Chapter 7 - Running
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Bethany was moved to the cellar after Arryn left, and was taken her possessions including the noble robes. All she had now was a sewn rag cloth that she could wear.

At least the bed wasn't to bad. What she didn't know, was that this was the exact same bed her real mother used to sleep in during the cold nights at the Homestead. She fell asleep quickly that night, dreaming of the times with uncle Pettyr.

With Lord Arryn away, Meredith could have all that she wanted. She bought a whole new closet, the finest clothes from the finest tailors and refurnished the house. Her life was just perfect and now with little Elmegaard's arrival she could not find a better place to be.

A new crib was build for little Elmegaard and she inherited the room that her own father lived in as a toddler. The room would now be cleaned twice a week, as Meredith did not care for children bacteria.

Lady Meredith really did not care for children, but this hug would symbolize her feature heir, which was the key to her wealth and power. "Sleep tight, little one." She whispered and went to bed.

Meanwhile outside, the governess was told by Meredith, to make the little Bethany start working as a servant for the household.
Now, Bethany was raised by her real father as a noble, so she did not approve of this. When declining, governess Louise shouted at her.
"I'll tell you something, you little bastard.. I used to work here as a child. I know everything. I listened by every door. Your own father lied to you! You are a servants child. And when your father, Pettyr passed away, you are nothing. Now, work or leave!" She yelled furiously.

Little Bethany had no idea. Was Lord Pettyr her real father? Then, why did he not tell her? She was devastated and ran away from all the evil and lies at home.

She came to the market square and mourned for her lost father. She understood nothing at all. And after Lord Arryn left, she was now alone.
While all shred in tears, she found a sign. A blooming pink flower in the middle of the market square made of hard rock. How could it have grown there? She wondered and thought of the times her father, or Uncle Pettyr, as she thought he was, took her out to see the world.
She picked the flower and made a choice. She would not go back to the evil Lady at her childhood home. She had to survive somewhere else.
She went to the Docks, and looked across the sea. Wondering what could be on the other side of the big blue waters. But, for now, she did not have a boat and had to find somewhere else to stay for the night.

The Rat Hole, as some townsfolk called it, was abandoned and no highborn nobles men would look for her here. She opened the gates and found an empty room only home to crates of salty fish.
Now that she had left the noble family, what would happen now?

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