This paragraph contains spoilers if you haven't completed the story mode yet!
If you're unsure what you have to do when befriending the villagers, each one actually asks you to do a specific thing for them. Once you do it, they immediately become friends with you - there's actually no need for you to spam joke-gossip-tickle on them.
If you didn't pay attention on what they asked you or don't get their hints, check out this post.
Note: The Sims Castaway Stories, per user manual, "is designed for the casual and new player," and one is advised to "try the game without cheats." This probably means that Aspyr purposefully cut out some of the known cheat codes from TS2. This is a list of cheats that work, along with cheats that have been disabled, but where a workaround is possible to achieve a similar effect.
The cheat engine is disabled during story mode. You can only enter cheats in Shipwrecked and Single once you've completed the 24 chapters, or you can enter cheats at any time in Wanmami Island.
These objects provide alternatives for certain cheats that have been removed from the cheat system.
motherlode - adds 50,000 resource points to the active household
kaching - adds 1,000 resource points to the active household
familyFunds "Last Name" [optional:+/-][0 - 9999999] - not tested. The original cheat sets the given family's funds to the specified amount if there's no optional argument, or it increases (+) or decreases (-) the family's funds by the specified amount. Only the most recently founded family with the last name Last Name will be affected, in case there is more than one
money [optional: +/-][0 - 9999999] - not tested. Requires the allmenus cheat to be set up, but the cheat itself doesn't have to be set to on to use the money cheat. Must enter on a lot while playing a household. Works the same way as the familyFunds cheat, but only for the currently played household
Cheat console:
exit or <esc> - closes the cheat window
expand or x - expands or collapses the cheat window
clear - clears the cheat log from the expanded cheat window. Any cheats entered will still be in effect
aging [on/off] - toggles aging of Sims and hyenas. Orangutans never age
bugJarTimeDecay [on/off] - set to off to make fireflies and butterflies captured in jars live forever
boolProp controlPets [true/false] - toggle control of hyenas (orangutans not affected)
boolProp petActionCancel [true/false] - toggle ability to cancel hyenas' actions (orangutans not affected)
boolProp petsFreeWill [true/false] - toggle hyenas' free will (orangutans not affected)
setHour [0 - 23] - doesn't work. The original cheat would set time of the day to the specified hour value. Use Sim Manipulator to alter time
ageSimsCheat [on/off] - doesn't work. The original cheat would add an option to the pie menu to choose age for active Sim to grow up to. To age Sims up or down, use either Sim Manipulator or Sim Blender
addNeighborToFamilyCheat [on/off] - doesn't work. The original cheat would add an option to pie menu when clicking on Sims from a non-active household to add them to the active household. Use Sim Manipulator or Sim Blender to add or remove Sims from households
maxMotives, motiveDecay [on/off] - don't work. To alter Sims' motives, use Sim Manipulator or Sim Blender
aspirationPoints [amount], aspirationLevel [0 - 5], lockAspiration [on/off] - don't work. Use Sim Manipulator or Sim Blender
unlockCareerRewards - doesn't work. I'm not sure about the workaround. The potion station is already available at the Creepy Hollow, though
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled [true/false] - doesn't work. Since the original cheat has many uses, there are many workarounds to many of its functions
Build and Barter mode:
boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false] - allows objects to be rotated in 45 degree increments. Use the < and > (, and .) keys to rotate the objects; clicking and dragging to rotate will only rotate in 90 degree increments. Sims may have problems using some objects placed at a 45 degree angle, for example appliances. Plan for objects placed at an angle to be purely decorative
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false] - toggles the ability to fine-tune the placement of items, instead of being limited to just placing them at certain spots on the grid. If you find you can't place windows and doors because they won't snap properly onto walls, disable this cheat (by typing true)
boolProp constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - toggles the ability to change the elevation of floor tiles in areas that already have walls, floors, and foundations on them
boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled [true/false] - when set to false, enables barter mode when it's disabled. If you modify community lots this way when Sims visit them, changes won't get saved when you leave the lot
moveObjects [on/off] - doesn't work. The original cheat would allow you to pick up and delete locked objects ("can't pick up") or place objects where they usually couldn't be placed. While there isn't a known way to place objects without placement restrictions, there is a way to delete locked objects
changeLotZoning [residential/community] - doesn't work. You will have to manually change lot zoning in SimPE. Follow this tutorial, steps 1 - 4. On step 5, don't right click, but instead left click on the desired lot. In plugin view, under Lot Type, select either residential or community. Commit changes, and save the neighborhood file and close SimPE. Note: make sure no Sims are living on the lot at the time you're modifying it
