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Retired N00b
I no longer create content for The Sims 2, therefore my content is no longer supported/updated. I also do not remember how I made most of my work (I stopped creating game content a long time ago), so please do not depend on me to provide accurate answers to your messaged questions.
No Requests, period.
Some people say they do this so that when they put the house up for download, the people that download it can decorate according to their own tastes. However usually, the real reason is that they could not be bothered to decorate it. Make the effort to do so. People will appreciate a nicely decorated house, but more importantly, you need to decorate it so that you can see that the size of each room is not too big, and not too small, and that each room of the house has a purpose. |
-Mikeinside on Making Houses
I own all Sims 2 expansion packs, plus Teen Stuff, Ikea, and M&G. I'm only a casual player now, however, so I don't have all of them installed.