Body Temperature Fixes & Changes

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This is a pack of 6 mods that change the way the temperature (introduced in Seasons) affects Sims.

The Sim body temperature ranges from -100 to 100. 0 is the most comfortable temperature.
The scale does not correspond to any real-life measurement.

Cold disease fix
With this mod, every hour, a Sim whose body temperature is:
  • extremely low (-85 or lower) and is not frozen, has a 5.1% chance of developing a cold – originally, the chance is only 1.1% due to an oversight,
  • moderately low (-30 or lower), has a 1.1% chance of developing a cold – originally, there's no chance due to an oversight.

Inside actions temperature change fix
With this mod, the outdoor temperature no longer affects Sims performing actions inside.
For example, in an unmodded game, if it's a hot summer, a Sim who's exercising indoors may quickly overheat and pass out – the same applies to sleeping indoors.

Passed out and frozen Sims fix
With this mod, a Sim who has passed out due to overheat can wake up for one of three reasons:
  • their body temperature has become low enough – as originally,
  • it's between 8:00 PM and 7:00 AM – originally, between 8:00 PM and 0:00 AM,
  • it's raining, hailing, or snowing on the Sim – originally, precipitation wakes a Sim even if not exposed to it.
A Sim who has frozen can unfreeze for one of two reasons:
  • their body temperature has become high enough – as originally,
  • it's between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM and the Sim is not in deep snow and is not exposed to any precipitation – originally, between 9:00 AM and 0:00 AM, without additional conditions.

Supernatural temperature caps fix
With this mod:
  • zombies are resistant to temperature as intended,
  • when a Sim has multiple life states (is a supernatural hybrid), all body temperature restrictions of those life states are applied.
    For example, a werewolf plantsim can't either get pale from the cold (werewolf advantage) or get red from the heat (plantsim advantage).
    Originally, only one of the restrictions would be applied.

Combustion chance changes mod
This mod changes the hourly chance for a Sim to spontaneously catch fire when they exceed a certain body temperature threshold.

There are 5 versions of this mod:
  • no: prevents Sims from combusting,
  • chance: 0.1%, threshold: 85: the original post-Seasons chance and Seasons threshold,
  • chance: 0.1%, threshold: 99: the original post-Seasons chance and threshold, i.e. when you have Bon Voyage, any later expansion pack, or Mansion & Garden Stuff installed,
  • chance: 1.1%, threshold: 85: the original Seasons chance and threshold,
  • chance: 1.1%, threshold: 99: the original Seasons chance and post-Seasons threshold.
Use only one version of this mod at a time.
A threshold of 99 means that a Sim may catch fire almost exclusively while being passed out.

The threshold setting is ignored if you don't have Mansion & Garden Stuff or any expansion pack later than Seasons. In such a case, the threshold will be always 85.
You can change the chance (0x1 line) and the threshold (0x5 line) by editing the behavior constant of the selected file in SimPe.
You need to subtract 1 from your desired chance (out of 1000), e.g. for a 5% chance you need to set the value to 49 (out of 1000).

Visitors may pass out or freeze mod
With this mod, visitors may pass out or freeze when their body temperature is high or low enough. Originally, they would never pass out or freeze due to temperature and try to leave a lot instead.
The try leave earlier version makes visitors try to leave a lot when their body temperature is too high or too low. However, when it's too late, it doesn't prevent them from passing out or freezing.

Use only one version of this mod at a time.
Keep in mind that this pack was designed to replace Warmth Fixes by Pescado. Therefore, consider removing it instead of resolving conflicts with it.

My modConflicting modWay to resolveComment
Cold disease fixWarmth Fixes by PescadoMy mod must load after the conflicting mod. You must also use the the combustion chance changes mod.A behavior constant in the conflicting mod doesn't contain a value used by my mod. The combustion chance changes mod is needed to have the value.
Temperature Mod by simler90Don't use it with my mod unless you want to use my combustion chance changes mod and you have the special version of the conflicting mod. Otherwise, my mod must load after the conflicting mod.The conflicting mod addresses the same issue. However, the special version also handles combustion in a custom way.
Inside actions temperature change fixWarmth Fixes by PescadoMy mod must load after the conflicting mod.The conflicting mod addresses the same issue to some extent.
Passed out and frozen Sims fixWarmth Fixes by PescadoMy mod must load after the conflicting mod.The conflicting mod addresses the same issues to some extent. It's not included in the description of that mod.
Supernatural temperature caps fixWarmth Fixes by PescadoMy mod must load after the conflicting mod.The conflicting mod doesn't address the supernatural hybrid issue.
Supernatural Body Temp by Midge the TreeDon't use it with my mod.The conflicting mod addresses the same issues and includes custom life states.
No Freezing in CAS by Lenna9Use Keep CAS Clean! by LimeyYoshi instead of the conflicting mod.
Combustion chance changesWarmth Fixes by PescadoMy mod must load after the conflicting mod. You also need to use my cold disease fix mod.The conflicting mod has the chance set to 0.3% and the threshold set to 90. My mod will override those settings.
Special version of Temperature Mod by simler90My mod must load after the conflicting mod. You also need to use my cold disease fix mod.The special version of the conflicting mod handles combustion in a custom way. My mods will override it.
Visitors may pass out or freeze – regular versionWarmth Fixes by PescadoDon't use it with my mod.The conflicting mod contains the features of my mod.
Temperature Mod by simler90Don't use it with my mod.The conflicting mod contains the features of my mod.
Visitors may pass out or freezetry leave earlier versionWarmth Fixes by PescadoMy mod must load after the conflicting mod.
Temperature Mod by simler90My mod must load after the conflicting mod.

Overridden resources
Resource nameType nameGroup/object nameTypeGroupInstance
ProcessBehaviour FunctionController - Temperature Receptivity0x424841560x7FBE21F60x00001004
Tuning - ExpringBehaviour ConstantController - Temperature Receptivity0x42434F4E0x7FBE21F60x00001007
CT - Warmth ModifierBehaviour FunctionController - Temperature Receptivity0x424841560x7FBE21F60x00001020
Motive Failure - Pass Out - LoopBehaviour FunctionController - Temperature Receptivity0x424841560x7FBE21F60x0000100E
Process - Update WarmthBehaviour FunctionController - Temperature Receptivity0x424841560x7FBE21F60x00001014
simNopke-visitorsMayPassOutOrFreeze and simNopke-visitorsCanPassOutOrFreeze-tryLeaveEarlier
Process - Motive FailureBehaviour FunctionController - Temperature Receptivity0x424841560x7FBE21F60x0000100B

New resources
Resource nameType nameGroup/object nameTypeGroupInstance
Sub - Adjust SO's Body Temperature To Warmth BoundsBehaviour FunctionController - Temperature Receptivity0x424841560x7FBE21F60x00001040
Sub - Adjust SO's Body Temperature To Warmth BoundsEdith Simantics Behaviour LabelsController - Temperature Receptivity0x545052500x7FBE21F60x00001040

jfade (The Compressorizer!)
Pescado (Warmth Fixes)
Pick'N'Mix (HCDU Plus)
simler90 (Temperature Mod)
Creators of SimPe
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Temperature Mods by simler90

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