Picket Fences! Part 28
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Picket Fences! Part 28

Over at Mary Lou and Peter's house . . .

They arrived home with their new baby.

When Peter took Carrie in the kitchen to get her a bottle, Julie asked him if she could feed her baby sister.

He handed the baby to her and Julie gave Carrie her first bottle of milk at home.

Mary Lou called Joy and invited her over to see the baby.

"I'll be over in a few minutes!"

Joy arrived a few minutes later. Mary Lou greeted her with a friendly hug.

"Carrie's taking her nap. Let's have a cup of coffee and chat while we're waiting for her to wake up", said Mary Lou.

"Was having a baby in the hospital better than having one at home?", asked Joy.

"No, I wouldn't do it again. Peter had to wait in the waiting room until Carrie was born and then he only got to see her through the nursery window. The nurses would bring her to visit me for an hour, a couple of times a day. "

"Joy, did you know Rhys had another baby? One of his girlfriends was in the room next to mine. She had a little boy that looked exactly like Ryan and Kevin when they were babies", said Mary Lou.

"Well, Rhys does what he wants and it's not any concern of mine. All I have to say is that I hope his latest conquest has learned her lesson, too", said Joy.

"I would imagine she has, since he didn't marry her either", said Mary Lou.

When the baby starting crying . . .

Joy took her out of her crib and held her.

"She feels so good. I had forgotten how good it feels to hold one this little", said Joy.

"You should try for another one with Larry", said Mary Lou.

"Yeah, Larry would be tickled to death", said Joy.

Mary Lou put Carrie back in her crib, then she hugged Joy goodbye

To be continued . . .

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