Picket Fences! Part 13
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Picket Fences! Part 13

After Mary Lou got home from Rhys Sawyer's place; she thought long and hard about whether or not to tell Joy that Rhys had a baby. Since it would be the newest gossip around town, she decided it was better if Joy heard it from her first.

"Joy, can you come over?", she asked.

"Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes", said Joy.

Joy walked in the front door a few minutes later.

She went into the kitchen where she knew she would find Mary Lou.

"Your stomach is getting so big!", she said.

"I don't have much longer before the baby comes", said Joy.

"Speaking of babies, Emily and Sam's twins grew up to toddlers yesterday". said Mary Lou.

"Nancy is a real beauty. She looks a lot like Emily."

"And Nathan is a cutie. He doesn't favor Jimmy much though", said Mary Lou.

"Well, Jimmy looks more like Sam and Nathan must take after Emily's side of the family", said Joy.

"While we're on the subject of babies, there's something I have to tell you. Rhys called me this morning and asked me to come over to his place. Joy, he has a son with his maid", said Mary Lou.

"Joy, are you alright?", Mary Lou asked concerned.

""Yes, I was just shocked for a minute", said Joy.

"Rhys decided to have the baby live with him because the maid is a NPC and she told him that Social Services would probably take him", said Mary Lou.

"Yeah, Rhys wouldn't want his son to grow up in an orphanage like he did", said Joy.

"Thank you for telling me", said Joy.

"You're welcome. I thought it was better coming from me", said Mary Lou.

Then Joy left to go home . . .

To her house next door. . .

Now that she knew why Rhys hadn't called her lately, she decided to call him.

"Hello Rhys."

"Hey Beautiful! How are you doing ?"

"Why haven't you called to see how I'm doing? Were you too busy making a baby with your maid?", she said.

"That happened before I met you. She was just another woo hoo. I didn't think she'd have a baby', he said.

"That's the problem Rhys, you didn't think", she said and hung up.

She relaxed on the bed and thought about Rhys. She wondered why he hadn't called her lately.

She took a relaxing bubblebath. She could feel the tension in her body melting away.

"Who am I to be telling him that he should have been more careful? Look what I got myself into", she thought to herself.

"Who am I to be telling Rhys HE didn't think? Look at the mess I've gotten myself into. I guess I'll call him back and apologize", she thought to herself.

But before she could get to the telephone, she started into labor.

Larry and Arlene had arrived home from work and school. They ran into the bedroom just in time to . . .

Witness the birth of Kevin Lawrence Anderson. The tan skinned infant has brown hair and grey eyes.

"We have a son", said Joy, "I named him for my father and for you."

To Be continued . . .

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