Sims 2 Baby for Sims 3

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Because the Sims 2 baby was just the best!

Update 11th June 2016: Fixed the facial bone assignment that caused the face to become very wrinkled with some expressions. Also improved some details in the mapping of hands, knees and ears. These changes only affect this mesh with the diaper, downloadable here on MTS. Any other outfits will still use the previous version, unless the creator updates them as well.
For creators: The facial fix was done by assigning all polygons that were previously "left/right lower lid" to "left/right cheek". This can also be done manually in Milkshape.

This is a conversion of the ts2 baby mesh. It's noticeably larger than Quizicalgin 's mesh, and it uses the sims 2 head and face. I thought it might be a nice addition for slightly older babies. Technically, the whole thing, including body and diaper, is an outfit. It's enabled for both genders and Everyday (the only category that works with babies), and is not Valid for Random. Therefore you need NRaas MasterController to change your babies into the new mesh.

I mapped the mesh to work with the existing ts3 baby skins, so you shouldn't encounter any major texture flaws. However the look of the baby changes significantly depending on which skin you use. For best results I recommend you use a skin that supports a baby-body with legs. The ones shown on the example picture are by Urban Sim Boutique, Aikea-Guinea, and Kurasoberina (Primer). The one I used as a mapping reference and in the previews is Kurasoberina's Freckled Fruit Redux
There is also a new skin, make particularly for this mesh by Laerta Sims

Other Info:

The diaper has one cast-able channel and the one preset shown.

This mesh is compatible with all existing baby hair and certain accessories. This includes most things that go on head, neck and arms, Quianna's accessory tights, but no shoes. That being said, I haven't tested every single piece of baby cc out there. When in doubt about something, try it.

Bone assignment is as smooth as I could manage, though sometimes the mesh didn't play along nicely. A noticeable thing is that the mouth can't really open, so textures get stretched when the baby is laughing in the swing or stroller. Looks okayish though (and also strongly depends on the skin).

For Creators:

If you want to use this mesh in a project of your own, you can do so without asking special permission. Just don't do anything illegal and don't ask money for it.


There are clothes with this body-mesh available at
  • Sketchbookpixels (To avoid confusion: Downloading there is free, they just pretend to be a shop for roleplay purposes)
  • Laerta-for-Sims3 (unfortunately the download posts are gone)

Polygon Counts:
1175 vertices, 1758 polygons

Additional Credits:
This would actually not have been possible in this form, without the pioneer work of Quizicalgin and Aikea Guinea, who first made a baby with feet and a skin for it.

Credit for the meshes and the ts3 basegame textures goes to EA of course.

Thanks to the Programmers of SimPE, S3PE, TSRW, Milkshape, Photoshop and Gimp, all of which were used to make this item.
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