About Me:
Hi there!
I absolutely love creating things for Sims, though I haven't been able to make anything in a long while. I upgraded to Windows 8, so I am unable to make anything for The Sims 2, which is kind of disappointing...
In the meantime, I'm practicing and refining my writing skill (if that's what you can call it at this point.). My goal is to become an author. I love writing, and it's something I can hopefully make a career out of one day. I have some chronic illnesses that prevent me from doing much, so writing is a dream within reach.
I've enjoyed all the time I have to be creative, especially when it comes to Sims. In all honestly, I'm not that upset about not being able to do much, I'm actually thankful! Had I not fallen ill, I would not have been able to expand my education to the extent I have, and I never would have thought of becoming a writer and creator for Sims items. Hopefully I will be able to finally learn how to make some nice things for The Sims 3! ? It only took me until the Sims 4 was out to look into it! hahahaha
Remember to think positive no matter what, and above all INSPIRE INSANITY!