Chapter 23 - A Dream Of Dragons
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Welcome to Chapter 23

Florian spend a lot of time in the Royal Library to see if he could gather any knowledge of the Quest he had ahead. But all tales of Dragons and unusual creatures seemed to be just a myth. But then he remembered his encounter with the brave centaurs.

Florian had gathered his two best Knights. One of them used to be a commoner (Allistair, to the right), until Florian had seen him fight! The other one, Braavos (To the left) was the best knight in the entire Kingdom. To help him on his journey he had put his trust in these two.

"I will leave Praaven for foreign lands." The Prince said. His followers listened to his words. "We are close to starvation. I do not want our people killed by this god forsaken war! Are you with me? Will you join me on the quest of the Dragon?" He looked at his friends. There. He said it. Now they knew exactly what he was looking for. A Dragon.

"A Dragon?! Are you mad? Those haven't even existed for centuries, My Prince!" Braavos tightened his fist. Though he loved his prince, how could this possible save Praaven? To go hunt for something that had been dead for eternities?

"I only ask for your assistance on the Quest. None of you will fight the beast. I... I just know this is the only hope we have left for our beloved Kingdom."
The King looked with his darn blue eyes so pure of honor that no man could possible dis guard them. "All right. We will follow. But this is madness, you know." Allistair said.

But as the good Prince he was they decided to follow. They would ride for days until they reached the border of Praaven and the Unknown land. Here they would put up their tents, tie their horses and light the fireplace.

"I knew I could trust you. I promise you, I will fight for every mean possible to find that beast." The Prince said while his followers listened carefully. They admired his bravery, though his quest was uncompleted yet.

Allistair had a grey horse, Thunder. The horse had been given to him by The King himself for fighting for Praaven when the South tried to invade. There were strong and brave men in Praaven, but none of them would be able to defeat the South with an army of thousand men.

When night came the three warriors would sit down by the fireplace and have a common meal. They were all worried for their families, children and beloved Kingdom.

Florian sat alone for a while. He looked back on Praaven only divided by the Unknown Land with a wide lake. He longed for his home, and often thought of his sister, Princess Beatrice. Would she be safe now that he had left?

Florian felt asleep in the tent that night, worrying for his ever ongoing trouble. But he had a dream that night.

He found himself in his dream in front of a massive skeleton. It was wider than anything he had ever seen. Was this.. Was this a dragon skeleton?

"Evening, Prince. Have you done any soulsearching yet?" The lady in front of him. That was the same woman from the other time in the Vault. "What is this? Is this supposed to be a joke? This dragon's dead. Tell me what to do!" He pleaded in his dream. But she said nothing.

It was almost like she kept dragging him into this madness of old mythical creatures from long lost times, without even giving him any hints.

"I thought so. Prince, if you want to save the country you cannot waste precious time. Tomorrow go down to the Witches circle. Here you will find something to help you in your search. Sleep tight, Prince. I will leave you now and do not forget what this is really about." Her undead voice lingered long time after that in Florian's head.

Soul searching? Witches Circle? What was it really all about? He kept being more and more confused, but some people say you have to hit rock bottom before you can finally see the light.

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