vsync [on/off] - draws display frames vertically instead of horizontally. Set to off to slightly improve graphics performance, but you may experience graphics glitches, depending on your graphics card
boolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false] - while the cheat itself works and post processing is turned on if entered true, the actual post processing cheats (bloom, vignette, filmGrain, letterBox) have been removed from the cheat system, so it is redundant to have PP on
boolProp useShaders [true/false] - toggles the use of graphics shaders. This is required to view bump mapping, and also controls other graphical options in the game including visible fish in the ocean and clearer/prettier water effects. Some graphics cards cannot handle this option - turn it back off if you have problems
boolProp bumpMapping [true/false] - toggles the use of bump maps, a graphics effect that can add details to many items in the game, including walls, floors, clothing, and more. Some graphics cards cannot handle this option - turn it back off if you have problems. For more information, see: Game_Help:Bump_Maps_and_Shaderswiki
floatProp particleDensity [0.0 - 10.0] - sets different particle density (special effects, such as green stink clouds over dirty plates and others). 1.0 is default, 0.0 is no visible particles. The maximum value entered isn't actually limited to 10.0, but there isn't really a visible difference past 10.0, and the frame rate might drop depending on your system
plumbbobtoggle - doesn't work. The original cheat would toggle display of plumbbobs. Try downloading plumbbob hiders CC
loadLot [lot name] - doesn't work. The only (limited) alternative is to type in stringProp lastLoadedLot *x where x represents lot number, and then press F2 (or Return to Sim button) in neighborhood view. The limitation in this approach is having to know the lot number (for example, to load Village Residence, type stringProp lastLoadedLot *102 because the lot file of Village Residence is N001_Lot102.package). Also, F2 will only load occupied residential lots. It will grey out the button and do nothing if x entered is of an unoccupied or community lot
stretchSkeleton [0.0 - 2.0] - doesn't work. To modify Sims' height, you'll need to permanently set a different value in SimPE by following this tutorial
The MoveObjects Workaround
A very useful CC that will help you remove locked objects ("can't pick up") is Stuck Object Removerstuckobjremover_PlaceEverywhere (Barter mode > Nature). During the story, many objects are marked as locked to prevent the castaway from "selling" them or rearranging them; this includes for example flora of the castaway's base camps (Shady Lagoon and Castaway Beach). Certain lots also have some locked objects, such as the waterfall, or the Spawn Markers (small black rocks the size of an end table found on many lots). There could be other, invisible miscellaneous markers placed on the lot, preventing the user from building over that area.
If your lot is a residential lot, skip to step 2.
To get rid of the objects on a community lot, you'll need to convert the lot to a residential lot first using SimPE. Follow this tutorial, steps 1 - 4. In step 5, left click on your lot, and in plugin view, under Lot Type, select Residential. Commit changes and save the package.
Move a household on the lot if the lot's unoccupied.
Get the Stuck Object Remover from the barter mode, and place the yellow box on the same tile as the object you're trying to remove. If the offending object is more than one tile big, it is sufficient to place one Stuck Object Remover per locked object. Note: if you plan to play this lot as a residential lot, make sure to still have at least one Spawn Marker (Spawn Point) (small black rocks the size of an end table). If you have accidentally deleted it, you can unlock it in the catalog by using this mod.
Quote: Originally posted by Borja20
Have you ever wondered what's that rock you can't move in your Village Residence? It's like 10 tiles away in front of the portal. Well, it's the spawn point. It's the place where your Sims appear when you move them to the lot. I found out what it does thanks to a bug I had when I made Shady Lagoon a residential lot. I tried to move a family there but it never finished loading, apparently it was because of the spawn point. There is one already, but it wasn't working properly, so I placed another one and it worked.
Go to live mode and wait for a notification that will confirm that the objects have been deleted. Save the lot.
Optionally, move a household out of the lot. You may want to use the Stay Things Shrub (Moveout Object Stayer, Build mode > Garden Center > Shrubs, 1 resource point) in order for the game not to sell other objects when it moves Sims out.
To switch back to a community lot, follow step 1, just pick Community from the dropdown list. Make sure no Sims are living on the lot during editing!
Note: some tiles will appear as locked (for example, you won't be able to build a foundation over them), but you'll find that you can't place the SOR on that tile. In that case, try leveling the terrain, and then build again. Chances are, the stuck object got removed during terrain leveling.
