Chapter 33 - No Chance
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Mr.Blue: You see Officer Greg is a general good guy, and as a cop he will be just that

Miss Aqua: What do you mean?

Mr.Blue: He wasn’t a random selection. He assumes good intentions in others, so even if the proof makes him incapable of acquitting Clee, he will try his best to not make Arlene look like a partner in the crime to satisfy his need to believe his trust in others is not completely false

Officer Greg: Arlene, I know this is all overwhelming but I need you to cooperate with me! Now I know you had nothing to do with this but I’m afraid that the proof against Clee is unarguable

Arlene: I still can’t believe it! I can’t believe she might do something like this!?

Officer Greg: Focus with me now and please answer my question: do you have any idea how your sister could’ve gained access to your files?

Arlene: Well to be honest, there was this one time at my office that I left her alone for about twenty minutes, that’s all I can remember …

Officer Greg: Did you securely lock your computer before you left?

Arlene: No, I never do. It’s Clee for god’s sake, I didn’t think there was a need to, she’s my sister!

Officer Greg: So she was left alone, with your unattended and unlocked computer for twenty minutes …

Miss Aqua: That’s how Clee’s opportunity comes to be, I’m on track. But I’m guessing this was not a coincidence?

Mr.Blue: Leave nothing to chance my dear, remember that!

Miss Aqua: Ok, you have my curiosity, tell me how you did it ..

Mr.Blue: Well, it was complex, but in a simple way! First, I had to get Clee to the hospital a few days after you got the information, so in the flash drive you used at Arlene’s office there was a hidden Trojan; as soon as you bypassed security it went into action and scheduled an appointment for Clee at Doctor Fergben’s office on Friday right after lunch time is over

Mr.Blue: Clee eventually arrived, found the doctor was going to be twenty to thirty minutes late, and like the creature of habit she is she went to her sister’s office

Mr.Blue: Next was the task of getting Arlene out of the office at the time that Clee would be there; now do you know how difficult it is to acquire a hospital pager and tweak it a bit?

Miss Aqua: I’m guessing not hard at all!

Mr.Blue: You’re right! A few pages sent Arlene on a wild-goose chase that ends up making her think her pager was glitching and needs repair. So she takes it to maintenance, in sum a process consuming twenty to thirty minutes of her time

Miss Aqua: A great and simple plan except for one thing: how were you so sure the doctor would be late?

Mr.Blue: Your analytical skills are sharp Chelsea! This is how it happened: The local bistro synchronizes its lunch time meal according to the needs of its customers, those who are able to afford dining there every day, mainly doctors and business men

Mr.Blue: Fergben was another creature of habit that always had his lunch at the bistro, and non-coincidentally that week he had won a customer loyalty offer of a free lunch for two, and yes it was on that same Friday!

Miss Aqua: Ok, this is getting really interesting!!

Mr.Blue: It gets better. The doctor would take the opportunity to take his wife out to a free luxurious lunch, the main course of which was ‘Exotic Pomegranate Chicken’, the bistro’s usual Friday lunch’s main course. Now take a guess of who the bistro’s new supplier of fresh pomegranate is?

Miss Aqua: Hahaha, genius! BPCI’s new plantation, right!?

Mr.Blue: Right you are Chelsea! And just as it happens, that day the delivery truck was an hour late, effectively pushing up the doctor’s lunch between twenty to thirty minutes; but of course he wasn’t going to miss out on the free meal, so he called his secretary and informed her that he will be late ..

Mr.Blue: And that is how Clee got her opportunity to commit the crime!

Miss Aqua: Leave nothing to chance alright! It's brilliant!

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