Faster Fixing Up The Fixer Upper Car
DB_Fixing_Bad.jpg - width=1280 height=720
DB_Fixing_Good.jpg - width=1280 height=720

This mod speeds up the process that is required to finish the Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car, a premium item that came with the Store world of Roaring Heights, from a heap of rusty metal to a driveable car.
It's a very simple XML tuning file.
And the effect is that your experience will go from this:

To this:

By default fixing the Fixer Upper Car will take 20 in-game hours, or 20 sessions, respectively. I changed this to a less nerve-wrecking duration.
Resources changed and possible conflicts
This mod changes the xml with the instance 0x090A0375B1465E8D inside the carFixerClassicRundown package (0xfd5bc411259c4a70ae7c8568439bd853.package). This xml contains most of the tunigs for interactions with the car, except for speed. It will conflict with any mod that changes the same resource. But it is in any case compatible with my Faster Vintage Car mod.
Quite obviously you will need the Store object for this mod to have any effect.
Other flavours
This mod comes in two flavours. The first one halves the fixing to 10 hours, the other one to half of that, 5 hours.
I left the duration of each session intact, but it is also possible to change that to more agreeable numbers.
If you installed the object as sims3pack this mod will go into your usual mod location. If you installed the object as packages you will probably have to place the mod in an Override folder instead.
Credits go to the creators of S3PE, i.e. Peter and Inge Jones
and nonamena for her tutorial on making XML tuning mods, formerly at simlogical. If anything goes wrong with my mod then it's nonamena's fault

Additional thanks to Arsil and Buzzler for helping me to get this whole modding business started.
Terms of Use
If you upload this mod somewhere else as your own and charge money for it make sure to send me an invitation to your funeral after you've succumbed to alcohol and hookers because of all the money you earned from it.
Uploaded: 2nd Nov 2015, 3.5 KB.
Uploaded: 2nd Nov 2015, 3.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 2nd Nov 2015 at 2:01 PM by Don_Babilon
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