Uninvited visitors
No need for CC for this one! If you have problems with random villagers barging into your huts uninvited, purchase The Terrifying Totem (Barter mode > Lighting, 50 resource points) and place it near lot portals. The visitors will be frightened by the totem and will soon leave the lot.
Known bugs?
The platinum aspiration tombstone object
In The Sims 2, when an elder dies of old age, instead of the regular grey tombstone, they get a white tombstone with golden edges and a golden embossment of their aspiration symbol. In Castaway Stories, the tombstone object is instead invisible. The platinum aspiration urns, on the other hand, are functioning properly. Luckily there's a fix!
Quote: Originally posted by Sarah Blanca
I found a workaround. Whenever my tombstone disappears I use mod urnstone spawner link:
and we are good. There is no platinum option, the urnstone looks basic, but for storytelling purposes it's just fine.
The rest of this paragraph contains spoilers if you haven't completed the story mode yet!
Your mate doesn't love you back
After completing the story, you'll find your chosen mate to be pretty resentful towards your hero(ine) - while your Sim may be in love with them, they will be close to 0/0 with them and won't love them back. This has got to be a mistake on developers' end.
If you'd like to repair their relationship, you can either:
initiate interactions as the native Sim (as the chosen mate) - since the story hero is head over heels in love with them, they'll accept all incoming interactions most of the time, and the native will slowly become more and more comfortable with them. Just watch out if the hero autonomously decides to hit on the native too soon!
use the cheat objects to set the relationship high for both sides
The natives aren't related at all
If you open the Manave household, you'll notice by checking the family tree that no one is related here - Nanihi is parentless, and the chief and his "wife" are just roommates.
The same goes for the Heimata household - and it's where things can get iffy - Rainui and Ahio aren't related either, and may start finding each other hot, ew.
You can use the cheat objects to fix their family trees and relationships to the appropriate status. You can also use SimPE to do that if you know how to do it. (I had SimPE throw errors at me when editing Nanihi's family ties, though.)
Custom Content
Hair, clothes, face paint and makeup that require expansion packs up to Seasons will work. Skintones and eyes will also work. Be careful of mods and objects, and don't get a CC that requires anything higher than Seasons. (Also, don't go around and install crap that isn't applicable here, such as no Crumplebottom bite etc.)
Try not to add any custom content before or during the story -- and especially don't add mods. I had Create a Sim crash a lot just by having custom skintones and scars and cuts makeup when trying to create my custom castaway.
In case you don't know, you usually import CC by placing the .package files to your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories\Downloads directory. In case the Downloads folder doesn't exist, create it.
In case CC doesn't show up in your game, follow this:
In neighborhood or lot view, click <esc> (Options menu). Click on the Game Options button which looks like a little gear or cog
Set "Catalogs Display Custom Content" to ON
Set "Display Custom Content Dialog at Startup" to OFF
Click on the Display Custom Content Dialog button (little snowflake), make sure that you select "Enable custom content" in the dialog box that appears, and click OK.
Restart the game for changes to take effect.
Also, to install .Sims2Pack files, you'll need to change the extension of the file to .SimsCSPack. Beware that most of these files won't go through, though, and you're better off with .package files.
FFS Lot Debugger (aka batbox) - a go-to tool for debugging common lot-related problems. Here is a link to a wiki article covering its options. Found under Barter mode > Nature
No Unlinkage On Urnstone Delete (aka nounlinkondelete) - stops irreversible character-file shredding when tombstones are deleted, so that you can always resurrect Sims, using for example Sim Manipulator (even after you get rid of their graves)
I have attempted to fix Felicity and Wanmami Island templates. I removed hidden and unavailable Sims, and fixed some smaller annoyances. These contain special instructions for installation. Beware that by replacing the original neighborhoods under player profiles will cause you to lose any progress you made for Wanmami and Felicity islands under the modified player profiles. Here is a link to the fixed templates.
Carrigon's website, Sims2Workshop, has been down for several years now, and I doubt that it will ever be functioning again, so that's why I'm linking to her mods. Here is an archive of some of her mods. Consider them unsupported and not recommended as there are safer, more functioning alternatives to download.
