Modulin Set - Part 6 - Right End Playground

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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9

A green space for young and less young sims to socialize and play. This lot is meant to be connected to another lot from the Modulin set on its left side (see examples in the pictures).

If you use Dickhurt’s mod that allows toddlers to come to community lots with their care-givers, or a similar mod, your tots can play with some of the items in the sandbox! The water bucket, turtle mould and tiny shovel can only be used by toddlers, but they still make cute decor if no toddlers are around. Sims of any age can build sand castles from the two piles of sand, and children can play with the toy truck near the slide. All these wonderful items are from Bienchen83’s playable sandbox (included CC).
This lot is also pet-friendly (see the stealthy scratching posts, pet bed and chewing toy in the pictures).

So far, this is the lot from the set that is the lightest on CC, and many items were reused from the previous parts. As a right end piece, this is a good alternative to the Right End Flower Shop from part 2, which is much heavier on CC.

The upload is divided into three parts: the lot itself + the required CC in two parts. You need all three parts and the non-included CC listed below for the lot to appear complete in your game. As always, let me know if you encounter an issue.

Non-included CC

Downloads preceded by M are also required for the Minimart (part 1)
Downloads preceded by F are also required for the Flower Shop (part 2)
Downloads preceded by T are also required for the Toy Store (part 3)
Downloads preceded by B are also required for the Bridal Shop (part 4)
Downloads preceded by H are also required for the Home (part 5)
Downloads preceded by C are also required for the Corner Apartments (part 7)
Downloads preceded by I are also required for the Fishing Spot (part 8)
Downloads preceded by A are also required for the High-End Apartments (part 9)
Downloads preceded by ∞ are required for all lots from the Modulin set.
This means that if you’ve already downloaded another lot from the set, you can disregard the files marked with the letter corresponding to that lot, since you should already have them in your game.

Numeror - ∞CEP

BetterbeSim on TSR
CPure Inspiration Bathroom 2, Mirror hori. Used in the bathroom.

Ms Barrows on TSR
-∞Eloquence Single Glass-Ornate Door Straight
(Non required diagonal version here)
-MCIAEloquence Single Short Ornate Window
(Non-required diagonal version here)
-MFCIAEloquence Double Short Ornate Window Straight
(Non required diagonal version Chere)
-MFTCVictorian Indoor Railing - Peeling Blue
-MFTBCVictorian Fence-Matching Stairs - Peeling Blue
Important: There are custom instructions to install these stairs, you can find them on this page, under the “Required” tab (the stairs used in this build only require you to copy-paste the paragraph starting with “#msb_vicporch_peelingblue_modularstair”).

Included CC

Adele - Odette Build Set: broad wood floor in grey, simple floor tiles in cream
Ailias - "Scratch the Trees!" Invisible Recolor
Bienchen83 - Playable Sandbox: version01-all: digger truck toy (“sim2me_bagger_MESH”), sand castle (“sim2me_sandburg_GR+FT_MESH”), sand bucket (“sim2me_sandkasteneimer_FT_MESH”), turtle mould (“sim2me_sandfoermchen_OfB+PETS+FT_MESH”), sand box toys (“sim2me_sandkastenspielzeug_FT_MESH”)
Buggybooz - KitchenBasic set: master mesh BB_KitchenBasic_Counter
Buggybooz - KitchenBasic Extras, third download: shabby recolor
Buggybooz - Feast of Frames: first download: suspense style 2-tile frame, transcendence style frame 4; second download: RCs Transcendence_RC2SNMeisel, Transcendence_RC3SNMeisel
Buggybooz - Aurore bedroom: sofa bench, wall fadedblue
Gabilei123 - Recolors of Painting "Suspense", in Recolors_Suspense_Paintings: “GL_MHW_Dorf_Issac_Levitan”
Gwenke33 - Seasonal hydrangea bush: mesh and rec05
Gwenke33, HystericParoxysm - Seasonal Maxis tree recolours and resized trees: meshes: ShrubbyS_Jumbo, ShrubbyS_Large, ShrubbyS_Medium, ShrubbyS_Small, JapaneseMapleLarger, MidbiscusSmaller, WillowTreeSmaller
HCove, Riekus13 - Elephant slide + R13 recolor #02
Honeywell - Interior Wall Collection: Bohemian Brick in “Hi-Yo Silver!”
Lina - Back to Nature Playset: tower, tower RC browngreen, monkey bars
Liz - Claybee business set: community phone recolor “liz_biz_clyb_phoneComm-clay”
Michelle - Simple Sink NO Toothbrush
TheNinthWave - Sims 3 Store Olive tree
Numeror - Recolourable wooden modular stairs
P34nut - Yellow Birch Wooden Floor Collection: nougat
PineappleForest - Lamp Collection: in Vintage Lamps Collection: Glass&Brass master mesh AntiqueBilliardLamp_MASTERmesh, G&B Fantastical Street Lamp, G&B fence lantern, G&B lantern garden post, G&B round wall lamp; RCs MetalSteel, Paper-LanternWhite, Satin-PureWhite
PineappleForest - 1920s Schoolhouse Pendant Light: mesh + RC02
Pixelhate - Time Factor Walls: Wood 04-1, Wood 04-2, Wood 04-3, BrickStrip 05-A, BrickStrip 05-B, BrickStrip 05-C
Serabiet/io - Walls for liminal spaces pt. 2: Mabel_offwhite
Shastakiss YetiChalet recolors - BG dartboard charcoal recolor, FT game table rowboat recolor, BG bougainvillea purple recolor, BG hibiscus purple recolor, BG willow tree bluegreen recolor, BG Japanese maple bluegreen recolor, uni medieval sofa twig recolor, BG outside chair rowboat recolor, BG park chair/bench/table mermaid recolor, Mortared brick fence mm brickrolledgrey recolor, BG wood stairs twig recolor, BG wood fence twig recolor
Sophie-David - The Perfectly Natural Toddler & Pet Bed: mesh, RC Haygreen
TheJim07 - Built-in Halogen Spots
YanderePlum - Community bathroom stalls soot recolor

Default replacement (non-included, non-required)

Shastakiss - BG Community Trash Can Default Replacement
Shastakiss - BG lamps default replacements: “default_shasta_bg_ltgwallquaint”.

Additional CC used in my screenshots (non-included, non-required)

Criquette&WitheredLilies, Greatcheesecakepersona, Lowedeus - Skylines: “Alpine”
Curiousb - Neighborhood Terrain Default Replacements Set: dirt terrain replacement, dirt road replacement, road overlay (the download links to the bundles are broken, you have to use the yellow link to the individual downloads)
Lowedeus - The Great Sky of Totalitarianism: neighborhood skybox in “Tower”

Additional credits and thanks to Mootilda for the Lot Adjuster and the Clean Installer.

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