Diary Entry 3
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Dear Diary,

Life has been going steady for the past three days. I have had time to conform a little more to my surroundings, in hopes to fit in - a little. Of course, I'll never be "one of the girls" or anyone's girl friend, I doubt. No matter though, that kind of stuff doesn't matter to me, even though it's all my mother seems to worry about. It's like she wants to jump into my body and get my life back on the right track, and fast.

I decided to go check out the theatre accross the street. The movie sucked, but, it was kinda nice to be out on my own - even though, as I've said....it was just right across the street. That was probably good though; I lost any and all driving prevleges back at our old home......long story, and so, I was able to just run across the road, and ta-dah, there.

And also.... I had a drank at the bar beside the theatre. Ok, it wasn't alcoholic, not like I haven't had an alcoholic beverage before though It was some sorta island punch. Supposedly it is a Trout Harbor signature drink - I, however, thought it was rather nasty, and don't plan on drinking another any time in the near future. I might be inclined to pull out my fake ID next time I go there, so I can get some real drink; instead of that filthy, seems like they drained liquid from a dumpster, island delicacy.

I also hit up a rather interesting conversation with this woman. I can't remember her name, don't even think I cared to ask. None the less, she seems like a twisted character, and that there is more that meets the eye. This doesn't really matter though, I doubt I will ever see her again. If I do, though, I might pick up another convo with her, and find out what she is hiding. Ha, look at me, playing "Inspector Gadget". I am so outa character here, I think that this island community is rubbing off on me. Ugh. I really don't wish to be part of some tight-nit environment, because then that gives people reason to pry into your business....and I don't want anyone in my business.

I went back, yesterday, in hopes to find some new clothes. I'm not a big shopper, nor do I like to run into a surplus of preppy clothes. And trust me, here on this island, about the only thing one can purchase is shorty-shorts, bikinis, tank tops, and flipflops. Heck, that's all everyone, well, all girls, wear. But, I did manage to put together a decent looking outfit using two differnet shirts, a black one, and a green one that had stuff written on it. The color is a little "out there" but, I guess that if I wait awhile before wearing it out in public, I'll get used to it. Who knows, it might help me look halfway normal in the eyes of haters....maybe then I can get a little lead before they come chasing after me to beat me down. They should be worn though... you don't beat me down, unless I totally fail at beating you up.

Until next time,

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