Golden Spider - cheat object that provides functionality of Vincent's Sim Modder. Not recommended because it has been reported that the spiders randomly duplicate and make unauthorized changes to the household food and resources points
No Selfgreeting Visitors - prevents visitors from bursting into your hut uninvited. Causes Sims on lots with only one portal (all residential lots except Village Residence) to disappear in a second of showing up at the portal, including invited visitors. Use the terrifying totem instead, explained above
Carrigon's person hack, modified by me - rearranges person pie menus to be categorized under Friendly, Mean, Romantic etc. interactions. Also, unlocks typical testingCheatsEnabled interactions (only on person menus), which are all found under "More ...", as well as provides access to Sims 2's cheat objects (Tombstone of L & D, Rodney's Death Creator etc.). I found issues while having this mod installed, because my Sims kept performing "Cheer Up" and "Congratulate" interactions on one another apparently without end
Hidden items (waterfall, Spauldig, the chalice shrine etc.) buyable
Borja20 made the hidden objects buyable via the barter mode. Some of them may not be useful, but they'll sure contribute to the overall architecture of the island. Note: placing down the hidden objects will often result in you not being able to pick them up again. If you haven't, make sure you get the stuck object remover from the same thread as well.
Additional residential lots
There are two ways to add more residential lots to your neighborhood. A fairly simple way is to convert an existing community lot in your neighborhood to a residential lot. (Pros: new residential lot, easy; cons: you lose a community lot.) An advanced method involves cloning an existing lot and manually inputting its XYZ coordinates in SimPE. (Pros: a new lot, you don't lose any other lots; cons: it's a tedious process.)
Note: there's no known way to add a new community lot to the game that the Sims would be able to visit, because there is no known way to alter the map, which is the only way to travel.
This can be done on any community lot, by using SimPE. Follow this tutorial, steps 1 - 4. In step 5, left click on your lot, and in plugin view, under Lot Type, select Residential. Commit changes and save the package. Note: Shady Lagoon and Castaway Beach have nearly all objects (trees, bushes) locked. Moving Sims there can be a pain if you'd like to modify the lot in any way other than building on already-exposed terrain. However, it is possible to get rid of the objects by following the MoveObjects workaround (you will need to then skip steps regarding SimPE, because you've already converted a lot to residential, and you don't want to convert it back to community).
Follow Mootilda's tutorial. This tutorial can only be used to add new residential lots (either copied from other residential lots, or from community lots and then rezoned to being residential).
Pets and other wildlife
ORANGUTANS A move-out mod for orangutans!
Getting rid of them in an unmodded game: move someone else in with the family, and have the newcomer immediately move out with the orangutan to the household bin or elsewhere on the island. (Move Out is an interaction available when clicking on the active Sim.) Orangutans do not die of hunger, old age, or anything, and they can't breed.
Truly adopting Mata, while is possible using various hacks, is pointless. She is impossible to interact with.
I have found that the only way a jaguar can be adopted AND interacted with is if you open the file of the jaguar in SimPE and change it from "cat" to "large dog." Even then, you'll have to put up with the jaguar barking, and its hind feet sinking into the ground during some actions.
However, in those circumstances the jaguar can be interacted with and owned.
In short, they appear on community lots late at night. Make friends and move them in. They can also breed! Yay, functioning biology in a life-simulator game.
Pros: cute. Cons: can't get a pet job, unlike dogs in The Sims 2 Pets.
If you're tired of just having hyenas as pets, you can try adding a wolf to your household. Wolves act nearly the same way as hyenas (which act the same way as dogs in The Sims 2 Pets). Wolves, as hyenas, cannot get a job, but they'll age and they can breed (though their offspring will require some SimPE magic to appear properly, see post 8).
To be able to have a wolf appear on your lot, you need to be able to have a Sim perform the hidden Summon Wolves interaction. This is best achieved by unlocking the AllMenus cheat. Note: while this cheat unlocks every non-debug interaction available, it is not advised to recklessly click every interaction there is. Just like the Testing Cheats Enabled, only click on interactions that you know the functions of, and be aware that there are certain interactions that may corrupt your game if used out of appropriate context or at all.
Once you've followed the link above (your globalProps.xml file is located in C:\Program Files\The Sims Castaway Stories\TSData\Res\Config), load the household you'd like to add a wolf to. Bring up the cheat console and type: allmenus on
Have an adult Sim click on the ground outside. Alongside Go Here and other options, keep clicking on More until you find the Summon Wolves interaction. Your Sim will route to the location, howl, and within a few moments, a black or a white wolf (or several wolves) will appear at the lot portal.
