Chapter 12 – Worlds Apart
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Mr.Blue: Miss Cristay! You beat me here!

Miss Cristay: I guess I did! Nice to see you again Mr.Blue

Mr.Blue: Always a pleasure Sonia! What do you have for me today?

Miss Cristay: Well, the plantation project is going well, construction is over and the workers are hired

Miss Cristay: We're just waiting for the fully-grown trees to be shipped in and planted, then we will start producing crops for this town and three others!

Mr.Blue: Congratulations on a job very well done! I am now even more keen that you are the right person in this position!
Miss Cristay: Thank you sir! Your confidence in me is very flattering!

Mr.Blue: Yes, but I do want to remind you to continue looking into the Theater project
Miss Cristay: Of course I will, and as soon as I have the file ready I will let you know

Mr.Blue: Very well
Miss Cristay: And what about industrial opportunities, have you any instructions for me about that?

Mr.Blue: That is still under consideration, but for now I have no plans of the such, so don't worry about it

Miss Cristay: As you wish Mr.Blue. But I can't help wondering ..

Miss Cristay: Why did you want for us to meet here?

Mr.Blue: Very good question Sonia! It's because this house now belongs to me

Miss Cristay: I have a feeling that since I'm here, it means that this is a business project

Mr.Blue: You are spot on. Welcome to the Blue Phoenix Bakery, the newest asset of our company! It will be your job to make this transformation from a residential house to a house of delights happen

Miss Cristay: That sounds like a good moto: 'Blue Phoenix Bakery - Your House of Delights!'
Mr.Blue: These ideas! They are what will get you far in this business, good job Miss Cristay!

Joe: So, no friendly people around here, are there?

Talman: Well it’s a prison, if they were pleasant people they wouldn't have ended up here

Joe: You have a point there!

Talman: So what are you in for?
Joe: Dealing drugs, I was outsmarted by an undercover cop

Talman: That's tough man! But hey, at least you learned your lesson
Joe: Yeah! Always run a background check on someone before you sell them drugs!

Talman: Hahaha, good sense of humor you got there!
Joe: For sure!

Joe: Hey, you can't be undercover cop ..

Joe: Want to buy some weed? I'll give you a really sweet deal!

Talman: Boy you are in jail and you still haven't learned your lesson? Man this system is definitely not serving its purpose!

Joe: Hey you can't judge me! We're all criminals here, we're all the same!

Talman: No we’re not, and I ain't no criminal! I did what I had to do to feed my family, I had no choice!

Joe: How does that make you any different from me? You still committed a crime!

Talman: I knew what I did was wrong and I learned from it! You still haven’t, and that makes us worlds apart!

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