to 'Prime Vampire' rank
Default: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630
Shortcut: primevamp
Assends selected vampire Sim to 'Master Vampire' rank
Default: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058
Shortcut: mastervamp
Assends selected vampire Sim to Grand Master Vampire rank
Default: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486
Shortcut: grandvamp
Assends selected vampire Sim to Grand Master Vampire rank + gives 2XP each time cheat is entered
Default: stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593
Shortcut: maxvamp
Fully fill vampire energy bar
Default: stats.set_stat commodity_Motive_Visible_Vampire_Power 100
Shortcut: fillvampenergy
Fully drain vampire energy bar
Default: stats.set_stat commodity_Motive_Visible_Vampire_Power -100
Shortcut: drainvampenergy
Turns selected Sim into vampire ghost (the ghost with the little sun in the middle of their body)
Default: traits.equip_trait Vampire_Sun
Shortcut: vampghost
Has selected Sim die from sun exposure (works on both vampire and non-vampire Sims)
Default: stats.set_stat commodity_Vampire_SunExposure -100
Shortcut: sundeath
Jungle Adventure:
Default: traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeleton
Shortcut: skeletize
Turns your permanently skeletized Sim back into a normal Sim
Default: traits.remove_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeleton
Shortcut: deskeletize
Turns selected Sim into a skeleton temporarily for 12 hours
Default: sims.add_buff Buff_Skeleton
Shortcut: skeletize12h
Turns your temporarily skeletized Sim back into a normal Sim
Default: sims.remove_buff Buff_Skeleton
Shortcut: deskeletize12h
Turns selected Sim into a ghost that died by poison
Default: traits.equip_trait poison
Shortcut: poisondeath
Selected Sim dies of poisoning within 3 days, unless treated in time
Default: sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Rare
Shortcut: poisoned | poisoncurse
Cures selected Sim from being poisoned
Default: sims.remove_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Rare
Shortcut: curepoison | curepoisoned
Adds electrocution curse to selected Sim, causing them to be electrocuted when trying to repair broken objects during the 3 days this curse is active
Default: sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Common
Shortcut: electrocurse
Adds fire curse to selected Sim, causing them to spontaneously combust at random times during the 3 days this curse is active. Better keep that fire extinguisher handy!
Default: sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_Uncommon
Shortcut: firecurse
Cures selected Sim of electrocution/fire/poison curse(s)
Shortcut: curecurse
Though conflicts with other Mods are technically possible, it is not a likely thing to happen, nor should any future game update be able to break this.
This should work with any game version. Note that while this Mod contains shortcuts for cheats from EPs, this Mod will work with just the basegame or any EP combo - any EP cheats and their shortcuts will simply not do anything when entered if you don't own the corresponding EP(s).
1. Unzip/extract the downloaded .zip file
2. Place the 'shortcuts' folder directly into your Mods folder root
3. Delete the .zip file from before.
!important! DO NOT change the name of the 'Scripts' subfolder within the shortcuts folder; it needs to be named like that! You can, however, change the name of the 'shortcuts' folder itself, but if you do, make sure to also set the .py file to the same name, as they need to be the same name in order for the Mod to function.
Don't forget to enable Script Mods in the game options for this Mod to work!
plasticbox, who came out with the original cheat shortcuts Mod , which my Mod builds upon.
TwistedMexi (and others), for uncovering a lot of hidden cheats in the game files.
| Updated 1st March 2018
Uploaded: 1st Mar 2018, 15.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 22nd Apr 2021 at 11:38 PM
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