If you'd like, you can create a pack by performing the Summon interaction several times. Once you've finished creating the preferred number of wolves, bring up the cheat console and type: allmenus off
You can proceed to build relationship with the wolf (be aware that once they go off the lot, they'll only appear on community lots when other hyenas would appear). You can also set their relationship using Sim Manipulator. Using that same tool, you can immediately have the wolf join the household by clicking on Sim Manipulator:
Family... > Add Sim to Family... > (wolf's name)
Yes the "Golden Spider" hack is not very good to have in game for it will spawn 100's of spiders and other items and keeps adding to the Sims credit or food I don't remember which one.
A better mod is the Sim Blender remember don't use it for any thing other than motives until the story is done. (And this mod can be added for help with motives before the story is done.)
PS. How do you make the name of the item the link to it.
It would be nice if a mod could pin this useful topic, it's currently hidden on page 2.
I was about to open a new one called "What did you discover today playing the Castaway Stories?", like the one we have for TS2, but I guess our little discoveries count as tricks and therefore belong here, if you don't object, topp ?
That would also help keeping the thread on top.
So, I found out that sending sim children on a walk with the house hyena will quickly lower the child's temperature. I had never noticed that. Since the Social Worker is a pretty serious threat in this game, with children overheating just by not being in a closed room and being unable to swim in ponds/lakes, it can be good to know.
My sim child had an orange temperature bar, in the middle of the afternoon. She took the hyena for a walk, and while she was away from the lot, her bar dropped to light green, that's below the average green default temperature and just above the blue shades that indicate that the sim is cold.
I do agree that it's worth being sticky. This is pretty much a must read if you want to continue playing this game after story mode!
Also, thanks for mentioning my mod, I feel honoured.
I'm wondering, why didn't you link here your clean templates of the 2 hoods? I think they are worth being in the Neighborhood corruption section. I'll leave them here...
- Clean Felicity Island (story mode)
- Clean Wanmami Island
I did link to those, the links however are actually buried deep under some spoiler tags. A while back I think I came to a realization that there's something I could do better about those, so I was thinking of redoing them all, which is why I didn't put any extra emphasis for readers to get those. It's not that they're not clean (as clean as CS can get), it's that they're not as perfect as they should be. Ideally, for example, it would be the best if I could clean Felicity Island where no story took place (with either keeping the story engine or removing it). Then, no one's want trees would be messed up.
Also - holy shit, I made those when I was 15! Why was I so much into fixing corruption and not into just playing Sims stranded on a tropical island I'd sometimes wish to just go back and scold myself for not being laid-back more!
For future readers: this thread really also made me think whether deleting Sims necessarily equals corruption (which is the majority of work I did for the clean templates). Maybe all of those hidden Sims are, in fact, properly deleted & made hidden (having character file truncated and made unlinked) instead of their slots being made vacant for new Sims (having character file truncated and deleted, enabling for write-over - aka Pescado's Deleted 2). The thread imposes a valid question: is Deleted 2 simply an overkill (no pun intended) method to delete Sims, and was the in-game family delete button/grave selling a sufficient method after all?
Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.☕
This is perhaps new information: the NeighborhoodManager.package file apparently stores data about which story rewards objects you have unlocked per profile. (Edit: it also stores information on whether to begin story mode per this post.)
This person followed my advice from a Tumblr post about my fixed Wanmami Island neighborhood - one of the steps had said to remove the file. They seemed to have lost access to unlocked story rewards objects up until they restored the file:
Quote: Originally posted by TheSims23Nerd
It has come to my attention that if I were to delete the neighborhoodmanager as per what your installation instructions would state, it would delete all story rewards that was gained from the story itself. I was fortunate enough to have not erased my recycling bin with my previous neighborhoodmanager in it so I sadly had to ignore that rule if I wanted to use your fixes and have the story rewards in tact.
Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.☕
If you're tired of just having hyenas as pets, you can try adding a wolf to your household. Wolves act nearly the same way as hyenas (which act the same way as dogs in The Sims 2 Pets). Wolves, as hyenas, cannot get a job, can breed, and will age.
To be able to have a wolf appear on your lot, you need to be able to have a Sim perform the hidden Summon Wolves interaction. This is best achieved by unlocking the AllMenus cheat. Note: while this cheat unlocks every non-debug interaction available, it is not advised to recklessly click every interaction there is. Just like the Testing Cheats Enabled, only click on interactions that you know the functions of, and be aware that there are certain interactions that may corrupt your game if used out of appropriate context or at all.
