More Townie Sims Visit Community Lot (+ Business Lot's Customer)

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I am just into the sims 2 and I am really like this game.
But it is bugging me that I only can have 8 sims on community lot at once even though I have been using cheats "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims" and "uintProp maxNumOfVisitingSims" and set it to 30 for instance, in which only affect the number sims that we can invite to party. My community lots still feel empty.

I have tried to look mod that can increase number of sims visiting community lot but I cannot find one, but found also there are other people who have same problem with me. So I tried to make this mod (but I am really not an experience modder, this is my first mod) using overridden mod to change the number of visiting sims in community lot. Hope this mod can help other simmers who has problem with the cheats and still want see their communily lot full of sims.

For the result, you can see in the screenshot above.

Version 2 is here !! Has the same function as original version 1, but now is more simplified and more configurable. You can easily set the number of customer of your own desire using SimPE, change the value as shown in picture number 4, press commit and save. And also you can set random number of customer each hour based on min and max value you've set. If you want to set fixed number of customer like the one in version 1, just set min and max with same value (The upload version has value number of customer random from 20 to 30). You can set to whatever number you want (if your computer can handle it. I only use maximum 25 sims per lot in my PC). You can also can decide whether you want the value you set affect business lot or not. Please note that customer that visit your business lot will still be affected by your business rank, but the number is adjusted by community lot visitor you've set.

UPDATE version 2: Found by SleepycatDSL : My downtown lot tuning of value 100 will bring you 100 sims on lot eventually thus can cause great lag on downtown lot. So I remove the downtown tuning and add 3 lines of coding in "Downtown Lot-Process" to fix this problem. Now it only will bring sims to your downtown as you set in tuning file.

Flavours :
  • Version 2 of this mod only comes with 1 flavour but it can be configured easily using SimPE (See picture number 4).
  • The original version comes with 2 variants, that each comes with 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 visitors :
    1. Mod that will not affect business lot (e.g home business) and only affect community lot. This has same effect with the previous version but with cleaner package content (since I removed the business resources). You can find this mod with "nobusiness" in the filename.
    2. Mod that affect both community and business lot (based on the shop rank), with the formula for business lot as follow :
Conflicts (update):
I do not know if my mod will conflict with other mod though, but I think my mod will conflict with any mod that try to change number of visiting sims or change grand vampire appearance. For business version, may also conflict with business related since I change some of business resources. For ones that use sim wardrobe "customer limit adjuster" and that mod does not work as expected after installing my mod, try to load this mod before SW "custumer limit adjuster", since one of the resources I use also used in SW "Customer limit adjuster".

So technically, this mod will conflict with other mods that modified these resources :

Install :
For version 1, I upload 5 flavours of this mod with 2 kind of variant : 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 visitor to community lot that will not affect business lot and 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 visitor to community lot that will also affect number of customer visit business lot . Please install only one of your choice.
If you prefer some randomness and/or want some flexibility to set the value of your preference using SimPE, choose version 2 (only come in 1 flavour but you might want to edit the value using SimPE if the default value is too much)
Only install one mod version, one flavor of version 1 mod or version 2 mod
Just put the package file in "download" folder of your sims 2 data folder to use my mod. If you feel my mod not working, may be due to conflicts with other mods, try to change the load order (e.g with rename my mod into "z_pqw_morecommvisitor.package").

  • sims will not come at once but will come gradually
  • this mod will not affect the number of sims you can invite to your party. Use cheat "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims" instead for this purpose
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