Picket Fences! Part 7
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Picket Fences! Part 7

Joy made it home before Arlene got off the schoolbus and before Larry's carpool dropped him off from work.

"Did you have a good day at work?", Joy asked.

"Yes, everything was fine", he said.

"That's good", she said, "I'll get supper ready while you change."

Joy fixed spagetti for supper. Since her mind was on other things . . .

She had burned it.

"I'm sorry the spagetti is burned. I'll fix you something else if you want", she said.

"No, it's alright. Just a little overdone", he said.

"I'm up for that promotion at work. If I get it, I'll make more money and work less hours ", said Larry.

"Well that sounds like a good deal. You deserve it", she said.

The family watched television together for a couple of hours.

When it was Arlene's bedtime she gave her daddy a goodnight hug . . .

Then she hugged her mama goodnight.

After Arlene fell asleep, Larry and Joy relaxed on their bed.

"I didn't want to say it in front of Arlene, but the bonus that comes with that promotion will pay for everything we'll need for the baby", he said.

"I haven't decided yet if I want to have another one", she said

"Larry, I still need time to think about it", she said.

"Alright, let's just do woo hoo. We don't have to try for a baby this time", he said.

Then they did woo hoo . . .

Afterwards Larry and Joy both fell asleep.

The next morning over at Mary Lou's house.

Larry gave Mary Lou a tender kiss goodbye before his carpool arrived to take him to work.

The schoolbus came to pick up Julie an hour later.

Mary Lou called Joy . . .

"I'll make a fresh pot of coffee. Come on over and help me drink it."

"Alright Mary Lou, I'll be there in a few minutes."

When Joy arrived at Mary Lou's she poured herself a cup of coffee and sit down.

"How did Emily's doctor's appointment go yesterday?"

"Dr. Brian told her the babies were an healthy as they could be. We didn't have to wait too long. The only other patient there was Betty's little boy Mike. I didn't dare ask her what was wrong. You know how she is?"

"She must be happy about having twins. She and Sam want a big family", said Joy, "but you know something. I wish I had never told Larry that Emily was pregnant. Now he wants to have another baby. He said 'It would be kinda nice if we had a little brother for Arlene."

"So what did you say to that?", asked Mary Lou.

"I told him I wasn't sure I wanted to go through that again, but I would think about it", said Joy.

"Well, you shouldn't have told him you'd think about it. Now he'll pester you until you say yes", Mary Lou said.

"Mary Lou, I need a big favor from you", said Joy.

"Sure, you know I'll do anything for you", she said, "We've best friends. You're like the sister I never had."

"Well, just if Larry happens to ask, tell him I went with you and Emily to the doctor's yesterday. Alright?"

"Sure", she said, "And I'm not even going to ask you why."

"Thank you Mary Lou. You're the best best friend anyone could have", said Joy.

To be continued . . .

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