Miss Aqua: Now listen here Chelsea, you can't keep letting this get to you, you're a professional!
Miss Aqua: I know, it is very hard to not have feelings for him ..
Miss Aqua: But you have to put them aside, it’s for the best
Miss Aqua: No matter how hard it can be, it must be done!
Miss Aqua: Phew, I feel better ..
Miss Cristay: And thanks to the efforts of all those involved, this project has finally been completed
Miss Cristay: This beloved town finally has its own Fire Station to protect its citizens in times of emergency
Miss Cristay: As representative of BPCI here today, I extend my congratulations to all members of this community and hope that this will be the first step towards a successful partnership between our company and the town in the near future
Sindy: So why didn't you attend the opening yourself? Don't you like the spotlight?
Mr.Blue: Not really, I got enough of that back home. I just want to keep a low profile here so I can move around without being hassled
Sindy: Oh I see. Well don't worry, I won't tell anyone that my boyfriend happens to be the most amazing man helping out my town
Mr.Blue: I appreciate that my dear, but isn't there someone you will tell?
Sindy: Well, I am going to tell my sister, but that doesn't really count, does it?
Mr.Blue: Oh yes it does! But don't worry, I would not expect you not to tell your sister every single little detail .. I learned that the hard way!
Sindy: Hehe, you got me! But what hard way?
Mr.Blue: Don't worry about that, it’s an old story
Sindy: Well I don't want to bother you with it, but why don't you tell me this old story?
Mr.Blue: Maybe in time Sindy, but for now let's just keep watching TV