Once you've followed the link above (your globalProps.xml file is located in C:\Program Files\The Sims Castaway Stories\TSData\Res\Config), load the household you'd like to add a wolf to. Bring up the cheat console and type: allmenus on
Have an adult Sim click on the ground outside. Alongside Go Here and other options, keep clicking on More until you find the Summon Wolves interaction. Your Sim will route to the location, howl, and within a few moments, a black or a white wolf (or several wolves) will appear at the lot portal.
If you'd like, you can create a pack by performing the Summon interaction several times. Once you've finished creating the preferred number of wolves, bring up the cheat console and type: allmenus off
You can proceed to build relationship with the wolf (be aware that once they go off the lot, they'll only appear on community lots when other hyenas would appear). You can also set their relationship using Sim Manipulator. Using that same tool, you can immediately have the wolf join the household by clicking on Sim Manipulator:
Family... > Add Sim to Family... > (wolf's name)
Actually the cause of the ill-looking wolf was a faulty mod. Everything works fine. I even breeded a wolf and a hyena (female black wolf and a male hyena1) without any complications. And grown up offspring look like this:
This is perhaps new information: the NeighborhoodManager.package file apparently stores data about which story rewards objects you have unlocked per profile. (Edit: it also stores information on whether to begin story mode per this post.)
This person followed my advice from a Tumblr post about my fixed Wanmami Island neighborhood - one of the steps had said to remove the file. They seemed to have lost access to unlocked story rewards objects up until they restored the file:
Did you found out the platinum aspiration tombstones fix by any chance? I tried to use default tombstone converted from TS3, but it doesn't work. It's like - there is absolutely no tombstone anyway, so you can't change it by default. Because you can't change what doesn't exist. But maybe there is a modder who can just add platinum aspiration tombstone to the game?
None of the mods using the TestingCheats functions (InSim, SimBlender, SimManipulator) seem to work for me. Does it have to be a particular version? Do I have to do anything special besides putting them into the Downloads folder? The objects don't show up anywhere in barter mode and DEST/SIM versions of the mods don;t work at all. Did anyone have a similar problem and has a fix for that?
The only thing that comes to mind is that you should get the Seasons versions of those mods, if available. I don't currently have the game installed so I'm not sure if there's a special menu in the game settings that toggles custom content...
Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.☕
Does anyone have a working sim blender/sim manipulator in the Castaway Stories? I'm trying to set it up and it doesn't show up for me. I installed the pets or later version of sim blender, so it should work with this game, since it's based on seasons. Anyone has a working mod in this game that wants to share their wisdom?
Does anyone have a working sim blender/sim manipulator in the Castaway Stories? I'm trying to set it up and it doesn't show up for me. I installed the pets or later version of sim blender, so it should work with this game, since it's based on seasons. Anyone has a working mod in this game that wants to share their wisdom?
I have the SimBlender and it shows up just fine in the Nature section of buy mode. I got it from here.
29th Sep 2024 at 5:15 AM
Last edited by LDL : 29th Sep 2024 at 5:24 AM.
Reason: Added a link for more convenience
Posts: 44
It works
Quote: Originally posted by Erika_Linda
Does anyone have a working sim blender/sim manipulator in the Castaway Stories? I'm trying to set it up and it doesn't show up for me. I installed the pets or later version of sim blender, so it should work with this game, since it's based on seasons. Anyone has a working mod in this game that wants to share their wisdom?
I got the Sim Manipulator in CS working just fine, but I only put the main package in the downloads folder, without the DestinationMenu AddOn and the SimMenu AddOn packages.
Here's the link: https://simmanipulator.forumotion.c...sim-manipulator
EDIT: The solution to graphic problems (Sims are blurred) is very simple. It requires the Graphic Rules Maker. I have the "Force texture memory" set to 4095 Mb, but it may be very taxing on your PC, so you don't need it that high. It depends on your PC - graphic card and CPU.
I wonder if there is a possibility to use separates in CAS or in the game after buying clothes from clothes rack. I tried everything, but there is only full outfit option enabled.
No Crappy Trash Pit and Outdoor Bamboo Toilet Mod
Fix the crappiness (low room / environment motive) of both trash pit (The Ash Grabber 5000) and outdoor bamboo toilet (Nature's Commode).
Hopefully these mods can help others with their gameplay
You can have cats in TS:CS too! I've just converted both cat's and dog's displays from TS2 (and downloaded some recolors from Cree), made it base game object and it works!!!
Here is the link to see the screenshot: and